Every Monday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week. ❤️
1. Not a Nightmare
While powerful, Git can often be a nightmare to figure out. In this post, Lydia helps us understand the most common and useful git commands through visualizations.
2. Single Source
Sven introduces us to Eclipse Theia, the vendor-neutral open-source IDE platform that runs in browsers and on desktops.

Theia 1.0 - Finally a Good Browser IDE
Sven Efftinge ・ Mar 31 '20
3. Lego Castle
Angad takes us through and explains a typical linux desktop: display manager, window system, window manager, desktop environment.
4. Do Not Call (all the time)
Martín shares two great techniques to avoid extra function executions.

Throttling and Debouncing. Avoiding unnecessary API calls.
Martín Mato ・ Apr 3 '20
5. Not alone
Caitlyn shares their experience of being a new developer during a pandemic. This is a very relatable post, regardless of whether or not you're new to the industry.

Being a Junior Dev in the Time of COVID
Caitlyn Greffly ・ Apr 2 '20
6. Mobile First
Want to make your life easier? Adopt a mobile-first mindset to simplify your journey towards a responsive site.
7. Optimize Operations
Linda explains "The Why" behind learning data structures and algorithms. The short answer? DS & A are superpowers!
Article No Longer Available
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
Top comments (2)
What is criteria for this selection?
The first line: "Every Monday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation."