Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.
Honesty & Exhaustion
@aliofonzy43, we wanted to give you a massive kudos for bravely sharing your story of exhaustion throughout the interviewing process. I invite everyone reading this roundup to take a look at Sam's post as I'm sure we can all relate to the feelings shared there in some way. DEV is a place to be vulnerable and we're honored when you feel supported enough to do so.
Article No Longer Available
Stepping back to see the big picture
@kvyshh walks us through an exercise of career-related self-interviewing that's really valuable for everyone, regardless of their role or industry. Read on to do this meaningful work yourself!

What kind of Developer do I want to be?
Kindred ・ Nov 24 '21
All about Amazon Linux!
As @ssennettau explains, "there's a lot of interesting nuances [with Amazon Linux 2022] compared to Amazon Linux 2." If you're looking for a clear comparison between the two as well as some (informed) personal opinions, you've come to the right post!
Getting SaSSy
Don't miss this super detailed look at Sass — "a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)." Thanks, @daaahailey!
Fighting legacy
The heading I added to this section sounds like the name of an epic novel about a battle to inherit a throne or something 😂 @matteokov's post is NOT about that, but it is about a situation wherein their team created a legacy application before the first release! Really interesting takeaways in here.

5 reasons why we ended up rewriting the whole application before its release
Matteo Kovačić for Bornfight ・ Nov 22 '21
No more "term daunt"!
Unfortunately, tech is filled with daunting-sounding terms and as an industry, we don't do enough to abolish this kind of esotericism. Folks like @amyoulton are doing a really important thing when they seek to simply define basic tech terms instead of just using them liberally without explanation for early-career developers. Nice work!

Understanding Basic Coding Terminology: Industry Basics ✏️
Amy Oulton ・ Nov 24 '21
Making it harder to do the wrong thing
... That's the philosophy @austingil has about accessibility. It would be incredible if we could all be a11y experts, but that's just not possible. Instead, we need to make it easier for dev teams to do the right thing and vice versa. More fantastic accessibility insights in this post.

Making Accessibility More Accessible
Austin Gil ・ Nov 26 '21
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Tuesday!
Top comments (7)
Huge congrats to @aliofonzy43 , @kvyshh , @ssennettau , @daaahailey , @matteokov , @amyoulton , & @austingil ! Nice work!
Wow, thanks Gracie. This is my first time being featured :D
Well deserved!
Thank you so much! I've never been featured before, I'm so excited!
Thank you for highlighting my post! I appreciate the acknowledgement!
My pleasure! Loved your post!