If you want to add equal height for the elements, you don't need any jQuery or JavaScript Plugins. Just add following script and use it for any elements.
You can also check the Demo
function setHeight(el, val) {
if (typeof val === "function") val = val();
if (typeof val === "string") el.style.height = val;
else el.style.height = val + "px";
var equalheight = function(container){
var currentTallest = 0,
currentRowStart = 0,
rowDivs = new Array(),
topPosition = 0;
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(container)).forEach((el,i) => {
el.style.height = "auto";
topPostion = el.offsetTop;
if(currentRowStart != topPostion){
for (currentDiv = 0 ; currentDiv < rowDivs.length ; currentDiv++) {
setHeight(rowDivs[currentDiv], currentTallest)
rowDivs.length = 0;
currentRowStart = topPostion;
currentTallest = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(el, null).height.replace("px", ""))
} else {
currentTallest = (currentTallest < parseFloat(getComputedStyle(el, null).height.replace("px", ""))) ? (parseFloat(getComputedStyle(el, null).height.replace("px", ""))) : (currentTallest);
for (currentDiv = 0 ; currentDiv < rowDivs.length ; currentDiv++) {
setHeight(rowDivs[currentDiv], currentTallest)
You don't need to change above code. Just put following code below main code and repeat it as many time as you want.
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
window.addEventListener("resize", function(){
This code does not have any dependency. It is built in pure JavaScript.
Top comments (1)
works well!!