Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.

💬 Building a real-time chat with Websockets, Novel and Clerk 🚀🚀
Nevo David for novu ・ Sep 7 '23

Swirl: An open-source search engine with LLMs and ChatGPT to provide all the answers you need 🌌
Saurabh Rai ・ Sep 6 '23
@jacktt has a weather widget in their GitHub bio that updates every six hours. How is this possible? Through the power of GitHub Actions!

Linux filters - How to streamline text like a boss
Cherry Ramatis ・ Sep 11 '23

Discover Bun - A Faster, Modern JavaScript Runtime
Vinit Gupta ・ Sep 10 '23
@bdougieyo shows how green squares on GitHub are a framework that no longer holds value because it encourages the wrong metrics. Here’s how OpenSauced handles this issue.

Build your own AI Meme Generator & learn how to use OpenAI's function calls ☎️
vincanger for Wasp ・ Sep 6 '23
That's it for our weekly Top 7 for this Tuesday! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and be sure to keep an eye on this series in the future. You might just be in it!
Top comments (10)
Congrats to this week's authors: @nevodavid, @srbhr, @jacktt, @cherryramatis, @thevinitgupta, @bdougieyo, and @vincanger!
Thanks a lot Brian and Dev Community for your love and support ❤️
Thanks a lot @devencourt and DEV Community for the love and support 💖 This means a lot!
Thanks a lot <3
Ooh nice. Thanks :)
Yes, Swirl is a new open-source library fresh out of oven. And they're solving a really cool problem. And providing open-source search.
It'll be amazing if people can show some love and 🌟 on GitHub: github.com/swirlai/swirl-search
I wonder one day it would include me and my post
Awesome stuff!
Hope to make it to this list one day!
full packed of good info