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Coding Challenges 2024: What's Your New Year's Resolution?

What coding challenge do you hope to tackle in the coming year?
Share your New Year's coding resolution.

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Top comments (11)

vulcanwm profile image

I'm going to start earning money from coding!

bui378 profile image

Merry Christmas!
Money is most important in our life.
But I think that the perpose of coding or other working just is not for money.
We are contributing for other people's life and sociaty, and in that processing, we are making our rich things.

vulcanwm profile image

merry christmas!

that's completely true
i've been coding for around 3 years now, and i want to see how easy it is lmao
just trying it out

bui378 profile image

To be honest, my code challenge is to get more projects. Because developer's coding ability can be mastered throughtout the project completation.
So I am going to bid more new year.

skyloft7 profile image

I'm going to try to commit to learning C++.

It's much different than Java, and Visual Studio can't really compete with CLion/IntelliJ, but the stubborn desire to use OpenGL and Vulkan will prevail! :)

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle

To be kinder to myself. I know that may seem silly to some, but this is something I struggle with quite a lot.

jd2r profile image

I'm tired of just coding in JS, so for 2024 I'm going to be starting a blog series revolving around working with a new language every month.

aneeqakhan profile image
Aneeqa Khan

My goal is to create at least 1 new project every month and use a different language/framework with it.

jjokah profile image
John Johnson Okah

Tackle at least a thousand challenges from Project Euler and Hackerrank.

akashdev23 profile image
Akash Dev

Get a job in tech.

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