Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.
Rethinking the Modern Web
Frontend has an engineering problem! @oxharris demonstrates how the closer you get to Frontend's bottlenecks (and to how much of that is tooling-induced) the more you’ll wonder if we have created more problems with our tools than we've solved.
When useEffect runs
useEffect is one of those React/Preact hooks that most people have a love/hate relationship with, but like it or not, it's good to understand how it works. This isn’t the first post on this subject, nor will it be the last, but hopefully you can learn something about useEffect from @cassidoo!
Three Solid Minimalist Components 🪄 ⚛️
Using custom React components versus raw HTML while coding makes a huge difference in how fast you get things done. In this tutorial, @ironcladdev shows you how to build three simple, game-changing React components.
Optimizing Functional React Components
@bytebodger has been writing functional React components for several years now, but there are always components that could run in a much more efficient manner. Let’s see how we can write with concern for optimization.

Optimizing Functional React Components
Adam Nathaniel Davis ・ Feb 9 '23
Technical Writing Process: How To Write A Good Technical Article
A good technical article is an article that breaks down complex concepts into simple and easy-to-understand language. Here, you’ll learn about the technical writing process that @the_greatbonnie goes through to write better articles for clients.

Technical Writing Process: How To Write A Good Technical Article
Bonnie ・ Feb 12 '23
The Best* Tech Interview
In the tech industry, a necessary evil is the tech interview as a way to assess an applicant's technical skill. But this article from @nikacodes is about one tech interview that was different.
A Minimal, Multi-framework, Responsive Image Component
Doing web images right can be hard. The img tag is just the starting point. In 2023, if you want the best performance you should follow these tips from @ascorbic.

A minimal, multi-framework, responsive image component
Matt Kane ・ Feb 11 '23
That's it for our weekly Top 7 for this Tuesday! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and be sure to keep an eye on this series in the future. You might just be in it!
Top comments (8)
Woot! Awesome picks here. 🙌
Congrats @oxharris, @cassidoo, @ironcladdev, @bytebodger, @the_greatbonnie, @nikacodes, & @ascorbic! Appreciate y'all sharing these posts with the community.
😅 It's a delight to see.
Congrats everyone else.
Looking forward to creating even better content.
Awesome job to everyone who got on the top 7 this time!
So happy to have landed a spot today ✨!
Happy to see my article on top 7.
Congratulations to everyone whose article was top 7.
congrats everyone!
Congratulations all! 😁😁😁
Congratulations all authors. 🎊 🥳