1. Think about your future self
Write better commits today!
2. Class over class over class
Our author identifies and questions the OOP trend of throwing lots of classes in source code.
3. Ask Vladimir Agafonkin anything!
Leaflet is one of the most influential projects in mapping history. The community took this opportunity to ask all sorts of questions. This is an ongoing AMA so feel free to jump in if you have any Qs!

I'm an open source enthusiast at Mapbox, the creator of Leaflet and 40+ other JS libraries, and a rock musician. AMA!
Vladimir Agafonkin for Mapbox ・ Jun 25 '18
4. Facing old challenges
The what & why behind solving a particular algorithm and a critique on computer science class.

Coming Back to Old Problems: How I Finally Wrote a Sudoku Solving Algorithm
Ali Spittel ・ Jun 26 '18
5. Refrigeration!
Your cows will not be expected to produce in real-time. The supermarket will handle the demand.
This is a really fun explanation 👇

Web Caching Explained by Buying Milk at the Supermarket
Kevin Kononenko ・ Jun 26 '18
6. Practice makes better
A list of helpful resources for people learning to program, but probably also helpful for people who already know how. From an API security checklist to a list of influential books.
Article No Longer Available
7. Cue Lightbulb 💡
A long-time subversion user shares their six big 'aha' moments when they had to start using git for version control.
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
Top comments (1)
Could we get the stats of our posts?
I'd like to see how they compare against each other as well as their overall success :D