Due to the company holiday, I'm tapping in this week to post this fun thread.
So— looking back on your week — what was something you're prou...
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I signed the contract for my first full-time role as a software engineer!
Congrats Hannah, Keep going up
Congrats, Hannah!
Congratulations, Hannah! All the best with your new job :)
Congrats, keep going!!!!!
Congrats Hannah, best wishes
Thumbs : )
Congrats! And me too!
Congrats to you as well!
Congrats Hannah
Congrats hannah
Sending good vibes.... congrats!
My Project Express AutoDocs got 21 stars :D
cool man!
Thanks 😇😇
Cool man, congratulations 24* stars now :D :D
Thanks 😇
I was elected to the EuroPython Board of Directors! So, that's only sort of REALLY EXCITING!
Congrats. In case people want to read up on it.
Finish first draft of my ebook on Ruby one-liners and started editing. Hope to finish the changes and publish the book next week. Noted down some interesting changes, for example:
I shared my curated learning resources on a twitter thread for Python beginners tips - pleased to see it being received well.
Got some movement on my main project and its siblings: some stars, one more member in the team and a few PRs!
By the way, the team (to discuss a programming language development) is still recruiting!
So please let us know if you're interrested.
Are we making a language again? Maybe hit me up : ▷
Did work recently on an ML related language effort, and more recently this github.com/active-logic/howl
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "hit me up" (english is not my native language), so I'm inviting you in the team. Feel free to ignore it if I misunderstood. 😄
French maybe? "hit me up" probably means "let's talk about it?" as you perhaps mentioned you needed some kind of help?
Language-wise exp covers a little bit of Tree-Sitter and some Boost Spirit. Did hardwire a couple of parsers in Java and C# too.
French, yes. Reputedly not the best at foreign languages.
Thank you for the clarification on hit me up.
I'm mainly searching people to discuss Gwion's development. But, let's face it, the docs needs some technical writers (it does not seem to be a skill of mine 😄).
Hey I see. The first step here regardless (for me at least) would be installing and giving it a go esp. since domain specific
I'll post a tutorial tonight (tonight a +5:30GMT), showing how to build Gwion, which (hopefully) end with a web page outputting sound from gwion. It's a special Hacktoberfest one because the html/javascript part deserves improvement 😄.
I also provide a way to do just that by using mdr to automate the whole process here.
This 👇🏽
Yay to this.
Completed the "JavaScipt Algorithms and Data Structure" on freeCodeCamp 🎉😇
This is awesome!
Hey Peter,
My win: I pre-announced that I'm launching a content strategy program for developer advocates. ☺️ I started working on it earlier in the summer but had to table it due to some other life things, and this week decided to reimagine it. I'm formally announcing it in October.
I also cross-posted my first article in seven weeks on DEV Community! Again I'd been balancing work, life and writing so I had to put things on the backburner for a while. Things will continue to be busy but I'm happy with these small successes.
Creating two React Apps, one with a Node/Express backend and the other with a Python/Flask backend that connect to a HarperDB database. Deploying them both to Netlify/Vercel. Also creating a new and improved Resume and transferring my domain from HostGator to Namecheap which should reduce my annual costs. And finally writing a post on "What I realised after learning Python, TypeScript and Kotlin" which got lots of recognition.
Made my first dev.to post today! Very fun experience overall.
Closing an issue for a database migration from Heroku to AWS. It involved GraphQL + Web Sockets + Serverless + AWS. Very exciting 😺.
Just finished a frontend project for $200 in 10 days. I know it's very low but i am in my third year at college ( from mining engineering), so it actually means a lot to me. Thanks :)
We've won a new badge this week 🥳
What is this?
Ow where to get this kind of badges?
I finished the vomit draft of my book which has a working title, The Seniority Trap!
📙 I've began the second draft for my book Building Your Mouseless Development Environment, and it goes way better than I thought.
I hope 'll be able to send an early sample of the book for the subscribers of my newsletter next week!
I completely overhauled my portfolio this year but in all honesty it wasn’t the result I wanted. It went from being informative to minimalistic but probably not in a good way.
I changed that this past week and that’s made me really happy. It’s more maintainable and I hit 100/100 for desktop and mobile page speed scores.
I won’t be launching it for a few more weeks because it reveals some secrets but just really excited to know it’s ready to go.
I'm giving fish shell a proper chance. My win was that I was able to replicate the setup I had in zsh. It's all here.
I had a good week with a couple of wins:
I moved all my site to netlify, it really simplified my deployments and surprisingly increased my lighthouse score a couple points. I also launched my wife's portfolio site built with vue/nuxt danikadraws.com/
Completed my first react project, it is a twitter clone built using React as Front End & Firebase as Back End.
Got to learn a lot, and messed up lots of things in between.
Good thing about messing things up is that then you get to debug and learn even more!
Yes, that's how i learn things, just dive in and mess things, and at the end, i end up learning a lot.
The idea is to get out of the comfort zone and try things out.
I created my first Vue CLI plugin!
Cleaning Your Vue Project With Vue-Clean
Miguel Manjarres ・ Sep 17 ・ 3 min read
This is also my first npm package 🥳
Being grateful every day :))
I started to learn Python and I made my first application
This week I managed to wrap my head around JavaScript Promises. I was struggling with that for a while but it finally clicked for me.
I gave my first talk about Chaos Engineering, including a piece of integration I’ve written myself. Didn’t work out perfectly, but good enough to make me want to talk more about the subject! ☺️
Taking a break from coding, OSS, tech communities... I plan to go even more off the grid next week.
Learned how to create CICD pipeline for Pega application 🙂
I decided to become better and more compromised with my job. I started by blocking the web pages on which i usually procastinate. A success thus far
I started learning scala, and python. Interesting turn for a short time for spark and scala.
I got 100% for one of my CS assignments, 90% for the other and 95% for my test :)
I got offered a full-time position with the company I'm currently freelancing for; pay raise included. Moving to Ireland as soon as flights are available 🥳
My first pull request at my new job was merged!
Start writing on dev.to :D yeah, I hope this will be "that"
Successfully launched an old python2/django1.8 project with python3 & django2.2. Tons of bugs.
I made my first ever Discord Bot for Radio? (Need support and attention may be?)
Got an asset resubmission through review in the Unity Asset Store... in under 45 minutes.
Friday groove, I think!
I bought a new car!!
Started a project that leverage use of existing API's.
Its short project from the angle of development but its usable.
I found out that I'm just providing lame excuses and procrastinating things instead of learning android development for my goal and web development for my mini project.
Successfully completed a major project milestone over the weekend.
I surpassed 300 reputation mark on stack overflow!
4 week streak! Hoping to make it to 8.

Released inception version of JEval. My first project which reached 19 stars :)
JEval helps you to evaluate your JMeter test plan and provides recommendation before you start your performance testing.
JEval helps you to evaluate your JMeter test plan and provides recommendation before you start your performance testing.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Important Notes
I went back this week to the DEV community after 3 years 😄
My project mitype has gotten some nice support! ✨😀
Progressed on my OSS project nscoop. Planning to publish first usable version this weekend 💪.
I implemented OAuth for the first time in my life in a React project after brainstorming for a week.