Hey there!
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'win...
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This has been sparking joy for the past two weeks! Biking after work and getting healthier
Kicked off a new project at work...
And, my DEV blog series got featured in the Monthly MicroPython Meetup!
Bringing the bling 🌟 with MicroPython 🐍
Andy Piper ・ Feb 3 ・ 5 min read
I'm almost done with my personal blog project. I used Forem API to fetch my articles from dev.to to my laravel project and It looks so great I can't wait to deploy it 🚀
Wooho! I am not that good at API(s).
I'm thinking of writing an Article about it with small tutorial when my blog goes live
I finished my portfolio website! Any feedback is welcome! 🙈 justynamarciniak.vercel.app/
It looks great!
The glassmorphism in the navbar is awesome!
My only suggestion is that it would look better if the icons in the navbar would switch when you scroll (so for example when you are in the “some things I’ve built” section the navbar would highlight the computer icon).
Thank you!
I was thinking about it as well, but after your suggestion I fixed it ☺️
Wasn't easy tho. 😅
That looks way better!
It looks cool! And especially the transition on the profile image. I seen them somewhere 😉
Published a blog post this week, which I worked on quite some time. That'd make it a 2 week streak for me that I try to keep up! 💪
At work I'd consider getting CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) under control again that slowly sneaked into the web app. Whoever has dealt with battling Core Web Vitals knows it's a continuous effort to keep the CWV metrics in the greens. 💦
We put up a new cat tree and our cat is very happy with it
Started my top up degree at London Met University 😃♥
iam Joined to in intern in a company its good .
Tanks sir i want new fresher in tech would hello i want your valuable Mentoring support do you intrested
I started my training to get the web developer diploma! Finally! 🥰🥰🥰
Shipped a new product! devenv.tronic247.com/
As a New year resolution I enrolled UI/UX course by Google with a six month duration. After a week or so I couldn’t able to continue learning due to my office work. Took it this week and completed a month’s course. 😃
Started Journaling

Created a notion template personalised for me. Created them inspired by different Journal apps. And I love it.
Made my third neovim plugin, lsp-zero. My way of helping people setup some "LSP related" features in neovim, like autocompletion and diagnostics. It bundles the code one would find in many tutorials into a nice interface. I even wrote a little quickstart tutorial here on DEV.
I’m finishing up HTML and CSS tomorrow and built a product landing page. I’ve been at this for 5 weeks, and I’m getting better at laying out my pseudocode, understanding what code to pick to perform the action (e.g., flex box, etc.,), playing with the code to see and understand the changes and finally googling better. Please understand I’m retired from the military, so I have time on my hands to get through the material on Odin and freeCodeCamp. Next week is JS.
Completed my first fullstack project
Nanodegree finalist !!!!!!!
Start Solving problems at leetcode
Looked for furniture for our new house with my wife ❤️
Built my YouTube channel for coding, CodeFerry
Link: youtube.com/channel/UClFpn_rvi8M2e...
Hosted Flutter festival event gdg.community.dev/gdg-san-jose/ . It was fun hosting the event.
keep it up! 💪
Learning how GitOps works was the biggest win for me this week.
I bought a new home last week! We’ll be moving in in a couple of weeks 🥳
Congrats!!! That's so exciting. Must feel good to be through the grueling process and paperwork!
I could become the club lead of SLIIT Women In Free and Open Source Community and the Assistant Treasurer at SLIIT FOSS Community.
Started a new blog : Syntackle
Cleaned up all my DEV posts and put them into nice, neat series: dev.to/mishmanners/series
My win is that I'm back in London, I had enough seeing homeless people in Seattle.
Got my first React job🥳
I'm coding my startupa and along the way my Laptop crashed, I got a new one and I'm so happy to continue
Almost finished my personal website!
I’m really excited to deploy it (soon)!
Want to contribute to pen source