DEV Community

Robert Ördög
Robert Ördög

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The F.O.M.O. Effect: How to Overcome the Pressure of Keeping Up in the Tech Industry

Technology has the potential to significantly advance and enhance many facets of our lives. It covers a wide range of professions and industries, including IT, electronics, travel, and energy. It has the ability to connect people and devices, process massive amounts of data, and automate tasks. Whole industries are changing as a result of developments in areas like AI, machine learning, and automation. Additionally, technology has made it simpler for people to connect and cooperate from anywhere in the world by enabling new forms of communication and collaboration. With the speed at which technology is developing, there is a seemingly endless potential for what it can accomplish, solving issues, increasing effectiveness, and improving our capabilities in ways that were previously unthinkable.

YOU and I as a software developer are to a certain extent in the best position imaginable to understand and utilize this technology in order to fulfill all your life goals, especially money wise. However, this might also activate the feeling called FOMO - “fear of missing out”.

1 - What is that?

FOMO is characterized as the anxiety or insecurity that develops when a person believes they might miss out on something significant or valuable. Missing new employment opportunities, technological advancements, or even social events, are examples of this. FOMO can be particularly pervasive in the software development industry, where new technologies and programming languages are constantly being developed.

Developers might experience pressure to constantly stay up to date with the newest tools and languages out of concern that, if they don't, they will fall behind in the industry. Fearing that they will be replaced by someone more qualified, they might also feel pressure to constantly advance their abilities. Developers may find it challenging to concentrate on their current projects and make decisions as a result of this constant need to stay abreast of the newest trends and technologies.

2 - Now that you know what FOMO, is let me tell you what harmful effects it can have on you as an software dev:

Burnout brought on by continuous learning and pressure: Continuous pressure to learn new skills and keep up with emerging technologies can cause burnout. Developers may find it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance because of their constant need to learn and grow.

Lack of concentration on ongoing projects: FOMO can result in a constant desire to learn and grow, which diverts attention from ongoing tasks. This may result in delays and missed deadlines, which can be upsetting and stressful.

Making decisions is challenging: FOMO can make it challenging for developers to choose which technologies or languages to use or which skills to concentrate on. This might cause them to become uncertain and lack focus in their work.

Reduced productivity and creativity: Constantly experimenting with new technologies or languages can result in a lack of mastery, which can lower productivity and creativity. Since they are constantly looking for the next technology or language, developers might also find it challenging to fully utilize the potential of one.

Software developers may experience significant stress and anxiety as a result of FOMO, which can make it difficult for them to enjoy their work and keep a healthy work-life balance. It's critical to be aware of these detrimental effects and take steps to counteract them.

3 - So what should you do to overcome FOMO?

Prioritize what is important for your current job or project and set realistic goals for yourself rather than trying to learn and get better at everything at once. Determine how many hours per week you want to invest in further education and research. Once this is achieved, you can pursue other activities, such as spending time with your family, playing games, or sports, without worry.

Maintain a healthy work-life balance by taking breaks: In order to refuel and keep a healthy work-life balance, it's critical to take breaks and unplug from work. I know this sounds very generic but literally, set yourself a timer and do every 90 minutes a 15 minute break.

Seek advice and mentoring from seasoned professionals: Seek advice and mentoring from seasoned professionals who can offer insight and guidance on the technologies and skills that are pertinent and crucial to the industry.

Instead of hopping between new technologies or languages all the time, concentrate on mastering a select few that are crucial for your current project or job. This will enable you to fully realize the potential of these technologies and more effectively develop your skills. You can utilize gamification here as well for example with programming games to fine-tune your programming skills in one language. Here are few I sometimes:

Recognize and value your achievements, rather than comparing yourself to others, and learn to appreciate what you have achieved. It's critical to keep in mind that each person travels at their own pace.

It's crucial to practice mindfulness and self-awareness because they can assist you in recognizing and controlling FOMO. This can assist you in prioritizing what's really important for your current job or project and enabling you to make more logical decisions. A common and well-proven approach is meditation.

That’s all from me, I would be very interested to know how you are dealing with FOMO. See ya!

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