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David Midlo
David Midlo

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Parity: What it Means to be an IJSEC Practitioner: "It's Not Me, It's You"

Welcome, fellow security enthusiasts, IT warriors, and coffee-dependent code wranglers! Today, we're diving deep into the cutting-edge world of Zero Trust—but with a twist. Instead of the typical security jargon, I want to introduce you to the secret, unsung discipline that’s been quietly thriving in every tech team: IJSEC (It’s Just Somebody Else’s Code or Computer). You may not know it, but if you’ve ever looked at a weird log, pointed at it, and said, "Eh, not my code, not my problem," you might already be a certified IJSEC practitioner!

Zero Trust in a Nutshell: "It's Not Me, It's You"

First things first: Zero Trust. The big idea? Trust no one and verify everything. It's like a high-stakes reality TV show where no one's really sure who's a friend or who's just waiting to exploit a loophole. It's a cold, paranoid world out there, and Zero Trust says that even your best buddy could be the bad guy (or, more likely, their malware-infected laptop is).

But here's the thing: while Zero Trust is about assuming nothing and validating everything, IJSEC takes this to the next level. It’s not just about not trusting users or devices; it’s about one unshakable belief:

"It’s not my fault—it’s somebody else’s code!"

The Three Tenets of IJSEC: Foundations of Zero Trust (and Zen-like Peace)

So what does it mean to fully embrace the IJSEC philosophy, especially when it intersects with Zero Trust? Let’s break down the core pillars that will help you sleep better at night while wearing your cybersecurity cape.

1. Assume the Code is Broken (Because It Probably Is)

In Zero Trust, we don’t trust devices, applications, or network traffic. In IJSEC, we go further and always assume the code or config is broken. If something isn’t working right, or there's a security vulnerability, don’t panic—just assume that the person who came before you is the one responsible. Some call it "avoiding blame" or "shirking responsibility" but we call it "empowering yourself by acknowledging the inevitable flaws of others."

Found a critical security bug in production? Not your code, not your config; not your problem! (Well, until your boss says it is, but let's not dwell on that.)

2. Always Verify (Who the Heck Did This?)

In Zero Trust, it's all about verifying identity and access continuously. Similarly, in IJSEC, we constantly verify who wrote the code or who configured the environment. "Who thought it was a good idea to leave an unencrypted S3 bucket?" you’ll mutter as you navigate the tangled mess of spaghetti logic in a system you inherited from Steve-who-left-3-years-ago. Steve’s ghost haunts your performance reviews, but as an IJSEC practitioner, you know better than to blame yourself.

You didn’t leave that port open or write that SQL injection flaw! It was Steve! Verify and move on.

3. Segment Responsibility (Or, "Pass the Buck Effectively")

Just as Zero Trust segments the network to limit damage, the IJSEC expert segments responsibility. This is where collaboration comes into play! When you find a bug, it’s crucial to send that ticket directly to the team (or the person) you think is responsible. And if they’ve left the company? No worries. At that point, it’s a legacy issue—clearly not something you should deal with today.

You’re not just passing the buck; you’re practicing proactive segmentation. That’s advanced IJSEC thinking!

Advanced IJSEC Tactics for the Elite Practitioner

For those ready to take their IJSEC skills to the next level, here are a few advanced moves guaranteed to keep your life easier and your security posture... well, technically existent.

The "Chain of Custody" Escape Hatch

When faced with a security issue, the IJSEC way is to start a chain of emails to track exactly when and where the flaw emerged—and preferably, point out that it’s been there since long before you joined. In fact, you could say it’s been there since dinosaurs roamed the data center. You've just inherited the problem, and it’s a legacy concern now. Not your code, not your config; not your concern. Maybe submit a ticket for the "historical code issues" team, if they exist.

The "That’s a DevOps Problem" Maneuver

Zero Trust wants everything verified, logged, and authenticated at every layer. You, as an IJSEC guru, want that too—as long as someone else is implementing it. So when asked why the logging isn’t set up properly for that application, the correct response is to calmly say, “That’s a DevOps problem.” Smile serenely and watch the ticket fly to another queue.

Remember, Zero Trust may assume bad actors everywhere, but IJSEC assumes good delegation everywhere.

The "Inherited Chaos" Clause

For the days when you’re on the hook for a particularly gnarly security incident (like the one that happened because nobody turned on MFA), simply invoke the "Inherited Chaos" clause. This powerful piece of jargon is your shield when explaining to higher-ups why something didn’t go as planned. “Well, due to Inherited Chaos from prior configurations, this happened.” This phrase is both vague and intimidating—perfect for getting out of tight spots.

Zero Trust, IJSEC, and Finding Balance in the Chaos

Zero Trust may be the gold standard for keeping our networks safe, but for those of us in the trenches, IJSEC is the mindset that keeps us sane. By adopting the “not my code, not my problem” philosophy, we embrace a stress-free (okay, stress-managed) approach to modern systems engineering.

So next time you find yourself untangling a web of poorly documented APIs, staring at suspicious network traffic logs, or deploying security patches to code that wasn’t your fault—just remember: It’s Just Somebody Else’s Code or Computer. Trust nothing, assume everything is broken, and, most importantly, be ready to shift responsibility like a pro.

What it Means to be an IJSEC Practitioner: Embracing Zero Trust with a Smile

As much as we love a good "not my code, not my problem" chuckle, there’s an unspoken truth hiding beneath the IJSEC mantra: somebody else’s code is still somebody’s code. And let’s be real—while it’s fun to pass the buck for a while, eventually, we all have to deal with the challenges of our systems. After all, the true spirit of Zero Trust isn’t just about dodging blame—it’s about building strong, secure environments that protect everyone involved. So, let’s dig deeper and talk about how we can approach IJSEC not just with humor, but also with empathy, compassion, and a healthy dose of collaboration.

A New Angle: "Somebody Else" Is Somebody You Should Care About

Here’s a radical idea: behind every bug, every security vulnerability, and every piece of questionable code, there’s a person (probably someone just like you) who did their best with the knowledge, deadlines, and tools they had at the time. And just as we’ve inherited their work, someday, someone else will inherit ours.

When we step into the mindset of Zero Trust combined with IJSEC’s empathy-driven approach, the goal shifts. It’s no longer about simply shrugging off blame; it’s about understanding the upstream owners of that system and working together to move the entire system toward better security and reliability. Because at the end of the day, we’re all in this mess together—and we might as well try to fix it with a little heart.

Communicate with Compassion: The Code Doesn’t Write Itself

We’ve all had that moment: staring at the mess of someone else’s algorithm or topology and thinking, "How could they have possibly thought this was a good idea?" But instead of ranting in Slack and Teams or muttering darkly during meetings, what if we approached it with curiosity and compassion? Here’s how you can turn a frustrating bug hunt into an opportunity for growth and teamwork:

1. Reach Out with Empathy

Before sending an irritated email or a passive-aggressive ticket comment, take a breath. Remember, the person who did the work wasn’t trying to make your life harder—they were likely solving a problem under pressure. When you reach out to the upstream owner (if they’re still around), frame the conversation positively:

  • Wrong approach: "Who left this mess? Fix it."
  • Better approach: "Hey, I noticed this part of the code could use a security update. I’d love to understand the original thinking behind it and see how we can improve it together."

Starting with empathy opens the door to productive dialogue and avoids the blame game. Plus, building relationships with the people responsible for different parts of the system can pay off in the long run. Trust me—one day, you’ll be glad you have a direct line to Steve-the-ghost’s replacement.

2. Understand the Context Before Judging

It’s easy to critique what we don’t understand. Maybe that bizarre unencrypted database or hardcoded secret in the code was the result of a rushed MVP or a miscommunication between teams. By taking the time to dig into why the code was written the way it was, you can often uncover the root cause of the problems. Instead of just patching the symptom, you’re now armed with knowledge to prevent similar issues from cropping up in the future.

Plus, asking “What were the constraints when this was built?” can offer insight into how to navigate future updates, budget discussions, and negotiations for additional resources to bolster security and stability.

Collaboration: Zero Trust Isn’t Just About Code—It’s About People

Zero Trust demands we authenticate, authorize, and validate everything, but it’s not just machines and network traffic that need validation—it’s people, too. By bringing human compassion into the equation, we can better ensure that Zero Trust frameworks are adopted by every team.

1. Share the Load, Don’t Just Pass the Buck

When you discover a security flaw or potential vulnerability, the instinct might be to toss it over the fence as quickly as possible (we get it—you have 12 other bugs to fix by Friday). But what if, instead, you reached out and asked the upstream owner how you could help address the issue collaboratively? Sometimes, the simplest solutions come from two minds working together. You might find that what seemed like "somebody else’s problem" is actually an opportunity to improve security across the whole system.

2. Create Learning Opportunities

As an IJSEC practitioner with a deep appreciation for Zero Trust, you’re in a position to foster a culture of continuous improvement. Instead of just flagging issues for others, offer to host security learning sessions, share best practices, or even pair-program to resolve security gaps. After all, "somebody else" might appreciate a helping hand more than you think.

And let’s be honest: improving their code today might save you from inheriting even worse system tomorrow.

Toward a Future of Secure, Collaborative Systems

As much as IJSEC started as a jab at shifting blame, it’s clear that there’s a deeper truth here: by recognizing the human side of code, we can shift from finger-pointing to problem-solving. The journey to Zero Trust is a long one, and while we might not always own the code, we all share responsibility for the security of the systems we touch.

So, next time you’re tempted to throw someone under the proverbial bus for a code flaw or a security mishap, pause for a moment. Remember: "somebody else" is a person just like you—trying to juggle deadlines, technical debt, and a million other things. With a little empathy, communication, and teamwork, we can all work toward a more secure (and less chaotic) future.

Conclusion: Embracing Both Zero Trust and Zero Blame

IJSEC may begin with "It's Just Somebody Else’s Code or Computer," but it ends with a reminder that somebody else is just like you—striving to build, protect, and maintain systems in an ever-evolving security landscape. As systems and security professionals, we’re all on the same team, working to make our code, our networks, and our world a safer place. By embracing Zero Trust principles and coupling them with empathy and communication, we can achieve both rock-solid security and strong, trusting relationships with our colleagues.

And remember: it’s okay to laugh about the code you’ve inherited. But once the laughter fades, roll up your sleeves and collaborate with the team to fix it. Because the best systems aren’t built in isolation—they’re built with compassion, teamwork, and a shared commitment to security and reliability.

Now, go forth, spread the good word of Zero Trust (and IJSEC), and—most importantly—be kind to "somebody else." You never know when you might become that "somebody" in someone else’s story!

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