Hey all! š Iām Ryo, a Sr. Design Technologist at PlayStation. I do web dev with React/TS/Node and game dev with Unity/C#/C++/OpenGL/DirectX. Feel free to ask me any questions! š¤
Been working on my own version using Stylus/CSS browser extensions:
body,.stories-show{background:#303030!important;color:#F5F5F5;}/* Menu Colors */.top-bar,.top-barnav,.home.side-bar.sidebar-nav.sidebar-nav-block.sidebar-nav-subheader,.single-comment-node.inner-comment{background-color:#212121;color:#F5F5F5;}.top-barnavsvg{fill:#F5F5F5;}/* Content Box Colors *//* Only background */.home.side-bar.widget.cta-button{background-color:#424242;}/* BG + Text */.container.body{background-color:#424242;color:#F5F5F5;}/* BG + Text Color + Box Shadow */.home.side-bar.sidebar-nav.sidebar-profile-snapshot,.home.side-bar.widget,.home.articles-list.single-article,.home.articles-list.single-article.big-article.content-wrapper,.primary-sticky-nav.primary-sticky-nav-element,.container,footer.container.inner-footer-container{background-color:#424242;color:#F5F5F5;border:1pxsolid#252525;box-shadow:3px3px0px#252525;}/* Box Hover */.home.side-bar.sidebar-nav.sidebar-nav-block.sidebar-nav-element.sidebar-nav-readinglist:hover,.home.side-bar.sidebar-nav.sidebar-nav-block.sidebar-nav-element.sidebar-nav-readinglist.sidebar-nav-link:hover{background-color:#222;}/* Border Color */.single-comment-node.inner-comment{border:1pxsolid#222}/* Text Color */.home.side-bar.sidebar-nav.sidebar-nav-block.sidebar-nav-subheadera,.home.side-bar.sidebar-nav.sidebar-profile-snapshot.sidebar-profile-snapshot-inner,.home.side-bar.sidebar-nav.sidebar-nav-block.sidebar-nav-elementa.sidebar-nav-link,.single-comment-node.detailsa,.more-articlesa,.primary-sticky-nav.primary-sticky-nav-authora,.show-page-content-displaya,.home.side-bar.widget.widget-body.widget-podcast-epa{color:#E5E5E5;}.home.side-bar.widget.widget-body.widget-events-single-link,.home.side-bar.widget-link-list__itema,.home.articles-lista,.home.side-bar.widget.widget-body.sidebar-sponsor.sponsor-tagline,.home.side-bar.widgetheadera{color:#DDD;}
Cofounded Host Collective (DiscountASP.net). Cofounded Player Axis (Social Gaming). Computer Scientist and Technology Evangelist with 20+ years of experience with JavaScript!
Generally, analytics will be available soon.
Analytics, generally will be available soon
Analytics will generally be available soon
Analytics will be generally available soon
Analytics will be available generally soon.
Analytics will be available soon, generally.
Semantic Satiation has caused this sentence to lose meaning to me. I think there's something about analytics.
Not sure if it's feasible, but it'd be cool to see like which links got clicked on in the article.
Maybe also "Reading Time" which could be a metric shared similar to Medium where each article gets an "Average Read Time". That way you know before clicking if it's a short little discussion post or if it's more of a "read it over lunch" kind of article.
Really looking forward to the Night Mode!
Been working on my own version using Stylus/CSS browser extensions:
Why not submit a pull request?
Mind sharing a screenshot of how this looks?
Generally, analytics will be available soon.
Analytics, generally will be available soon
Analytics will generally be available soon
Analytics will be generally available soon
Analytics will be available generally soon.
Analytics will be available soon, generally.
Semantic Satiation has caused this sentence to lose meaning to me. I think there's something about analytics.
Not sure if it's feasible, but it'd be cool to see like which links got clicked on in the article.
Maybe also "Reading Time" which could be a metric shared similar to Medium where each article gets an "Average Read Time". That way you know before clicking if it's a short little discussion post or if it's more of a "read it over lunch" kind of article.
I'm hoping there's a way to do that while preserving the link address, so you can mouse over a link to see where it leads.
"When everything is !important, nothing is !important" - Ben
Can I use that quote? :D
I look forward to the analytics features.
You can use it but I wouldn't quote me. I've seen it as sort of a meme.
I'm immediately reminded of a similar line from The Incredibles
Will retrospective data be available?
Is this based on the Google Analytics API? Or do you do your own data collection?
It will pull from Google Analytics, but eventually we'd like to go self-hosted on this stuff.
Very cool! Looking forward to it.
The one thing that frontend and backend developers agree on is that styling is !important
Neat, thanks for the heads up!