Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.
Mentoring a Junior
Passing on your knowledge has the potential to provide more value than actually writing code. Smart companies know this and reward it. In this post, @arielbk gives advice on mentoring.
Intra-Site Chat!
This week @rajeshj3 announced an extension that will allow you to talk to people over the internet who are on the same website/webpage as you, assuming they've installed the app as well. How exciting!

Talk to people who are on the same site 🌎 | Chrome Extension
Rajesh Joshi ・ Jun 4 '22
Exception Handling in Dart/Flutter
The worst thing you can do as a programmer is not to think about catching and tracking errors. Let's learn how to with @frezyx!

Exception handling and logging in dart/Flutter - Talker
Stanislav Ilin ・ Jun 4 '22
Customize your ZSH Prompt
@cassidoo uses a .zshrc file to customize the terminal. Here’s how to make that little prompt useful without being overwhelming or distracting!
From Methods to Hooks
In this post, @swastikyadav talks about the paradigm shift from lifecycle methods to state synchronization and hooks in ReactJs. A video version is also available, if you prefer!

🛑 STOP thinking about React lifecycle methods.
Swastik Yadav ・ Jun 2 '22
Disillusioned with a Career in Tech
@martinzokov thoughtfully digs into their feelings about working as a software engineer and the dread that comes from working "this endless while loop of the 9 to 6 grind every day" when they'd much rather be pursuing something creative and more rewarding.

Becoming disillusioned with career in tech as a software engineer
Martin Zokov ・ Jun 3 '22
ADHD Brains
If you have ADHD, chances are that it inhibits your ability to manage your responsibilities at home and at work. This week, @abbeyperini shared experiences with ADHD in a multi-part series covering multiple challenges when it comes to coding with ADHD.

Coding and ADHD - ADHD Brains
Abbey Perini ・ May 31 '22
That's it for our weekly Top 7 for this Tuesday! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and be sure to keep an eye on this series in the future. You might just be in it!
Top comments (12)
Thank you @michaeltharrington for mentioning ❤️
Congratulations 🎉🎉
that good of articles
Great work everyone!
I love this forum
Thanks, Michael!
Great list of interesting topics. Thanks for sharing.
I'm humbled that my article is listed among these great posts.
Thank you, Michael!
Heyo everybody great job!
Great articles everyone well done!