Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.
TailwindCSS vs. UnoCSS
Like @mapleleaf, you may also be a longtime TailwindCSS user. If you're looking for more functionality, Uno supports all of Tailwind, plus some extras of the box like variant groups, fluid columns with CSS grid, and plenty more animations.
Learn "Zod" in 5 Minutes
Zod is a TypeScript schema validation library that enables easy and concise data validation. If you're looking for a quick and dirty way to get started with the library, @arafat4693 provides a brief overview of Zod's main features.
Discovering the Power of JavaScript Proxy After All This Time
@marclipovsky was an engineer who thought they had seen it all, until one day they explored the potential of JavaScript Proxy, a powerful and often underutilized feature in the language. Learn to leverage JavaScript Proxy to significantly enhance your code and harness more advanced functionality.

Discovering the Power of JavaScript Proxy After All This Time
Marc Lipovsky ・ Apr 26 '23
Technical Writing 101: How to Get Jobs, Gigs & Opportunities
In this post, @kwamedev shares valuable advice on breaking into the field of technical writing and finding work opportunities. A great read if you're looking for guidance on creating high-quality technical content with a focus on clarity, conciseness, and accuracy.

Technical Writing 101: How to get Jobs, Gigs & Opportunities
Leslie Gyamfi ・ Apr 28 '23
How to Use MillionJS in a NextJS App
Check out @tobysolutions’ guide on integrating the Million.js library with a Next.js application. Million is an extremely fast and lightweight (<4kb) virtual DOM that makes React components up to 70% faster. By using a fine-tuned, optimized virtual DOM, Million.js helps reduce the overhead of your Next app.

How To Use MillionJs In Manual Mode a Next App.
Tobiloba Adedeji ・ Apr 24 '23
Dark Mode in 3 Lines of CSS and Other Adventures
@madsstoumann shares a simple yet effective method for implementing a dark mode toggle in web applications using just three lines of CSS. This tutorial will show you how to leverage CSS variables and the :root selector to easily switch between light and dark themes.

Dark Mode in 3 Lines of CSS and Other Adventures
Mads Stoumann ・ Apr 29 '23
NPM vs. Yarn vs. PNPM
In this post, we’ll compare three popular JavaScript package managers: NPM, Yarn, and PNPM. @raxraj highlights the key features, strengths, and weaknesses of each tool, providing an objective overview to help developers make informed decisions when choosing a package manager for their projects.
That's it for our weekly Top 7 for this Tuesday! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and be sure to keep an eye on this series in the future. You might just be in it!
Top comments (10)
Congratulations everyone
Thank you very much!
Thanks for the mention😊
Thank you very much!
congrats everyone!
Thank you very much! My first ever Technical article by the way. I'm so excited!!
Excellent post @kwamedev! Consider tagging #codenewbie in some of your excellent advice for beginners. We'd love to have your content featured for our new programmers and coders!
Got it. Thanks
Great articles, congratulations to everyone.
thank you very much for sharing this information.