Heyo! 👋
Hope you all have had another wonderful, successful week!
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Dancing! 🕺

Did you know we feature wins in our "Wins of the Week" email every Friday? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter emails to get wins delivered right to your inbox! 💌
Top comments (21)
My win was getting some major updates done on my Python Web Framework: PHYAL done and getting a lot of progress done on my guide I am writing for making python frameworks (as there is little to no guidance online).
This is so cool. Wow.
Set up a new Azure VM and deployed my React Application using Docker Gitlab. Set up the CI CD. Figured out how to deploy the build directory, so the docker image was reduced from 1 GB to 63 MB.
I decided to try rust today.
I got through the guessing game tutorial, and even augmented it a bit.
I like the integration with emacs that it has, very surprised how good it is (although
cargo run
doesn't work with stdin).I have finally squashed a bug that's been bugging me for weeks. The text in my marquee view should scroll smoothly, but no, every second there's a little hiccup. At first I thought the parent view was re-constituting the marquee every second (because it was) and that was causing the lurching, but no, I got the view to persist and it still refused to scroll smoothly. Finally I figured out it's a thread thing; I was blocking the main thread with a lot of calculations every second. So I sent the calculations off to a background thread, but then my background view lagged visually behind the drag gesture that zooms it in and out. So I had to change the way I presented the background view. Instead of calculating a new gradient every time the background moves, I made one big gradient and did other (more difficult to conceptualize, but easier to implement) calculations required to show only the right part at the right size in the right location at any given moment. Now my background is light and responsive and the Marquee text scrolls without a hitch - except when there are a lot of events on the screen. So that's what I'm looking into next, but at least I feel like I'm understanding where the problem lies and I keep finding ways to improve it.
That was way more than anyone wanted to know, I'm sure, so to summarize...
I mostly fixed a persistent glitch.
This is the subtle bug of nightmares for me. Good job!
I was applying for a job and did not know anything about microservices, I learnt everything (theory only) related to it in around 3 days and could answer everything the interviewer asked me to... Even though I believe I did not get the job, now I know microservices from top to bottom.
I published my first plugin for OutSystems (it will be approved soon). All previous plugins that wrapped OpenAI APIs were broken:
The main reason was that the chat/composition endpoint was not implemented. I also brought it as an Open Source wrapper so we can keep it alive and updated:
I hope we will see one for LangChain soon. Also, my second success was that my article for building green websites reached over 1000 views here!
My win was completing system design book.
Also completed writing a post on Caching for beginners. I also learned a lot about other things while reading about system design. I plan to share that in future on dev.to. :)
I got around to finally publishing this article after a long break.
🚀 Building a RESTful API with Ruby on Rails
Dumebi Okolo ・ Mar 6
I got accepted into a writers' program!
I got some new plants hung up in my office. 🌱