DEV Community

Diogo Kollross
Diogo Kollross

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File upload using Laravel and Vue.js (The Right Way)

Ways to upload a file

Most articles showing how to upload a file using JavaScript actually teach how to encode the file contents in Base64 so it can be included in the JSON request. It works, but it's not as efficient as other methods. In this post I'll show how to upload a file using the multipart/FormData method using Vue.js together with axios.

Base64 inside JSON


  • No need to manually encode/decode your data in JSON (if using any frontend framework or client library)
  • File's content is just another field in the JSON object


  • Need to encode the file in Base64
  • Uses more CPU, more memory, and more network bandwidth (Base64 uses 33% more space than binary)
  • Little support from backend frameworks



  • No need to encode the file in Base64
  • Uses less CPU, less memory, and less network bandwidth
  • Full support from backend frameworks


  • Need to manually encode/decode your data in JSON
  • File's content is separate from the JSON object

Getting the file

In one way or another, your page will have a file input element that lets the user choose a file. Vue will complain if you try to use v-model on it because file inputs are readonly, so we usually add an event handler for the change event.

    <input type="file" @change="selectFile">

    data: () => ({
        photo: null,
        description: '',
        productId: 0,

    methods: {
        selectFile(event) {
            // `files` is always an array because the file input may be in multiple mode
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Sending the file

File input elements have a files property that is an array of instances of the File class. It has some metadata about the selected file and methods to read its contents. Besides that, it can be used directly as a value in a FormData object. The FormData class allows one to use JavaScript to build the same request that a plain HTML form would create. You can use a FormData object as the request's body when using axios, jQuery or even plain XMLHttpRequest objects.

The following:

const data = new FormData();
data.append('description', this.description);
data.append('productId', this.productId);"/api/photo", data);
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Is roughly the same as:

<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/api/photo">
    <input type="file" name="photo"/>
    <input type="text" name="description"/>
    <input type="text" name="productId">
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If you have complex data as arrays or nested objects, you will have to convert them to JSON manually:

const data = new FormData();
const json = JSON.stringify({
    description: this.description,
    productId: this.productId,
data.append('data', json);"/api/photo", data);
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Receiving the file

At the Laravel side, there is full support to handle file uploads transparently using the Request class. Uploaded files are fields like any other, presented by the framework as instances of the Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile class. From there on you can read the file's contents or store it somewhere else.

public function savePhoto(Request $request)
    // Validate (size is in KB)
        'photo' => 'required|file|image|size:1024|dimensions:max_width=500,max_height=500',

    // Read file contents...
    $contents = file_get_contents($request->photo->path());

    // ...or just move it somewhere else (eg: local `storage` directory or S3)
    $newPath = $request->photo->store('photos', 's3');
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If you had complex data that you manually converted to JSON, you need to decode it before use:

public function savePhoto(Request $request)
    $request['data'] = json_decode($request['data']);

    // Validate
        'data.description' => 'required|filled|size:100',
        'data.productId' => 'required|int|exists:App\Product,id'

    // ...the rest is the same...
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Top comments (12)

distalshores profile image
Samuel Coll

Thanks for this! Very useful. For anyone else who had trouble handling the request data on the Laravel side, I had to set the Content-Type header in the Axios post method to application/json before I could decode it in the controller method.

garatasm profile image

Thank a lot for this article.

Performance wise could you kindly tell me how impactful is to process multi-file comparing these two approaches below?

// 1st approach
data.append('photo[0]', myFileInput.files[0]);
data.append('photo[1]', myFileInput.files[1]);
data.append('photo[2]', myFileInput.files[2]);
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// 2nd approach
data.append('photo[]', myFileInput.files[0], 'photo0.jpg');
data.append('photo[]', myFileInput.files[1], 'photo1.jpg');
data.append('photo[]', myFileInput.files[2], 'photo2.jpg');
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I am eager to read of your point of view about pros and cons of these two way of doing multi-file upload.
Thank again.

eightyfive profile image
85 • Edited

A lot of React Native examples advise to just append the photo form data, as an object:

How would this work since you mentioned every object needs to be stringified?

PS: Their examples don't work for me, so that would confirm. Laravel does not "understand" a "photo object: { uri, type, name }", $request->file('photo') returns null.

eightyfive profile image

Found it. cannot be null, undefined, ...... If not Laravel does not recognize the photo field as an Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile... Damn it.

fernastereo profile image
Fernando Cueto

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
a thousand of Thank you!
I had two days struggling with this.

diogoko profile image
Diogo Kollross

I'm glad it was useful to you!

bhaidar profile image
Bilal Haidar

Hello Diogo,

If you have complex data as arrays or nested objects, you will have to convert them to JSON manually.

Why is that?

diogoko profile image
Diogo Kollross

Because when making a request encoded as multipart/form-data (which is a requirement for file uploads) all you can send is a flat list of name=value pairs - where value may either be a string or a file.

If you try to add an array or an object directly to the FormData object, it will be implicitly converted to a string, which is probably not what you want (resulting in, for example, "[object Object]" or "12,15,28,55").

christiandave_abina_d295 profile image
Christian Dave Abina

Thankyou very much!
This help me a lot in my project.

I Salute you brother!

djaiss profile image

This has been SO useful. I've been trying to make file upload with Inertia work for a few days now and I couldn't find the proper solution.
Thanks so so much.

mahdipishguy profile image
Mahdi Pishguy

what should be photo in html?

joneyspark profile image
Joney Spark

How to Upload pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx in Laravel and Vue.js ???