Hey hey my peeps! 👋
Hope everybody is enjoying their Fridays! 🙌
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishi...
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Quotation Marks, Single or Double?
Anita Olsen ・ Dec 31 '23
❄️ I have survived the Norwegian wintertime so far! ✨

Geeeez! And I'm complaining because of the cold... at 14ºC!
Funny, it is -10°C over here as we speak and nobody complains.
Wow! That snow tunnel is seriously impressive... and looking festive with the Christmas tree and lights! ☃️
Snow tunnel 😅 I suppose, yes. My town is one big snow tunnel of late 🤣 I love the lights, we call them winter lights (at least officially) to not offend non-Christian religious people. We have only one Christmas tree and it is on the square all the other trees are just winter trees or winter decorated trees. We need all the light we can get because it gets so incredible dark during our wintertime. During winter people tend to go to work in the dark and come home in the dark so we only get sunlight for some very few hours during the dark season.
Oooo I like the concept of winter lights, then you have a good excuse to keep them up all winter and not just during the holidays. Also as a non-religious person, I do find that to be nice & inclusive. Norway sounds like a cool (and cold, haha) place. Hang in there until the sunlight returns!
The biggest wins or achievements are the recurring users who are following me :) So far, I have published 22 blog posts on dev.to, it's unbelievable how the users are following me. It's like 50 per day. I feel excited and it indeed inspires me a lot.
Congratulations! Well done! ✨
Seeing @thomasbnt’s, @adiatiayu’s, & my articles trend on Dev.to. It feels awesome to know that people appreciate our work.
Awwww yeaaaaa! Good stuff, Chrissy! (and Thomas!) 🙌🙌
Yeah soo cool !
Added some new signals to the DEV feed to reduce clickbait. Will write about this once we see the impact
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This adds a new field allowing a new factor in final feed ordering. It adds the A/B tests to examine its impact on community use, and adds an API endpoint to allow labeling experimentation outside of core and the allowance of third party labeling and toolking to be created by any OSS Forem admins.
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i've started a new project which is going great so far
it's a website where you can track your music production, by creating tracks and albums, and logging when you work on each one and what you do in each sitting
Wow, this sounds super cool, Medea! I've started producing more music at home using Ableton and would love to see what this is all about.
i'll let you know when i release it!
So many solo wins playing Spirit Island these past few weeks...

Woooaaa! That looks fun. Is that a new game for ya? Not knowing much about it, it's beautiful.
Yeah, my sister got me Horizons of Spirit Island for Christmas, which is a cheaper version of this that's very accessible. It's a great single player or co-op game and it has a "choose your own complexity level and playstyle" mechanic.
If I had more time, I'd be very tempted to train a reinforcement learning routine to learn to play this.
Oooo I'm gonna have to look this up.
I'm honestly not much of a board gamer, but when I do get introduced to new games, I generally like'em.
My wife and I are going on a ski trip at the end of the month with another couple, and I know that they are board gamers... might be fun to get something like this and bring it along for when we're off the slopes!
my friends and I have been playing Divinity 2 for a months. It was quite annoying to gather everyone to play, so I created a bot that polls our Telegram group chat each day, asking, "Are we going to play tonight?" If all four players answer "Yes," it notifies everybody.
Baldur's Gate 3 came out, and I returned to this bot to make some changes and add ChatGPT support so we can directly ask stuff while chatting all together
this is my first time sharing my code to anyone but to be honest I proud of my simple project
Nice!! This looks slick, Eli. Good stuff! 🙌
I like all the fun APIs you pulled into place for it to — GIPHY, DogCEO,
Chuck Norris... sounds like a good fun tool for hanging with your friends.
I had a crew of 4 that I was gaming with for a while, but we kinda fell off... still, I could imagine using this tool. It seems helpful and fun!
Appreciate ya sharing!
hey ty, it was very simple to hook up telegram to cloudflare, if you ever found your self in the situation where you need this specifiec combination of APIs I will happy to help!
Much appreciated! Admittedly I have hardly done any development, but what you described sounds like something I'd potentially attempt to do if I was to get into it. Sounds like a really fun project — if I get inspired, I'll hit you up!
My “win” was only 1 Sagittal band in my hand was ruptured…so the chances I need surgery went from 75% to 20%…
I’ll know for sure in 6 weeks…on the up side, I’m learning a LOT about the lead/management side of dev…
I tried to write a Raytracer in an OpenGL Compute Shader with C++. It turned out fairly well, although specular lighting looks off. This is my second C++ project after 5+ years with Java. It's going well so far!
As as first for this year for the
is that I finished a project for new Features on Angular 17 as part of presentation that I will do.This week, I published a new article: Creating a URL Shortener with Django, FastAPI, ReactJs and Tailwind CSS ✨🙌
Awesome post, Vicente. Looks like a super helpful one!
Wrote 3 blogs on dev.to and already being followed by over 100 amazing people here. in a few days.
Nice! I see you've been sharing some good stuff. I liked reading about devtree — cool app.
Make that 101 followers! 😀
thanks for the kind words @michaeltharrington
Every time I try to do coding I get lazy and tired, I don't know why. I need help guys
What you experience can have two reasons. One easy to fix, another extremely hard. The easy to fix one is that you are not understanding or have a wrong understanding of some of the words you are reading or using in your thought process. Find out which word results in getting lazy and tired and start to work on getting better understanding of its meaning. If you succeed in understanding you will experience a wave of motivation pushing you forward up to the next word you bump into which makes you lazy and tired. Be prepared that it can take months and even years to achieve a level of understanding of words making it rarely necessary to look them up and clarify their proper meaning. Every of us has some words he missed to understand properly. It's a continuous process. But if you know the reason, you know what you can do about it.
The other reason for what you observe can be, that there are deep ingrained psychic mechanisms in you trying to prevent that you do something by making you lazy and tired. To get rid of them is a challenge which would require a deep study of the underlying mechanism ... You can start the path to a way out with getting rid of trauma in first place. Then step by step gain more and more understanding about own functionality.
What you can try if you get tired is to STOP THINKING and start to focus on perception what is NOW AND HERE. This will get you out of the tiredness ... at least for a moment ... until you fall back into thinking again.
At least if you succeed to experience becoming motivated again you know that there is a way to change it. This will push you towards going deeper into finding out more. Using this technique won't help you to overcome the tiredness allowing then to start coding ... because if you are HERE and NOW and STOPPED THINKING it is hard to impossible to write code which needs thinking in first place ... and if you start thinking you will get tired again ... an evil loop hard to escape.
May the power of oOo be with you!
P.S. Another "trick" is to become aware of and checking your body posture at the moment of getting tired. Change then the body posture to a posture expressing happiness and success ("open" the chest area, hold your head up, ...) and be surprised by the outcome.
Here one more "trick": become aware of your breathing ... maybe you hold breath for some weird reason what results in lowering the oxygen level in the body leading to tiredness.
Thank you buddy!
Does something out of the described work for you? What exactly? May you provide your experience so others can see which surprising interrelationships exist between at the first glance unrelated things?
i just registered at Dev, its quite a big archivement for me :)
also decided to consciously start growing my twitter account, which i run since 2009 - together with learning how growth works. wish me luck 🤞
Woohoo! Welcome Daniel. Good to have ya with us — best of luck on that Twitter growth. 🍀
My latest post got great feedbacks this week. One of the most important articles I ever wrote. 🫡🫡
Always nice to get that recognition, I'm glad folks responded so well to it. It was a good one!
Losing 20 pounds, and getting started with rebuilding my universities Cybersecurity website.
Six day run streak!
Dang, Mike! That's a bunch of running right there — get it! 🏃💨
"All about losses, no wins 🥹"
What's this quote from? I'm sorry to hear if it was a no-wins kinda week for ya... they can't all be winners!
I wrote a new article on SQL Self Joins, check it out!
Nice one, Mark! Appreciate ya sharing it with us. 🙌
Made a video streaming application using Java socket programming.