Every Tuesday, we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week. ❤️
The Dual Value of Code Reviews
“Remember,” writes @camilaleniss, “code reviews are not just for looking at what’s wrong, but for learning from others.” 👏👏👏
Article No Longer Available
Red Flags Don’t Turn Green
In @jmfayard’s opinion, the “what’s your current salary” interview question is a red flag and an illegitimate question. Super interesting and valuable read!

“What is your current salary?” is a red flag that you don’t want to work here
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻♂️ Fayard ・ Oct 10 '20
A Year Well-Spent
Contrary to the title of this awesome and vulnerable post, @_pthomann doesn’t view their year spent building a “failed” startup as a loss but a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience that they wouldn’t trade.
Article No Longer Available
Accessibility is Not Limited to Alt Tags, Semantic Tags, or Color Contrast
@hellonehha walks us through what we (developers & designers) should prioritize in accessibility -- beyond just the alt tags, color contrast, semantic tags.

Accessibility beyond 'alt' tag, 'color contrast', and semantic tags
Neha Sharma ・ Oct 9 '20
Tutorial Time!
@andrewbaisden shows us a straightforward way to connect to a Node back-end that uses a PostgreSQL database to persist the data.

Creating React/Node apps that connect to PostgreSQL and HarperDB
Andrew Baisden ・ Oct 6 '20
Consistency is Key
@vtrpldn gives us a fascinating look into how they went about achieving the 16-week streak badge here on DEV.

I Got the 16 Week Streak Badge. Here’s Everything I Learned About Consistency
Vitor Paladini ・ Oct 7 '20
Consider the Spreadsheet
As @hacubu says, it's still tough to beat the humble spreadsheet's versatility and intuitiveness. This post demonstrates how to use Google Sheets as a database, complete with an API interface accessible over HTTP.

How to Use Google Sheets as a Database (Responsibly)
Jacob Lee ・ Oct 7 '20
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
Top comments (6)
Great job, @camilaleniss , @jmfayard , @_pthomann , @hellonehha , @andrewbaisden , @vtrpldn , and @hacubu !!
OMG!! This was not expected.
Thank you
I'm happy and grateful that my article on "What's your current salary?" has hit a nerve like this.
I can write words, but it's only if people share that kind of information and use it during the job interviews that things can start to change!
Hey, that was unexpected!
Thanks, Gracie. And good job everyone 🎉🎉🎉
Wow much appreciated I did not see this coming thanks!
Thanks for reading 😊