
Cover image for The Ultimate Next.js Cheat Sheet for Developers
Dipak Ahirav
Dipak Ahirav

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The Ultimate Next.js Cheat Sheet for Developers

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Next.js has rapidly become one of the go-to frameworks for building performant and scalable web applications. Its seamless integration with React, automatic code splitting, and server-side rendering capabilities make it a powerful choice for developers. This cheat sheet is designed to provide you with a quick reference to the most essential Next.js commands, functionalities, and best practices.

Setting Up and Basic Commands

Installing Next.js:
Create a new Next.js app using the create-next-app command. This sets up everything automatically for you.

npx create-next-app my-next-app
cd my-next-app
npm run dev
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Development Server:
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000.

npm run dev
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Building for Production:
Build your application for production usage.

npm run build
npm start
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Exporting a Static Website:
Generate a static website from your Next.js application.

npm run build
npm run export
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Key Concepts in Next.js

Pages & Routing

  • Pages:
    In Next.js, a page is a React Component exported from a file in the pages directory. The pathname matches the file name, e.g., pages/about.js responds to /about.

  • Dynamic Routes:
    Create dynamic routes by adding square brackets to a page name, e.g., pages/posts/[id].js.

API Routes

  • Creating API Routes: Define API routes by creating files within the pages/api directory. Each JavaScript file becomes an API route that handles requests independently.
  // pages/api/hello.js
  export default function handler(req, res) {
    res.status(200).json({ name: 'John Doe' })
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CSS & Styling

  • Built-in CSS Support: Import CSS files in components using standard CSS imports.
  import '../styles/globals.css'
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  • CSS Modules:
    Use CSS Modules for component-level styles by naming files [name].module.css.

  • Styled JSX:
    Write scoped CSS directly in your JavaScript files using styled JSX.

  export default function Home() {
    return (
        <p className="description">Welcome to Next.js!</p>
        <style jsx>{`
          .description {
            font-size: 20px;
            color: blue;
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Static Files

  • Serving Static Files: Place static files such as images in the public directory where they can be referenced by your application.

Advanced Features

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

  • getServerSideProps: Fetch data on each request and pass this data as props to your page.
  export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
    const res = await fetch(`https://.../data`)
    const data = await res.json()

    return { props: { data } }
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Static Site Generation (SSG)

  • getStaticProps: Fetch data at build time and pre-render the page to static HTML.
  export async function getStaticProps() {
    const res = await fetch('https://.../data')
    const data = await res.json()

    return {
      props: {
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  • getStaticPaths: Specify dynamic routes to pre-render pages based on data.
  export async function getStaticPaths() {
    const paths = [
      { params: { id: '1' } },
      { params: { id: '2' } }

    return { paths, fallback: false }
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This Next.js cheat sheet should serve as a helpful guide to kickstart your projects or refine your workflow in Next.js development. Whether you're building a small personal project or a large-scale production application, Next.js offers the tools and flexibility you need to succeed.

Top comments (1)

tomiloba2 profile image
Omojola Tomiloba David

This is based on the pages router
What about the relatively new app router