JSON is used for data transfer between client and server by software applications.
- Before JSON was introduced XML(Extensible Markup Language) was the only preferred way to transfer data between client and server.
- Later in early 2000, JSON got birth and replaced XML as a data format
What is JSON?
- JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation
- JSON is lightweight, while being human- and machine-readable.
- The collection of data contains a key-value pair where the key must be a string, and the value can be any of the following:
Image: json.org
Important rules to keep in mind:
- In JSON key values must be enclosed by double quotes
- Key and the value must be separated by a colon
- Each pair must be separated by comma
Here's how JSON looks like
"name": "SnowBit",
"favouriteLang": "JS"
That's it for now
Thank you for reading, have a nice day!
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