CSS is an essential part of web development, as it determines most of the layout and appearance of websites. It is one of the tools that is easy to learn but hard to master. In this post I will share some of the best games that will help you learn CSS in a fun way.
Flexbox Froggy
Learn the concepts of flexbox in CSS
Flexbox Froggy introduces players to the concepts of flexbox layout in CSS. Players must use flexbox properties to position frogs on a lily pad, working their way through progressively more difficult levels.
Try it out at flexboxfroggy.com.
Grid Garden
Learn about the CSS grid layout system
Grid Garden teaches players about the CSS grid layout system by challenging them to grow a garden by writing CSS code. Players must use grid properties to arrange plants in a grid, working through various levels.
Try it out at cssgridgarden.com.
CSS Diner
Learn the basics of CSS selectors
CSS Diner takes players through a series of increasingly difficult challenges that teach the basics of CSS selectors. Players must use the correct selectors to select a series of dishes to advance each level.
Try it out at flukeout.github.io.
Flexbox Defense
Move around towers to defend a road from attacks
Flexbox Defense has 12 different levels and is a great game for learning CSS. It involves placing towers to protect a road from enemy attacks.
Try it out at flexboxdefense.com.
Knights of the Flexbox Table
Navigate the knight through the dungeon using Tailwind CSS
Knights of the Flexbox Table is a game where you help Sir Frederic Flexbox and his friends to uncover the treasures hidden in the CSS dungeons. You can navigate the knight through the dungeon by changing his position within the dungeon using Flexbox and Tailwind CSS.
Try it out at knightsoftheflexboxtable.com.
Flex Box Adventure
A game with 24 levels of CSS challenges
Flex Box Adventure has 24 levels and is a game where you'll have the opportunity to learn from helpful hints and test your skills with a variety of tasks. It's a great way to continue improving your understanding of CSS.
Try it out at codingfantasy.com/games/flexboxadventure.
Grid Attack
An interactive game to practice CSS grid
Grid Attack is expertly designed and will provide you with a fun and interactive way to learn about CSS Grid. The objective is to use CSS Grid to alter the landscape to defeat demons. With 80 levels to play through, you'll have plenty of opportunities to practice and master this important web development skill.
Try it out at codingfantasy.com/games/css-grid-attack.
Flexbox Zombies
Shoot zombies while learning about flexbox
Flexbox Zombies has 12 chapters and up to 25 levels in each, there's plenty of content to keep you entertained. Normally, this game comes with a price tag, but it appears to be free to play indefinitely.
Try it out at mastery.games/flexboxzombies.
Guess CSS
Guessing game with CSS selectors
Guess CSS challenges you to determine which selector produces the desired result. One of the benefits of this game is that you get to see the correct answer, which helps you learn. Additionally, it covers a wide range of CSS concepts, rather than focusing on just one specific aspect.
Try it out at guess-css.app.
CSS Speedrun
CSS selector game with time pressure and replayability
CSS Speedrun requires you to use CSS Selectors to target and select certain elements on the page. It adds an extra level of difficulty by requiring you to do it quickly. With 10 levels to play through, you can test your skills and try to improve your speed with each attempt.
Try it out at css-speedrun.netlify.app.
CSS Challenges
Improve CSS skills with daily challenges
CSS Challenges is a great tool for improving your CSS skills and learning new tricks. It provides daily challenges that will help you grow as a web developer.
Try it out at css-challenges.com.
Use your CSS skills to replicate targets with the smallest possible code
CSSBattle challenges players to build images using CSS. Players are given a set of design constraints and must use their CSS skills to replicate targets with the smallest possible code.
Try it out at cssbattle.dev.
Top comments (3)
My path in CSS started from CSS Diner. Good games for improving CSS skill
I never knew any of this existed. Thank you! I got something to play with over the weekend.
I've come across the frog one before, but not the others. Thanks for this!