Hey y'all 👋
Hope you all have wonderful weekends!
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins c...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
Multiples things!
Awesome wins, Thomas! 🤩
Also, love those astro swags!
I'm haaappy yes! Thanks Ayu! 🥳
Your website looks modern!
I like it!
Thanks! I work to a better version with more colours ! ✨
I got to be an earlier reviewer and back of the book quote for Functional programming with C#, I finished writing chapter 12 in my book, Refactoring with C#, and I discovered I'm likely eligible for an AI Specialist title at work.
Hasn't been one of my best weeks in a long time, but being able to put out my article on React Router was a very worthwhile feeling.
Also, I made a new friend. 😁
I did some cool SQL stuff
I am also confident in writing SQL commands and statements.
For me this was a great win! Already got my first 2 pull request merged! They were small things but I'm excited anyway!
Congrats! 🎉
Thx 😁
Reached 5k followers
and had a lovely follow-up with a fellow developer to talk on a machine learning problem
Extra long weekend for Labour Day weekend! 😎
Have a good weekend Nick!
Oh yeah...
Man that's cool, didn't know we could embed tweets! That is cool :D
Yeah... you can use "zap" icon in text editor to create embed!
Yeah I tried it right after 😁
Building projects with Django and documenting by sharing on social media and writing about them.
My wins for this week:
Featured Mod of the Month: Ayu Adiati
Michael Tharrington for The DEV Team ・ Aug 30
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! 🥳 🥳 🥳
Current wins in the world of open-source maintaining include welcoming two new contributors this week: Tyler Celestin and Negar Nasiri. They have provided valuable feedback, suggestions, and improvements, as well as contributed their "Before I Die" images and text to the question, "What do you want to do before you die?" I highly recommend checking out our repo for Before I Die Code. We keep building every day!
Figured out how to compile (or transpile? I don't know which is correct) a Typescript + React project to multiple build files so I can use each as a static file with Django. I might write an article (or multiple probably) about it.
For me, it would be:
I somehow not progressed much on coding due to busy schedule though. I planned on learning conventional React folder structuring and clean code to be able to apply on my React projects 😴. Maybe this week I will! 💪
My big win: I earned my Swift Programming Language badge on linked-in! I scored in the top 5% on the exam (more of a quiz really). I was kind of nervous to take it, but jumped in there on a whim, and I feel ridiculously vindicated - at least some of my hard work this summer has stuck in my brain!
I'm new here and been busy building my own PHP Framework and so far, after 3 days, I'm able to implement:
Still thinking if Tailwind as default styling framework.
Shopify integration on our chatbots 😊
I got a replacement for my ancient Dell Intel Core i3 laptop (year 2012) with a HP Amd Ryzen 7 laptop. I will be trying out all the cool features next few days.
This week was awesome.
Got 3k followers over dev.
Launched first video on my yt channel.
Sorted my july & august photos, started to created new galleries of photos :)
Conquered CSS Grid
I have put a block on YouTube on my phone after 6pm and stuck to it. I have deleted Arena Breakout from my phone and I have shown up to Codecademy 3 times this week.
Can you call opening notification and responding at least the first batch of 400+ notif a win since it is like a battle for me? 😭🫠