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Farhan Yahya
Farhan Yahya

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My only 2 plans for 2020 ๐Ÿ˜–

Everyone does it

Whenever a year begins, one of the things you will hear here and there is a plan for the year or a todo list. This has been what I've been hearing from most of my friends but funny thing is that I never had one. All I knew was that it's a new year and life still goes on but some time ago I realized that this thing kind of help. Because I've been passing through the years just like that.

When I decided to do it

Hence, I decided to start using a plan or a todo list and the year was 2019 ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜….
In December 2018 I has sat down and listed almost everything I wanted to do in 2019. It was an interesting list that I was very passionate about but I ended doing just one throughout the whole year. I touched some pieces but never completed them. So this year I came with a new strategy to make sure I'm able to complete the list.

What I realized

At the end of 2019, I realized something about me that might apply to you too.

  1. My list for 2019 was too long.
  2. It wasn't a year based todo list. It was what I wanted in life.
  3. I didn't weight the time for completion of each task before listing them.
  4. I always thought there is enough time in a year and even when In September I still see more time.

And these are the reasons I'm going for just 2 plans this year. These plans are to help me in my subsequent plans.

My 2 plans

These plans are very simple than you might have been guessing.

  1. I want to learn Machine learning(and all the math involved) and improve my Algorithms this year.
  2. I need a source of income.

The second point is very important to me because I'll be 20 this year and I still rely on my parents. Over here it's quite normal and happens all the time because of the high unemployment rate but I'm not okay with that. Hence this year, I''m going to try a variety of stuff from Youtube to small Saas software. I love open source tho

Please help with your ideas in the comment box

Latest comments (4)

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Damn, almost like me. I've some blog-based objectives to accomplish, and then the ones on my career: I want to have a specific amount of money by the end of the year, gain independence beyond the finance, do at least 3 CS classes at my Uni, and make at least one ML project (one NN probably). I'm already learning Algebra because it's crucial to have a solid understanding of all ML stuff. I hope you'll accomplish your new year resolutions!

dochan profile image
Farhan Yahya

Interesting, I'm already halfway through linear algebra. Wishing you all the best too.

marchofprogress profile image
Erik O.

Most students rely on their parents until the end of university studies so don't feel behind. Learn the basics and than look for a job where you can learn a lot. Youtube is good kick starter but don't stop there, make a project yourself so you will remember later and even have reference for jobs etc.

dochan profile image
Farhan Yahya

Okay, thanks