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Cover image for The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week
Jess Lee Subscriber for The DEV Team

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The 7 Most Popular DEV Posts from the Past Week


This list is awesome because everything is free and open source!

2. Haskell? Prolog?

The community shares the hardest programming languages they've had to learn.

3. Two changes that broke the camel's back

Kasey shares their experience with the Elm community and how the latest release broke their heart.

4. Research --> Installation

Muna shares how she upgraded the ram on her laptop -- pictures included!

5. The good and the ugly

Sethu shares their impressions of Coder IDE, a full-stack IDE with root Linux terminal access.


Diving into the git log command.

7. How has the web become like this?

With over 20 years of experience, Chris shares how they've seen the web evolve and leaves us with some actionable advice.

That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!

Top comments (4)

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

This is more a comment on the associated weekly email, but is there a guide to badges?

For instance, this week's open source contributors (and most of last week's) don't have a "dev-contributor" badge on their profile, but @lachlanjc , @kevgathuku , and @nirajn2311 from last week do.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Hey! We're a little behind on getting the badges out --- it's still a manual process over here that we need to automate. You'll be getting yours shortly!

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

Thanks for the reply! I was just QAing the process ;)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Nice job everybody!