This project is honesty hilarious.
Yes, that's my voice. Yes, my voice is funny.
What is it
SussyImage is a joke project because, you guessed it, I was bored. Inspired by reddit's r/place, I thought it would be cool if I could make a project that could use small images to imitate an image. I already had a little bit knowledge of OpenCV2, so making the actual thing wasn't the challenge: Making it somewhat efficient was.
The image don't have to be AmongUs characters, but for me (and well, the entire internet), Amongus is extremely funny, so I have included an amongus character pack in the repository, which is set to the default image directory.
Here's the github repository, it's a very simple project
If you liked it EVEN ONE BIT, please star it lol ⭐⭐
Converts an image into funny, smaller amongus characters
Mona Lisa | Lona Misa (Made up of AmongUs characters)
I've also added an API that you can use to convert images to amongus characters - it's completely free and open source on the api
POST (Pass input_image as a base64 encoded image in the body)
You can also specify the atol
by passing it as a query parameter.
Docs -
git clone
cd SussyImage
pip install -r requirements.txt
python ./src/
This project is licensed under the MIT license
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