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Rahul Sharma
Rahul Sharma

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3 steps to create custom state management library with React Hooks and Context API

3 steps to create custom state management library with React Hooks and Context API
In this article, I will introduce the React Context API for state management and create a similar solution as Redux without using a third-party library.

React Context API
It’s actually not a new idea. Context API as part of React for a long time, but only in an experimental state.

Since React 16.3.0 it’s officially stable and ready to use in production.

Without further ado, here are the steps

Step: 1 Creating Provider and connect function (same as react-redux connect and Provider) using useReducer, createContext & useContext

import React, { useReducer, createContext, useContext } from "react";
const initialState = {};
// Create App Context
export const Context = createContext(initialState);
export const Provider = ({ children, reducers}) => {
    const defaultState = reducers(undefined, initialState);
    if (defaultState === undefined) {
       throw new Error("reducer's should not return undefined");
    const [state, dispatch] = useReducer((_state, _action) => {
        return reducers(_state, _action);
    }, defaultState);
    return (
        <Context.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>
export const useDispatch = () => useContext(Context).dispatch;
export const useSelector = (callback) => {
  const state = { ...useContext(Context).state };
  return callback ? callback(state) : state;
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Step: 2 Connect react app to above created Provider

const actionMap = {
  INCREMENT: (state, action) => ({ ...state, count: state.count + 1 }),
  DECREMENT: (state, action) => ({ ...state, count: state.count - 1 }),

const countReducer = (state = { count: 0 }, action) => {
    const exec = actionMap[action.type];
    return exec ? exec(state, action) : state;

const reducers = { countReducer };
const App = () => (
    <Provider reducers={reducers}>
        <Component />
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Step: 3 Connect component to react Context

const Component = () => {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const { count } = useSelector((state) => state.countReducer);
  return (<h3>Context State: {count} </h3>)
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3 steps to create custom state management library with React Hooks and Context API

Live Demo: Here

3 steps to create custom state management library with React Hooks and Context API

Bonus Tip

export const combineReducers = (reducers) => {
  const entries = Object.entries(reducers);
  return (state = {}, action) => {
    return entries.reduce((_state, [key, reducer]) => {
      _state[key] = reducer(state[key], action);
      return _state;
    }, {});
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Top comments (6)

dkumar431 profile image
Deepak kumar padhy

This pattern is Okay if you are building a small scale application, but if you are developing a enterprise level application, I would surely recommend to stay away from this approach.
With this approach a lot of components will unnecessarily rerender (Note: There are ways to avoid it but it's bit complicated.) So if you are using large scale application always use some proven libraries like redux-toolkit or zustand etc

deepaksinghkushwah profile image
Deepak Singh Kushwah

Its very helpful. Thanks.

biomathcode profile image
Pratik sharma

Hey, nice article. You can add syntax highlights as well.

read here

devsmitra profile image
Rahul Sharma

Thank you so much, It's really helpful 😊

marcomoscatelli profile image
Marco Moscatelli

Great article mate!

devsmitra profile image
Rahul Sharma • Edited

Thanks 😊

Coming up with few more like this.