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Congrats to the GitHub Copilot 1-Day Build Challenge Winners!

Today’s the day! We are excited to announce the winners of the GitHub Copilot Challenge.

With over 175 valid submissions, this was one of our most popular challenges to-date. From audio-visual experiences to decentralized apps to web games, our participants gave it their all. There was a lot of competition, and the competition was fierce!

After much deliberation, our judges have completed the difficult task of selecting our three winners.Whether or not you win, we hope you’re proud of what you accomplished! Building an app within 24-hours is no easy task (but definitely made easier with GitHub Copilot!).

Read on to see who our winners are.

Congratulations To…

Prompt Winners

New Beginnings

@bridget_amana takes home our New Beginnings category with Focus, a minimalistic, one-task-only to-do list designed to combat cognitive overload by allowing users to focus on a single task at a time. It’s a new beginning every time you finish a task! With the help of GitHub Copilot, this project only took Bridget about three hours to build.

Fresh Starts

@jennyzzt impressed the judges with DearFamz, a mobile application that aims to help family members connect and understand each other better through simple interactions. Jenny relied on GitHub Copilot for high level guidance, auto-complete, switching models, refactoring, and more!

Transitions and Transformations

@josectoscano won the judges over with Life in Dots, a creative tool that offers a gentle yet profound reminder of our journey through life. Jose utilized GitHub Copilot for general support along with specific tasks such as migrating to a database and implementing authentication.

Our three winners will receive the following prizes:

Prompt Winners

All Participants with a valid submission will receive a completion badge on their DEV profile.

Our Sponsor

We want to give a big shout out to GitHub for organizing this challenge with us. They have transformed the way developers create, collaborate, and ship code. With seamless version control, powerful automation through GitHub Actions, and the AI-powered capabilities of GitHub Copilot, they are redefining productivity and innovation in software development. We are so happy they decided to partner with us - @ashleymcnamara and team were a delight to work with!

What’s next?

More challenges! More challenges! Check out our challenge page to see what’s launching next, and follow the challenge tag so you don’t miss any announcements:


This is the official tag for submissions and announcements related to DEV Challenges.

Thank you to everyone who participated! We hope you had fun, felt challenged, and maybe added a thing or two to your professional profile. See you next time!

Top comments (22)

jess profile image
Jess Lee
bridget_amana profile image
Bridget Amana

Thank you 😊

jennyzzt profile image
Jenny Zhang

Thank you! 🙏

ashleymcnamara profile image
Ashley Willis

Congratulations @bridget_amana, @jennyzzt, and @josectoscano!!! 🌟 🌟 🌟

bridget_amana profile image
Bridget Amana

Thank you🫶🫶

jennyzzt profile image
Jenny Zhang

Thank you! 🙏

jacksonkasi profile image
Jackson Kasi

Congrats, guys! 🎉 @bridget_amana, @jennyzzt, and @josectoscano. I absolutely love your ideas and work! 💡👏

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Congrats everyone!

harshanravi profile image
Harshan Ravi • Edited

Concern Regarding Fairness in Competition Judging Process

To the Organizers and Judges,

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to commend the efforts involved in organizing this competition and the platform’s commitment to fostering innovation. However, I am writing to express a concern regarding the evaluation process, which I believe merits further attention.

The competition rules clearly stated that the submission deadline was 19th January. However, I noticed that two of the selected winners submitted their entries on 20th January, beyond the stated deadline. Additionally, one submission appears to have undergone edits over a two-day period on GitHub, which raises questions about adherence to the rule requiring submissions to be completed within 24 hours.

This situation may conflict with the principles outlined in Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, within's governing laws of State of New York which prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices. Consistent enforcement of competition rules is vital to ensure fairness and maintain trust in the platform and its events.

While I respect the judges’ decisions and the efforts of all participants, I kindly request the organizing team to review this matter and address these discrepancies promptly. To aid in the resolution process, I have recorded evidence highlighting these inconsistencies and would be happy to share it privately for further investigation.

Transparency and fairness in competitions are critical to fostering trust and credibility. I trust that the team will take the necessary steps to uphold these values. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope we can resolve this matter constructively.

@ben @jess Looking forward to your prompt action in this regard.

Best regards,

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Thank you for sharing your concern @harshanravi. The competition deadline was 11:59 AM PT on January 19th. Rest assured, all winning entries were submitted before this deadline. If the timestamp on the submissions you're seeing shows January 20th, this is due to time zone differences in how times are displayed locally to each user.

vijaisuria profile image
Vijai Suria


Congratulations to all the winners! The projects are truly inspiring, and I deeply respect the judges' decisions and the effort behind organizing this challenge.

However, I’d like to share some thoughts on the evaluation process. For my submission under the "New Beginnings" prompt, I created an emotional support chatbot and a milestones recommender for goal tracking, both powered by GitHub OpenAI models. To manage usage limits, I implemented user authentication for applying rate limits. Since registration was required to test the app, it appears no accounts were created, which may have impacted the evaluation of its functionality.

Additionally, I noticed that some winning projects did not appear to use GitHub models as suggested in the guidelines. My project, on the other hand, extensively utilized GitHub Copilot and Models, and I provided a narrated submission video detailing the implementation.

I share this feedback not to challenge the outcome but to suggest considering greater transparency and consistency in evaluations for future events. It would help participants feel their efforts are fully acknowledged.

Thank you for organizing such a creative and inspiring challenge!

Best regards,

Vijai Suria

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Hi @vijaisuria, thank you for seeking clarity about our review process. We understand the disappointment when strong submissions aren't selected. The high volume of submissions means there will naturally be variance in how entries perform against our evaluation criteria. While we strive for consistency, the subjective nature of judging challenges means not every strong submission will win. Unfortunately, providing individual feedback to any participants would require us to do so for all submissions, which exceeds our current capacity.

lindiwe09 profile image

Congrats to the winners!

ayesha_imr profile image
Ayesha Imran • Edited

Interesting how one of the winning projects is literally a timer app that exists in everyone’s phones, a couple taps away.
Would be great if judges could be a bit more transparent about the criteria for winning.

Nevertheless, congrats to the winners. Probably their projects contained something specific that judges liked.

dyarawilliams profile image
D'yara Williams

Congrats @bridget_amana @jennyzzt and @josectoscano 🫶🏾

jennyzzt profile image
Jenny Zhang

Thank you! 🙏

shravzzv profile image
Sai Shravan Vadla • Edited

I'm reaching out because I participated in the challenge as well, and while I completely respect the judges' decision, I was a bit curious about the judging process. A sign up was required to test my application, I was wondering if there was a reason why none of the judges signed up for mine (I checked with my database). I'm okay with losing, but I'm not okay with being treated unfairly.

I understand that judging many applications must be a tough task, and I'm always eager to learn and improve my development skills. If there's any feedback you could offer on my project, I'd be incredibly grateful!

Thanks again, and congrats once more to the winners!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Hey @shravzzv, thank you for seeking clarity about our review process. We understand the disappointment when strong submissions aren't selected. The high volume of submissions means there will naturally be variance in how entries perform against our evaluation criteria. While we strive for consistency, the subjective nature of judging challenges means not every strong submission will win. Unfortunately, providing individual feedback to any participants would require us to do so for all submissions, which exceeds our current capacity.