DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v242

Welcome Thread - v242

Sloan the DEV Moderator on September 13, 2023

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yoursel...
tia_dev profile image
Vick Gnutzmann

Hello Devs,
My name is Vivi and am from Berlin, Germany.
I'm a new bee Full-Stack dev, and a jobseeker for 2 months. Although the huge difficulty to find a position as a Junior, I'm keeping doing my search, and I am very happy to be here, to read all, and meet other experience devs.
I am currently learning Java by myself. Let's see what this new world has to me.

Regards and Hugs,

Viviane (Vivi)

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

tom-mate-o profile image

Hey Vivi! Welcome,
and good luck for your job-seeking!

Sounds like you finished some kind of bootcamp or course?

lovely greeting

tia_dev profile image
Vick Gnutzmann

Hello Tom,
I finished a 6-month course at Code Institute. :-)
Of course there is a huge way from now, but I think, step by step I can reach my target.

Greets from Berlin,


Thread Thread
tom-mate-o profile image

i startet in august. the learning-curve is very steep and challenging.
right now im into javascript and modules. 😅

yes.. slow and steady! :D

Thread Thread
tia_dev profile image
Vick Gnutzmann

JavaScript is the language which I am still exploring, and yes, it is very difficult. Keep doing!

hairyblue profile image
Nicki Marty Pecision • Edited

Hello everyone!

I'm Nicki doing self-taught in past 8 months, I pursuing the web development career and happily gaining knowledge of modern tech stack namely react, vue, nodejs(express).

Feel free to checkout my portfolio and my github

Thanks for having me everyone

astrodev07 profile image
Diego Enríquez Puig

Hi there👋

I'm a Web Developer and a Big Linux's Fan. I'm a self-taught developer and I like to be useful to others.

I'm here searching for information that can keep me informed. But maybe I will write some articles too.

I actually speak Spanish, so, I'm sorry about the writing errors😅

lon_zee profile image
Edgar Alonso

Hola Diego!!!

astrodev07 profile image
Diego Enríquez Puig


nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Hello everyone.

My name is Joshua. I've been reading and perusing this site for sometime now, and decided to join the community.

I am a PHP developer and architect, amateur photographer, digital nomad, and currently the General Manager of a hostel. I am a huge open source advocate and Linux (Arch & Ubuntu) enthusiast.

I've worked with PHP since 2005 when I first got the programming bug. My most recent project is the CodefyPHP Framework which is to be used to refactor my big project: eduTrac SIS.

Would love to connect with each of you. You can find me on Twitter and Github via my profile. I look forward to learning and getting to know each of you.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey Joshua!

nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

👋 Ben!

mabryerik profile image

hi everyone,

i am teaching myself web development so that i can change careers. i come from an audio/video production background and have had a few gigs maintaining wordpress websites.

i'm most interested in learning python and django and improving my html/css base knowledge. i'm also very interested in the jamstack. i use 11ty for my personal website.

thanks for reading!

adiazefaa profile image
Alvaro Diaz Valenzuela

Hi everyone,

I am a mathematician, financial analyst, software engineer based in Chile and working for the banking sector. My stack is Postgresql, C++ and Python and my expertise is in financial applications related to derivative products and market risk management. At the moment I am trying to expand into front end development using React and Elm.

I am open to connect and discuss in any interesting topic that comes around.

Best regards,
Alvaro Diaz V.

lucy-m profile image
Lucy Mair

Hi everyone,

My name is Lucy (they/them) and I'm a developer mostly using TypeScript and React. I've been meaning to write some developer blogs for a while and I've finally taken the plunge to create an account! Now let's hope I'll finally get round to writing my first post 😊😊

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Hey Lucy! 🎉 Welcome aboard! 🚀 We're thrilled you've joined the community!
Your TypeScript and React expertise is bound to light up our community. Excited to see your first post! 😄📝

ilya0x profile image

Hello all! 👋

I'm an experienced content strategist with a background in event production and media coordination. I've also been in Web3 space since 2018.

Lately, I've been geeking out on Python and machine learning. I'm also excited about learning Mojo🔥 from ground up - been following its development since it was made accessible in May 2023.

I'm currently looking for work. I'm hoping to find a gig that lets me blend my event production, content strategy, and coding skills.

Feel free to connect at with me if you need help with your documentation design & layout!

Also, I'd love to collaborate on a Dungeons & Dragons 5e project in Python 🤓

Looking forward to being part of this community!

briankipchumba profile image

Hi Everyone👋

I’m a software engineer with a love of front end and currently doing some data science projects on the side. Seeking to be a better scientist and there’s no better place I could get immersed.

Feel free to reach out to collabo, exchange ideas or connect. Here’s my LinkedIn

Looking forward to be part of this awesome community!

Brian Kipchumba

placeholder_ink profile image

Hi guys!

My name is Demi, and I'm a frontend and email developer. Yes, yes, I'm the one who has been doing table-based markup for over 10+ years!))) During the development of email templates, we don't always have images and various data sets from designers (Product cards, etc..). That's why I've been working on my pet project that generates placeholder images in jpg format. But I continue to work on it in my free time and I'm adding support for svg, gif, and json data sets. This allows me to keep the development going without wasting time searching for placeholders. If you're interested in trying it out, there's a link to my project in my profile. The service is free. If you have any suggestions for what other content can be generated to make life easier for us developers and spend more time coding, please leave a comment on my posts, and in my free time, I'll consider what can be done.

Wishing everyone peace and goodness!

kerthin profile image

You have a good project, it will really save time

nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Welcome to the community, Demi.

godot profile image

Welcome to DEV Community!
Wish you luck 🤞 As for me, English is actually my 3rd language. Just keep that motivation going and consistency is king.

minhajhasan profile image
Minhajul Hasan

Hello beautiful people, I'm new here. How are you?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great, how are you Minhaj?

minhajhasan profile image
Minhajul Hasan

I’m Great!

davidrutledge037 profile image
David Rutledge

Hello everyone!

I am a marketing manager, going to school at University of Arizona Global Campus. I was recently accepted as an XRPL Campus Ambassador and am required to build a project on the XRPL. I have some experience with Java and Python, but not enough to pull off my project. I would love to collaborate. I can help market existing projects and would like dev help with my own. Here is my GitHub repository link. There is in nothing there yet, so there is plenty to do. I am just getting started.

kjstillirise profile image
KJ StillIRise

Oh god I feel old, I am new here Hello there I am sharing my journey in the hopes it helps others not lose hope, I am also hoping to raise awareness about abuse and eating disorders.

vkhoo7 profile image

Hello everyone!
I am a software developer, now learning Python. I need the full support of our Dev members in my learning journey.

Best Regards,
Vincent Khoo

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome here! ✨

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Bienvenue à toi sur DEV!

jack_thompson_b50006648d2 profile image
Jack Thompson

Hi everyone,

I’m very new to development.

I’ve worked with MS SQL, Postgres SQL, basic css and some other bits and pieces but nothing overly intricate.

I’m looking to dive deep into web development so any guidance or helpful words of advice would be welcome.


nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Hello Jack, welcome!

jack_thompson_b50006648d2 profile image
Jack Thompson

Thanks Joshua

kush_vardhan profile image
Kush Vardhan

Hey guys👋, I'm interested in Clouds and DevOps.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Kush!

balagmadhu profile image
Bala Madhusoodhanan

Welcome to the world of devs .

arunammisetty profile image
Arun Ammisetty

👋 Hello everyone!

I'm a cyber security researcher, a co-founder of GHSC and a founder of few startups also I'm working on analysing and writing technical stuff for enterprises.

I'm currently working, learning and building myself with over the past decades in computer security.💻

If you're interested in collaborating or simply want to connect, feel free to reach out to me on my GitHub profile at 🌟

Looking forward to engaging with this amazing community! 🎉

Thanks & Regards,
Arun Ammisetty

nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Welcome to the community, Arun.

arunammisetty profile image
Arun Ammisetty

Thank you for welcoming me Joshua

jame11 profile image
James udochukwu

Hello everyone.
I'm a newbie in computer science. Wanna improve my knowledge of the computer. Hmm, hope I'm welcome??

techstudent10 profile image

Literally just got this account so that I could change to dark mode lol. Hi devs, I'm TechStudent10 (I made this name years ago) but you can call me Tech. I'm a hobbyist software developer who primarily works in web development

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Dark mode is the best, welcome to DEV!

laragrace profile image
Lara Grace

Hello, just joined the dev community. 🖐

nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Hello Lara, welcome.

braxton profile image

Hello, everyone!

I am Braxton, and I am delighted to become a part of the Dev community. I am enthusiastic about contributing to the development community through my articles covering various technologies that offer value to business professionals. I'm looking forward to being a part of this wonderful community! Thank you.

nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Hello Braxton.

slika profile image
Simi Lika

Hey everyone! 👋
I'm a passionate full-stack developer.
I have expertise in Angular, Python(Django, DRF, Django CMS, Pelican), and PostgreSQL.
I like building sleek and efficient web applications that bring ideas to life. I'm currently learning and building a small app as a first with the Ionic Framework. 💻

Looking forward to engaging with this amazing community! 🎉

Simi Lika

kamalesh3112 profile image
Kamalesh Selvaraj • Edited

Hey everyone! 💫
This is Kamalesh, I am a Master 's Student at Amrita University. I am a Data and Cloud Practitioner with passion for domains such as Data Science, Data Engineering, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence and DevOps.
I love to learn and explore new things around the world that happens in the technology sector. I like to contribute in open-source communities and collaborate with people who 's liking to showoff themselves in this vast network.
So yeah, let's get connected through my LinkedIn network here: My LinkedIn profile

And not till that, do follow my GitHub repository server here to engage with my latest projects: GitHub repo

Best Regards,

idevkits profile image
Jemarie Baldespiñosa • Edited

Two months ago, on July 15, 2023, I started coding right after graduating from Senior high school. I am a creative and passionate person who loves to learn, explore, and share knowledge with others. I believe that every person should be treated equally, regardless of their gender, race, or religion. I have always dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur someday.
Image description
To give you some context, I haven't been living with my parents since I was 11 years old. I didn't have access to the internet, and I didn't own a cellphone until I turned 15. I was a working student, collaborating with different professional teachers and living with different families in order to complete my senior high school education. Despite these challenges, I consistently excelled in my studies and graduated as the third top student in our class S.Y. (2022-2023). A year ago, before my graduation, I worked hard in advance because I planned to take an exam for a college scholarship. My teachers inspired me to pursue a course in either ACCOUNTANCY or ENGINEERING. Again, my life wasn't easy; it felt like navigating a muddy, rocky mountain road. That's when I met my smart and handsome American Soulmate online, and everything started with his simple message, "Hey" ❤️😘.
Image description
He came to the Philippines on December 1, 2022, just two days before my 18th birthday. Right now, we are officially ENGAGED 💍😘❤️. He returned to the USA on January 16, and while waiting for him to come back on December 1st for the second time, I am dedicating myself to becoming a FULL-STACK WEB DEVELOPER and making him proud. I'm doing my best to be a deserving future wife for him because he is incredibly smart, kind, and loving. He works as a computer scientist and he is the one who inspired and introduced me to the world of Web development. I found my passion for this course, and he bought an account on Udemy for me to have access to the complete 2023 Web Development Bootcamp by DR. ANGELA YU. He provides me with everything I need to study full-time. I'm also using W3Schools to review, and it's helping me improve my new coding skills.
"Make it work, make it right, make it fast." – Kent Beck
"Clean code always looks like it was written by someone who cares." — Robert C. Martin

dheerajydv19 profile image
Dheeraj Yadav

Hello everyone!

I am an Open source Intelligence expert but now I want to start developing my own tools for Intelligence which will be open source on Git Hub.
You can check out my GitHub at

Would love to learn from the community and to contribute to it. Soon, I will be starting to write my 30 days of Python series soon.

danielg808 profile image
Dan Gray

Hello all!

I'm a QA automation engineer and web developer with a focus in Javascript and Python. I'm currently building my portfolio as I seek new employment, so any and every opportunity to collaborate is appreciated. If anyone is interested in collaborating, getting some end-to-end tests for their projects, or just checking out my projects here is my github:

Thanks for having me in this space!

nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Welcome to the community, Dan.

lon_zee profile image
Edgar Alonso

Hi Dev world!

My name is Alonso, I have been a personal trainer and gym owner for over a decade!
I'm brand new to this world, excited to grow as a web developer.

I hope to grow in the world of coding, as well problem solve with peers.

Hope you guys have nothing but success in your endeavors!

watchmyssl profile image
Pablo Diaz-Gutierrez

Howdy! I just joined. I am CTO for a small startup, and I like to work on side projects to stay sharp. Currently I'm tweaking Watch my SSL, a certificate monitoring platform. If you have feedback for it, please let me know!

Things I'm looking for:

  • Missing features
  • Messaging: Does it make sense?
  • Pricing: Too low? Too high?
nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Hello Pablo and welcome.

mikiciro profile image

👋 everyone! I'm Michele and I'm new to the world of programming. I try to learn as much as I can at my own speed. I hope one day to work in this field and have the skills to help other people who have recently started this journey.

jakeduranczyk profile image
jake • Edited

Hi Devs 👋🏼

I am in sales, but I am beginning a coding bootcamp at the University of Texas next month, as I wish to pursue a career change. I'm looking forward to connecting with the community and learning more about all things development! Excited to get started.

Today I learned that a zip file is a compressed version of multiple files combined together into a single location. Typically used to send multiple files via email to satisfy the files size requirement. Zip files reduce the file's size and make it easier to transport. Early in the learning process guys 😅


viliuszur profile image
Vilius Zurauskas


I am a web developer from Lithuania, which focuses mainly on backend managing a small team of developers. I mostly use JavaScript, TypeScript, Python and Kubernetes.

I came here to learn new stuff and get in touch with the community. I tried Medium, but I felt the membership was not worth the content.

Looking forward to learning new things and reading interesting articles!

prkvw profile image

Hi everyone! 👋
I'm sB.
I build dapps and write about technology. I'm currently learning about protocols and infrastructure within decentralised networks . 💻

Looking forward to contributing to projects and engaging with this amazing community! 🎉

humanos profile image

I am looking for someone to fix the BOB wallet, this is a wallet to allow people to host their own decentralised domain name.This is something I have been waiting for, for many years humanity has dealt with ICann as their domain provider and these domains are censored more often that people think, I use to work with a vpn provider who domain name was taken away under fake trumped up charges by. the us government but there was no illegal activity the vpn was just not part of the ¨system¨ and was providing double hop vpn service that the government could not spy on ...but I digress.

The only wallet at this time that can be used to host a decentralized hsn domain name is the BOB wallet but this software although it was working for a few months it is now been modified to not work and the only way to have your decentralised domain now is to host it on these centralised not trustworthy companies servers.The file for the Bob wallet are on github and I want someone to compile it and restore it to working order.

hwc_developer profile image
Huawei Cloud Developer Assist

Heyyy, I'm developer assist from Huawei Cloud, if you're interested in learning Huawei Cloud Services/Computing, check out this link:

pracode profile image

Hi Everyone,

I'm full stack web developer working on React/Angular, DotNet with SQL Projects.

I love exploring topics from scratch and build my knowledge like wise.

Looking forward to learning and contribute to community!

gudlad profile image


I am Guruprasad from India, currently learning full stack development using Java and React. I have been searching for a job for the last two months and am very happy to be part of the dev community.

highdea profile image
Maria Artamonova

Hello to DEV Community!
We are as the Ant Media Server are excited to join this platform. We provide a ready-to-use live streaming solution. Deployed easily and quickly on-premises or on public cloud networks such as AWS, Azure, Alibaba and others.

Usually we communicate with developer on our Github profile so feel free to check it out and give us a star ⭐

rovoskarl profile image

Hello, I'm Karl, and I'm a passionate front-end engineer with a strong commitment to crafting exceptional web experiences. With a background in web development and a keen eye for design, I thrive on turning creative ideas into user-friendly and visually appealing websites and web applications.
I'm truly passionate about creating exceptional user experiences. Whether it's optimizing performance, solving complex coding challenges, or refining user interfaces, I'm driven by the desire to make the web a better place, one line of code at a time.
If you're interested in collaborating or simply want to connect, feel free to reach out to me on my GitHub profile at

sirjerryjones profile image
Jerry Jones

Hello everybody!
Allow me to concisely elucidate my foremost qualifications and experience in software development. I bring over two decades of expertise in backend programming, chiefly specialising in PHP, Laravel and related frameworks. My core competencies lie in designing robust client-server applications and APIs for web and mobile using languages such as PHP, JavaScript, Python and Golang. I am well-versed in managing infrastructures on AWS and Google Cloud.
Good day!

godsfa profile image

Hi, I'm Omokhomion Godsfavour, a passionate web developer with about two years of experience in the field. I'm well-versed in a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, C programming, and MySQL and others.I've honed my skills through training and certification, making me an expert in web development. My journey into this exciting world was driven by a deep passion for technology and a desire to bring businesses to life on the internet. With a track record of notable projects and expertise in various web technologies, I'm dedicated to crafting digital solutions that make an impact."

waluchio profile image

_Folks, Salute!
My name's Sam. Kenyan. Communications|PR guy with a love for technology. In a quest to merge the two; and be part of the solution. Started at software dev, so wish me aces. Thanks and glad to meet y'all. Manifesting remote jobs so leads, comments, insight, advice....would be highly appreciated. Blessed! _

kamahlafox profile image
Kamahl Fox

Hi DEV Community.

What brings me here is currently I have been tasked with trying to resolve the problem of automatically calculating a 1.5% Card Fee for all invoices the client wishes to pay for by card.

The objective is to have a link on the invoices which the client can click and they are stepped through the payment process and the fee is automatically calculated and applied.

We currently issue our invoices from our operations program Current RMS. We do have an accounting program in which information syncs from Current RMS to Xero Australia - however we don't issue invoices from Xero as Xero invoice has too much detail on it, whereas, in Current RMS we are able to package items together as single line entries.

I hope I am in the right place, I am not IT savvy but I do have a 'give it a go' type personality. However, that has gotten me into various levels of trouble sometimes.

Thanks for having me here.

Cheers Kamahl

chriscoder profile image
Chris Coder

Hello everyone! 👋 I'm thrilled to be here as a web development mentor for beginners. Let's learn and grow together in the coding world. I'm also eager to expand my knowledge! 💡💻 #Mentorship #CodingCommunity

ang_j23 profile image
Angelique John

My name is Angelique! I’m new to all of this. I am exploring and new to coding. I am challenging myself with learning new skills.

Any resources, suggestions, and tools that have helped you in the process of you learning, please do share!

mahirahmed691 profile image
Mahir Ahmed • Edited

👋 Hello everyone!

I'm a Software/DevOps Engineer working on building enterprise projects mostly in Kubernetes/Docker, GCP AWS etc. in the FinTech industry.

I enjoy contributing to many open-source projects during my free time. I'm currently learning and building small apps with React Native 💻

If you're interested in collaborating or simply want to connect, feel free to reach out to me on my GitHub profile at 🌟

Looking forward to engaging with this amazing community! 🎉

Kind Regards

Mahir Ahmed

npfmentor profile image

Hi all.
My name is bjorn and I live I Sweden.
I am fairly new to the business of coding and dev. My background is in ux, behavioral science and design.

As a 47 year old with adhd and autism there is always something new to learn. I learn beat in project based and top to bottom. Which means that I created my first ai project (quite big) before I can code, and try to learn and develop along the way.

chimatricia21 profile image

Hello Everyone 😊

Am Tricia, aspiring backend developer and I am currently learning JavaScript

I am really happy to join this amazing community and I would love to connect with y'all

Am open to work on projects so as to have real life experience while learning

castro007 profile image
sammy thompson

hello people im a web developer with little experience and here to build my knowledge in the vast world space here. ready to learn everything tech..... please do well to tag me or follow me with everything knowledge. Cheers

paragt profile image
Parag Thakur

Hello Devs,

I am a not so tech person, working as a data Analyst at a start up and started learning programming to break the barriers and open up new world of opportunities,

I know, SQL at some extent and a certified Tableau Developer.
Apart from that, I love sketching, and post from time to time on my Instagram Art page @ believe_artistry

joined the community to get Inspired, informed and motivated, looking at all of you fabulous lot!

Regards and <3,
Parag Thakur

kumarthefullstackdev profile image
Kumar Chandra Vart

I'm new here to this awesome community, I have been involved with web development and mobile development for almost a decade now, currently doing full stack development mainly with NextJS, ReactJS and ExpressJS also working on my own startup. Looking forward to engage with you all. Thanks everyone here.

techunrestricted profile image

Hello Community, 👋

I’m TechUnRestricted, a competent developer with a passion for macOS and Linux platforms. I code in multiple languages and cooperate with open-source projects and communities. 🌟

I’m also the creator of WinDiskWriter, an application for macOS that allows you to write flash drives with Microsoft Windows using a macOS-based computer. It’s free and open source. 💻

My language stack is:

  • Objective-C
  • C++
  • C
  • Swift

I’m excited to be part of this awesome community of developers, learners, and enthusiasts. I hope to learn from you, share my knowledge and experience, and have some fun along the way. 😊

So, if you’re up for a chat about code, design, or anything tech-related, don’t be shy. Drop me a line, say hello, or let’s geek out together. 😄

Here’s to building amazing tech and beautiful designs together! ✨

Cheers, TechUnRestricted! 😉

subarnabsadhukhan profile image

Hi everyone!

I'm excited to be a part of the community.

My name is Subarnab, and I'm a software developer passionate about creating innovative solutions.

I'm looking forward to learning and sharing with all of you on this platform.

metagravity profile image

👋 Hello everyone!

I'm a software engineer building cool project with Next.js and typescript using the t3 stack. And this is my Github

brianf profile image
Brian F

Hi all - I'm with INTMAX, developing webmax.js, a JS library for quick dApp integration with our in-browser web3 wallet that's secure, uses biometric authentication, & supports EVM-compatible / Layer 2 networks, eliminating user friction by keeping them in the dApp environment. Our new library allows direct connection to biometrics, easy integration, and is versatile and interoperable.

Would any front-end devs here be able to review it ( and maybe chat briefly with our founder (who's a respected developer who was a researcher in the origin of zkRollup, and the inventor of the zkRollup preconsensus mechanism, so may be cool for you to meet in any case).

Many thanks.

soderjuliano profile image

👋 Hello everyone!

I'm a software engineer working on building enterprise projects mostly in Java, TypeScript, and etc.

I enjoy contributing to many open-source projects during my free time. I'm currently learning and building small utilities with the Rust programming language. 💻

If you're interested in collaborating or simply want to connect, feel free to reach out to me on my GitHub profile at 🌟

Looking forward to engaging with this amazing community! 🎉

Juliano Soder

aishield profile image
AIShield • Edited

Hi Everyone,
This is Nikita, from AIShield ( Here to talk about AI security and super interested in contributing to open source!
Happy to connect on GitHub as well:

jeevanreddy1999 profile image
Jeevan Karnati

Hello everyone!

I'm a full stack developer working on building some awesome projects using Typescript, React, Svelte and etc.

I'm currently learning Golang programming language.

You can checkout my portfolio site at

If you're interested in collaborating or simply want to connect, feel free to reach out to me at or on my github profile

I'm looking forward to contributing to open source and this awesome community.

Jeevan Karnati

ngariwilson30 profile image
Wilson Ngari

I am a data scientist and machine learning expert. Currently running a Technical copywriting agency, committed to helping developers from across the spectrum more so blockchain developers create better content such as web content, press releases, whitepapers, investment pitches, sales copy and all other related content for their projects .
As an aspiring data scientist i m hoping to learn alot from the forum and also improve my business by learning various new developer concepts from this amazing community every day.

sachinbapure profile image
Sachin Bapure

Hey Community,

I'm Sachin, the founder of, and I wanted to drop by and say a warm hello! 👋

Welcome to our digital playground! We're a bunch of tech enthusiasts, designers, and coders who believe in the beauty of simplicity and the power of innovation.🌟

Our mantra? Keep it simple, make it work, and have fun along the way. From crafting sleek designs to web and app development, exploring the wild world of Web3, and harnessing the magic of AI, we're all about making tech make sense.🎨💻

Feel free to check out my website at and see what we're all about!

So, if you're up for a conversation about code, design, or just a good old tech chat, don't be a stranger. Drop us a line, share your thoughts, or let's simply geek out together.😄

Here's to building awesome tech and beautiful designs together!✨

Sachin Bapure,
Founder of

zaidlameer profile image

Hi Everyone!
New-ish developer here, SE undergraduate, working as an intern doing some juicy c++.
low-level enjoyer!
looking into getting into game dev tho (possibly godot or something now that unity is.....)
Done a few machine learning projects and wanna learn abit more
looking forward to making a weekly blog on my coding experiences and stuff!!!

iagows profile image

Hi all! o/

I'm an old computer engineer that still uses ASCII instead of emojis. I spend most of my time with Typescript and React.js.
Today I decided to start contributing with some tutorials.

That's it :)

ayush_k_mandal profile image

Hi, I'm Ayush 😁, Full stack developer 🧑‍💻.
Technologies that I know is :
1) .NET Core.
2) Angular.
3) Azure SQL.
4) Azure Web Apps.
5) Azure Communication Service.

Programming languages that I know better:

  1. C#
  2. JavaScript.
  3. TypeScript.

If you need any questions related to my skills, then you can freely ask me and soon I'll post a blog series on those technologies 🫡🫡.

vyasgiri profile image
Vyas Giri

Hello everyone!

I am a student at IIT BHU, Varanasi. I like to learn about computers and technology.
Currently I am learning about WebDev, I have learned node, react, express, redux, firebase (firestore database), tailwindcss and python. I know the basics of C too.
I have also created some projects in web dev which are on github and some are hosted on vercel. I love open source and will start to contribute more and more as I polish my skills. My github profile is if you want to connect.
Looking forward to have great learning with this amazing community.

madhubalanp profile image
Madhubalan Periyasamy • Edited

Hi, i am a Mainframe COBOL developer who has recently delved into object oriented programming paradigm. I am exploring c# and dotnet right now. Trying to learn to build webapi with industry standards and so on. Looking forward to discussing those I am exploring.

talk2dele profile image
Adigun Akindele

Hey everyone! 👋

I'm Adigun Akindele, a passionate DevOps engineer.

I'm here to dive into the exciting world of tech [DevOps and Automation] and share my knowledge while learning from all of you.


gabriel_24 profile image

Hello everyone!

I'm a beginner coder, starting a bootcamp in hopes of becoming a web developer. I have no prior experience in the IT domain as I was previously an athlete so please bear with me!

I came to learn and I'm looking forward to see what this world has to offer.

Thank you for having me!



tom-mate-o profile image

Hey Gabriel, and welcome!
I also want to switch profession. I'm a beginner to. :)
All the best for your journey.

lovely greetings

tom-mate-o profile image

👋 Hey!
My name is Tom.
I'm a 32-year-old Austrian who has found himself washed ashore on the North Sea coast. 🏝
Currently, I'm enrolled in a Full Stack Course (MERN).
I'm new to JavaScript; it's challenging, but it's also a lot of fun.
My future plan is to transition to a new profession one day. Fingers crossed! 🤞

I'd like to connect with other newbies and/or professionals here. Maybe we can support each other along the way, as my rubber duck seems to be slightly annoyed with me (he's way smarter than I thought). 🦆🧠

Feel free to check out my GitHub or drop me a message here. 😊

sureshchhatwani12 profile image
Suresh Chhatwani

Hello everyone

I'm a Senior DevOps Engineer/Tech Lead and working with different clients and every growing evolution of DevOps ecosystem in their organizations.

I enjoy watching movies, anime and read different types of web novels in my free time.

I do love to learn new techno stuffs as the world is every growing in technologies spaces. Do not have interest regarding physical bare metal hardware side though.

I would love contribute back to open source community.


gravy profile image
Grace Icay

Hi everyone!

I'm Grace and I've been working as a QA Engineer for more than 4 years now.
I joined this community because I wanted to stay updated in the latest technology and also keep an open mind on how to become a better QA Engineer and leader.

I write tech and non-tech stuff and most of my posts are compiled on my website.

Feel free to send me a message if you want to collaborate or just to say hi!

codemasterdevops421 profile image

👋 Hello Everyone,

I'm Chaitanya, your go-to Senior DevOps Engineer with a knack for automation, scalability, and ceaseless innovation. Boasting 9 years of field experience, I'm adept at steering complex deployments, maintaining resilient infrastructures, and serving as the intergalactic liaison between dev and ops. 🚀

🔧 My DevOps Toolbox:

Automation: Masterfully scripting automated solutions to eradicate manual errors and boost productivity.
Collaboration: Harmonizing with software developers to ensure smooth and flawless deployments from concept to production.
Innovation: Always on the lookout for the next big thing—venturing into unexplored realms of tools and techniques to amplify efficiency and dependability.
For those interested in collaboration or simply connecting, I'm all ears. Looking forward to contributing to and learning from this exceptional community! 🌟

To get a glimpse of my work or to reach out for collaborations, visit my GitHub profile: CodemasterDevops421.

Warm regards,

robhazekamp profile image
robhazekamp • Edited

Hello all I am a solutions architect with two decades of experience in the IT space. I am currently working in multiple cloud environments and have my own company offering all services helping businesses with digital transformation.

kurealnum profile image

Having 3 spoken languages is super impressive in my opinion; keep it up!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome everybody on DEV ! 👋

vuyani10nft profile image

Hi y'all. I'm Vee I'm from South Africa and I'm currently learning JavaScript on freecode camp

jimback102 profile image
jereld camphor

I am Jereld Camphor. I am from South Africa. I am a beginner in the java language. I want to become a backend developer.

mintye profile image

I'm currently a student working on building a web app that'll help stutterers in JS.
I'm planning on blogging my progress and different aspects of the app here.
Looking forward to posting here!

waluchio profile image

Glad. Looking forward for the experience and lessons 👌🏾

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

_aswanijahangir profile image

👋 Hello everyone!

I am an R Shiny Developer and nowadays learning JavaScript to improve my web development skills.

Looking forward to engaging with this amazing community! 🎉


mannu profile image

Welcome to DEV!

mo007 profile image
Maureen Muiruri

Also learning German in Duolingo, as my 4th language, congratulations to you!

jhon_mosk profile image
console.log("Hello world!");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Obi wan Hello There

mammana72274523 profile image
Mamman Ali

Hello everyone, I'm just joining the group now... and I will grateful to interact with you all.

nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Hello Ali, welcome.

mammana72274523 profile image
Mamman Ali

Thank you Joshua.

unemanja profile image
Nemanja Unković

Hello everyone👋! I'm interested in Web Development and DevOps.

acoh3n profile image

Welcome Nemanja!

nishanthdevopsmaestro profile image
DevOpsMaestro Nishanth

Hi All Im
Sr.Devops Automation Engineer III @ PayPal India Pvt. Ltd. | Expertise in AWS, Kubernetes, and Cloud infrastructure automation expert

nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Hello Nishanth.

nishanthdevopsmaestro profile image
DevOpsMaestro Nishanth


thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

Heya Dien! Welcome to DEV

sharu7 profile image

Hey! I'm Sharu. I new to this programming and stuff. I would like start my learning with front end development. I'm excited!

yosuvarv profile image

Hi Everyone,
This is Yosuva. I'm a Front-end Developer. I'm familiar with React.

I want to contribute open source projects to improve my skills. Can anyone help me with that ?

rohit_the_great profile image


psychohyperdo profile image

Greetings, I'm the director of a nonprofit organization. I'm here to learn and share.

whitesuperbapple profile image
Apple Seed

Hello everyone! Nice to meet you here! 🤠

I've come here to learn more about artificial intelligence.

I want to learn many things from you great men and women!


jszalkai profile image
Janos Szalkai

Hello 👋

ireoluwawisdom profile image

I am happy to be here 😊

dstandfast profile image
Celebrity Electrician

Hello, Dev Com... I am happy to be amongst great minds. I am a newbie IT enthusiat, python is my first language.

manis profile image

it's me, i wan't ro study english and coding! I'm a python engineer

farhan007 profile image

Hey everyone!

I'm Nodejs developer, I'm here to learn something new and trending in IT industry.
Intrested in AWS...

lotachukwu46 profile image

HI am actually new to coding and very cofused at the moment but hoping to do my best and one day become a pro

rakeshsur94 profile image
Rakesh Sur

Hello everyone...I am rakesh sur and I like to learn new things..

lolontor profile image


I am frontend dev newbie and I hope to understand how websites work

fernandojunior7 profile image

👋🏽 Hello everyone!

I'm a software engineering student in Brazil, and I want to be a web developer. I really enjoy the html/css/js thing, although I'm a newbie hehe.

Nice to meet you,
Fernando 🇧🇷

randyzhang profile image

Hi, I'm randy, I'm learning english, I'm trying to express my techinal opinion in plain english, after saw some great post on, I deside to join!

hansliu111 profile image
Hans Liu

Hey! I’m Hans and I participate in game jams and building websites with react in my free time.

sirbori profile image

Hello everyone.

I am a Web developer, I enjoy contributing to open source project

microanswer profile image

Hi,yeah,i'm late

salted_fish2023 profile image
emarc Dave abellera

hello guys I'm newbie and I want to learn how to make ai assistant framework using c++ and where can I start?....

devin_tyler_060de38a69673 profile image
Devin Tyler

hey there, i a a total noob and i might ask some dumb questions but there is only dumb people who don't ask questions. i am here cause i wanted to upgrade my ender 3 with klipper firmware.

abuibrahim profile image
Ibrahim Abubakar

Hello everyone! My name is Ibrahim Abubakar. A software engineering student from Nigeria. Teaching and writing are my hobbies.

begad_ahmed profile image
begad ahmed

hello dev community!
my name is begad. I am beginner in learning web development. I wanted to join a community to help me learn better and collaborate with web developers.

ardenjoshpine profile image

Greetings to all!

I'm Arden, and it brings me great joy to join the Dev community. I'm eagerly anticipating the opportunity to connect with this fantastic community. Thank you for having me!

nomadicjosh profile image
Joshua Parker

Hello Arden.

dhimalo profile image
Aheri Stanford-Asiyo • Edited

Hi! Full Stack Software Engineer. New project using Next.js. Normally working with React and Redux Toolkit. Learning about AI and Orchestrators.

quix profile image


md456 profile image
Manish Dubey

😊Glad to Join Dev community .
👋 Hello Everyone
Recently completed CDAC course and seeking opportunity
in MERN Stack, RDBMS , Java etc....

ogbeide profile image

Good day, everyone.

I'm a front-end developer and a creative writer.

I love coding and writing.

I am here to learn more and grow.


fortune_azugwu_ff60101eb4 profile image
Fortune Azugwu

Hello everyone

flipchandler profile image
Felipe Santos

I'm a Java Developer, studying in depth everything about this languages applyied in microservices architecture. That's an honour tô be part of this community. Best regards

komalahir profile image
Komal Raju Ahir

Hello I'm last year engineering student, I wanted to learn coding deeply..