1. What is your advice to new programmers?
A collection of 25 tips for new developers, from a self-taught software engineer who currently teaches people how to code as their primary job!

25 Tips for New Developers: Advice from a (Mostly) Self-Taught Software Engineer
Ali Spittel ・ Aug 7 '18
2. This.is.goodbye.
Examples of how libraries force us to use this
, problems with this
, and how to stop using this

Rethinking JavaScript: The complete elimination and eradication of JavaScript's this.
JavaScript Joel ・ Aug 8 '18
3. Hindsight is 20/20
Good reminders for everyone, regardless of where you are with your career.
4. Diversify your cheating
And minimize your dependencies!!!
5. Leave them be
Instead of rewriting git history and complicating things for everyone, squash your messy commits instead! Vicky shares three different squashing methods in this post.
Article No Longer Available
6. For the bottom 99%
An easy hack to increase your value.

Being average in > 1 things is easier and more valuable than being excellent at 1 thing.
Karan ・ Aug 12 '18
7. Have you heard of cascade billing?
A glimpse of a technical nightmare.

Programming in the Adult Entertainment Industry is Broken
Jeremy Woertink ・ Aug 8 '18
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
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