Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.
Slow and steady wins the race
@ruppysuppy has some great tips to share about improving your GitHub profile — spoiler: go slow and don't try to cheat the process.

Beautify Your GitHub Profile like a Pro
Tapajyoti Bose ・ May 30 '21
Conscious accessibility
@eevajonnapanula's very first sentence is a great indication of how helpful and compelling the rest of the article is:
"We, as developers, tend to develop sites unconsciously for people like ourselves. If we don't actively pay attention, the sites are often accessible only for certain types of people."
So very true.

Don't Develop Just for Yourself - A Developer's Checklist to Accessibility
Eevis ・ May 30 '21
Testing TypeScript
@dastasoft's post is all about going through the basics of TS and understanding the benefits so you can decide if you want those benefits or not. Pretty helpful stuff!

Here's what every React Developer needs to know about TypeScript - Part 1
dastasoft ・ May 28 '21
Decluttering — fast 🧹
If you're like me, @yomdroid's article (about how you can sweep out your inbox with Python) is both extremely applicable and a little triggering 😆
Thank you for sharing, Ogheneyoma! I need to try this.
Article No Longer Available
The good, the bad, and the boolean
The TL;DR of this overview from @mpocock1? Bad booleans represent state. Good booleans are derived from state.
That said, there's so much more to glean from the entire article!
Article No Longer Available
Save the date! ❤️
Congrats to @christinecontreras on their upcoming nuptials! I love that your wedding planning prep includes building an app to predict the best date to get married based on historical weather patterns and location. <3

Perfect Date: A Javascript and API Project
Christine Contreras ・ May 29 '21
ting your Git knowledge
If you are confused about much of the terminology in Git, you are FAR from alone. Thank you for clearing some of it up for us, @pragativerma18.

Confusing Terms in the Git Terminology
Pragati Verma ・ May 30 '21
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Tuesday!
Top comments (4)
Hugs congrats to @ruppysuppy , @dastasoft , @yomdroid , @mpocock1 , @christinecontreras , @pragativerma18 , & @eevajonnapanula !
Thank you so much for the appreciation! Congratulations to all 😁
Thank you!
Thank you for the mention! :)