
Why Not React Native? Why Not Flutter? Why Not Meteor? Why Not NativeScript?

Ben Halpern on October 26, 2018

We started working on an iOS app a little while back and just released a basic-not-totally-functional-but-usable Beta app yesterday. ...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern • Edited

Somewhat unrelated, but part of the journey, was using Flutter, being impressed by the environment, developer experience, and potential, but hitting a snag and seeing that the resolution lied in a GitHub issue that had been open since 2015 with no obvious timeline for a fix.

That's a certain type of pain I've been trying to avoid lately.

creativ_bracket profile image

I'm glad you wrote this post, as I had been wondering why you went down the Swift route. It's a shame you hit that snag. Any chance you could point to the Github issue? You got my curiousity :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Which GitHub issue would that be?

And if it's not clear: Definitely like Flutter. If I were currently in search of a side project, I'd definitely consider Flutter bigtime. Just wanted to reiterate that since I'm talking to the foremost Darter among us.

PS would you like to moderate the Dart tag?

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creativ_bracket profile image
Jermaine • Edited

I was thinking on what you said below:

seeing that the resolution lied in a GitHub issue that had been open since 2016

I've been working on a Flutter app and wanted to see if that Github issue will affect me too.

Sure, wouldn't mind moderating Dart tag

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I sort of forget the context I was even in, but I believe this was the issue:

Inline Android and iOS WebView #730

Presumably this requires some compositor work, similar to maps or video?

Towards the bottom it actually looks like progress has been made. I took this as a cue to trend more towards mature tech for a project that didn't really need Flutter.

Made you a Dart mod. Individual comment mods is still a pretty new thing, but you get access to this one additional permission:

More permissions coming as we build new features. Feel free to DM me with any questions along the way.

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socratesdz profile image
Sócrates Díaz

As the plugin for webviews is already available. I guess one can come up with a version of in Flutter.

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yes. The issues I ran into were in the details. I got enough info to conclude I wanted to go in a different direction, but others might find different outcomes.

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

So could you say that you rejected using a framework @ben ? ;)

hitting a snag and seeing that the resolution lied in a GitHub issue that had been open since 2015 with no obvious timeline for a fix.

Seriously, this point about 'hidden' snags buried in ancient, unresolved issues is one of my reasons to avoid silver-bullet frameworks; you want it to do that one thing... but it never will.

Admirable decision to code it up in Swift and then rely on the web to serve content. If I had a I didn't use a framework and it was fine sticker, I'd award it.

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

If I had a I didn't use a framework and it was fine sticker, I'd award it

Technically you're still using a framework to build the app, and the server side app that's "wrapped" inside the mobile app uses a framework too.

I don't think building a mobile app without using any sort of framework is much of an option


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creativ_bracket profile image

You took the words right out of my mouth :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I’ve consistently played both ends of the framework spectrum. Went with vanilla JS for the front end of the web app, now with some libs sprinkled in. But Rails for the backend, which is a framework and a half.

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wannymiarelli profile image
Wanny Miarelli

This is actually what Cordova does at the end of the day.

wannymiarelli profile image
Wanny Miarelli

You got a problem with frameworks dude, that's the point. Take it easy.

gabek profile image
Gabe Kangas

Agreed. Cross platform tools are the worst of every option. If anybody wants a deepish dive into some cross platform talk I wrote a bit about it:

joe profile image
Joe Fazzino

I’m a react native developer and I thought your post really touched on a big issue of choosing a cross platform solution instead of native.

I don’t agree that they are the worst of every option because sure, some things suck, but at the end of the day you can produce a nice native application for 2 platforms with 1 codebase.

rhymes profile image

I went through all the links on the repo and wow, the hybrid approach is very interesting. It speaks the same language as the idea of going back to server rendered pages instead of full on SPAs.

Effectively it gives super powers to the dev team because they can build an ecosystem of apps around the same responsive web application, with customizations when are needed and if it makes sense, go native.

It's not the solution for every type of app but it decreases the amount of work to get something in the hands of the users.

I wonder why nobody thought about it loudly before, and the entire industry went the route of building totally different apps built on the same API.

I remember observing, and being puzzled by, Android and iOS teams re-implementing the same things over and over and Flutter has probably stemmed from that. Glad there are so many alternative right now: full native, Flutter, React Native, pure PWAs, hybrid apps. Exciting times to be a mobile developer :-)

Remembering that most of us work in companies that are neither Google nor Facebook is a good thing ;-)

ps. have you considered adopting Turbolinks 5 in the future? Sam Stephenson makes a compelling argument for it but IIRC you already have something similar in place (I haven't looked that much at the frontend code for

ark profile image
Ark Shraier • Edited

Just curious, how app doesn't break AppStore rule 4.2 (Minimal functionality)?

In short, AppStore doesn't like websites wrapped by WebView.

Have you experienced any issues regarding this?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

We have not experienced this issue yet. It's my hypothesis that this is a rule designed or optimized to catch poorly implemented versions of this approach.

Our app may not be quite as snappy as pure native, but it's a pretty good app overall and we definitely make use of native niceties in all the right places.

ark profile image
Ark Shraier • Edited

Good to hear! Your PWA is very snappy and sometimes faster in displaing content, than some "classic" apps with REST backend. Keep up good work!

Can you share sometime is there any secret ingredient for such speed, except CDN and Turbolinks?

leesmith profile image
Lee Smith 🍻

What kept you from building a PWA?

katafrakt profile image
Paweł Świątkowski

(full disclosure: I'm not mobile developer and my knowledge of the ecosystem is very limited)

Aren't PWAs kind of very poorly supported at the moment in iOS? Also, with Flutter becoming popular, I guess there's a sane degree of uncertainty about what will happen to PWA idea. Google is notorious for dropping such procets in favour of newer ones.

tunaxor profile image
Angel Daniel Munoz Gonzalez

The website is already a pwa, I guess there are more plans for the mobile app

vinceramces profile image
Vince Ramces Oliveros

The nightmare of cross platform is the native APIs for both Android and iOS devices(IoT, Bluetooth,GPS,notification, running in background, NFC). Flutter is great for UI and performance. I'd invest more to flutter because of Fuchsia in the next 5 years. But I took a break and went back to the web ecosystem. I think the Team should invest to Flutter if the framework is mature enough to meet the needs for the team.

As for bizarre project that requires native APIs, its better to go FULL native.

jdsteinhauser profile image
Jason Steinhauser

It's actually kind of refreshing to see someone not choose React Native or Flutter, and bonus points for having a solid reason not to!

dev_in_the_house profile image

Nice post

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


markshust profile image
Mark Shust

Why not Meteor? (thought I’d ask since it was mentioned in the clickbait title ;)

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Elaboration on this actually does interest me (though, from being a former Meteor user, I do remember watching the enthusiasm die down). I still like Meteor, but I moved away from it since I don't currently have a use for an SPA. Maybe it could be fun for a project in the future though.

katafrakt profile image
Paweł Świątkowski

we're building a pretty simple native wrapper on top of a capable, and always improving, web application

One would think that this is a perfect case for cross-platform frameworks such as React Native or Flutter. After all, what's more simple than a webview-mostly app. If that's not a good fit for those then what is?

pareshjoshi profile image

Why did you even need native apps when is PWA?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

iOS support for PWA is 🤢

pareshjoshi profile image

Makes sense.

motss profile image
Rong Sen Ng

Why and what makes you think that it's time for a native mobile app? Web app does not fit the purpose anymore?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

The webapp fits many purposes and we’re still web-first. But there are some niceties or native apps you just can’t get on the web, especially in iOS-land.

tunaxor profile image
Angel Daniel Munoz Gonzalez

Anything in mind for specially? I can't think of anything at the moment
I love a lot the pwa aspect of it

a__m profile image
antonio miranda

It's curious that this isn't very different of what Cordova does. The problem with Cordova it the fact that it's dying slowly...

markshust profile image
Mark Shust

Who put that in your head? Cordova has had more funding and support right now than it ever has before.

a__m profile image
antonio miranda

Sorry @ben to get out of line here.

@markhust funding and support? Maybe, I can't tell, where can that be seen?

What I can see it inactivity, mainly on community plugins. The problems I face nowadays is deprecated plugins and not updated to match new platforms. See for example cordova-android, it's was updated to v7 a year ago, but practically can't be used since plugins are not compatible with some major changes introduced.

Ionic is an exception, but looking at the new capacitor project looks like they are looking for an alternative to Cordova.

rafi993 profile image

That is true.But you still can use Flutter for Android only dev.It will reduce your dev time considerably.

theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

I feel that the app is well-built in terms of responsiveness to pull this off.

rattanakchea profile image
Rattanak Chea

Does this philosophy apply? Don't fix what is not broken I think it comes down to prioritization, time, resource and long term goals, and maintainability when deciding on a technology stack.