Hey Calin,
one time I heard from creating a water cooler for remote collaboration was in the Remote book from the Basecamp guys.
These are the tips for collaborating remotely mentioned in that book, taken from this review:
Try to make sure that employees on different time zones have about four hours of overlap in working hours.
Use screenshots or screencasts to communicate information.
Share information openly on work schedules, to-do’s, calendars, and files.
Create a “virtual water cooler,” a chat forum for fun and social stuff.
Share progress with each other to fuel that sense of achievement and momentum.
Consider a hybrid strategy, with some employees working in the office and some at home. (37signals has a Chicago office with about 10 people, while the other 26 are spread across the world.)
Don’t only try one remote worker – try at least a team.
I'm a Software Engineer and a teacher.
There's no feeling quite like the one you get when you watch someone's eyes light up learning something they didn't know.
At my 30s I found out that there was a developer inside a Political Science Graduated.
I've been COO an CMO for 4 years but I decided to persue my dream and become a Front-end developer:)
Elche, Alicante, Spain
Certificate of Higher Education for Web Applications Development & Degree in Political Science
It went live a little while ago but we didn’t take the final steps to make it an officially supported tag.
We actually wrote some code to make this tag show up less in the feed if you don’t follow because we didn’t want it to bother folks who are here just for technical stuff.
Hey Calin,
one time I heard from creating a water cooler for remote collaboration was in the Remote book from the Basecamp guys.
These are the tips for collaborating remotely mentioned in that book, taken from this review:
Not sure if that's the real origin of it, though.
Oh, by the way. We're looking for watercooler mods. Anyone interested?
more info on tag modding: dev.to/tag-moderation
I don't mind taking that!
I am interested in doing that :)
Y'all are going to have to make sure the water cooler is topped up though 😉
You’re welcome to make one of the first posts 😄
Really apt name.. #watercooler 😁
Ah, I See You're a Man of Culture As Well
Am I going crazy or did this launch a while ago too?
It went live a little while ago but we didn’t take the final steps to make it an officially supported tag.
We actually wrote some code to make this tag show up less in the feed if you don’t follow because we didn’t want it to bother folks who are here just for technical stuff.
We might want to add the note about hiding the tag directly on the tag page for anyone who misses this post. Whaddyathink?
Yeah we should