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Cover image for Congrats to the winners of the Frontend Challenge: Earth Day Edition! staff for The DEV Team

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Congrats to the winners of the Frontend Challenge: Earth Day Edition!

Earlier this month, we celebrated our planet’s largest civic event, Earth Day, by kicking off our second Frontend Challenge. We invited the community to participate in two prompts, with the opportunity to win in an additional prize category:


  • CSS Art: Earth Day
  • Glam Up My Markup: Earth Day Celebration Landing Page

Additional Prize Category

  • Earth Day: Awarded to a top submission that brings awareness to climate change.

The response was incredible! We received so many creative, skillful, and inspiring submissions that showcased the communities’ talent. But as it goes with every challenge, there can only be a few winners.

Congratulations To…

@schmoris for educating us all and showing what we can do with fewer resources. And by fewer resources, we mean CSS-only!

This game is incredibly polished and interactive, and an incredible demonstration of the challenge.

@devdongsu for designing an interactive and thoughtful Earth Day Landing Page with the HTML we provided.

This is a simple, accessible page that is usable across desktop and mobile devices. Despite simplicity, it includes eye-catching animations and personality. There were so many great submissions here, and this one really nailed it in the end.

@jorgedelcampo, our additional prize category winner, for bringing awareness to climate change.

Talk about story-telling with CSS! This is another submission which does more with less, and in this case we get a full story about our earth and our impact.

What’s next?

We’ll be hosting another Frontend Challenge very soon! Be sure to follow our challenge tags so you don’t miss the announcement.


This is the official tag for submissions and announcements related to the community Frontend Challenge.


This is the official tag for submissions and announcements related to DEV Challenges.

Thank you to everyone who participated. ❤️

We hope you had fun, felt challenged, and maybe added a thing or two to your professional profile.

See you next time!

Top comments (23)

jorgedelcampo profile image
Jorge del Campo

OMG! Thanks DEV staff!!. It's such an honor!! 😉🔥🎉🍾🍾🍾
And congrats to the rest of winners!! 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♀️

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


arndom profile image
Nabil Alamin

Your submission was so amazing 🌟

schmoris profile image

GZ Jorge!!! 😃

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Congratulations to the winners! Congrats to everyone that made some Earth Day projects.

schmoris profile image

Oh snap, thanks a lot and thanks everyone who left a nice comment on the project. It was a really fun challenge and I haven't felt inspired like this for a while 😃

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Awesome stuff

balagmadhu profile image
Bala Madhusoodhanan

Congrats to all winners !!!

mfalconi profile image

congrats all winner your submissions are well deserved! @schmoris the use of inputs for the interactivity is straight up ingenious man!

devdongsu profile image

Thank you, DEV Staff! And a big thank you to everyone who provided feedback in the comments! It was truly an enjoyable challenge!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Well done, everyone!!!

pathyatt profile image
Patrick Hyatt

Great job everyone

yowise profile image

Congratulations! 👏👏

sojinsamuel profile image
Sojin Samuel

Congratulations guys, you all nailed it