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Victor Dorneanu
Victor Dorneanu

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Documentation as Code for Cloud - PlantUML


I've become a huge fan of PlantUML even before I came across the concept of "documentation as code" 1 and it instantly won me over with its capabilities. I have used it in many different roles (software engineer, security engineer, security architect) extensively to draw diagrams (components, sequences) and mind maps.

Though initially, the general syntax might seem a bit challenging to understand, I believe that with some dedication, the learning curve becomes quite manageable. The reward of mastering PlantUML is well worth the effort, as it empowers you to create visually engaging and informative diagrams seamlessly.

One aspect where PlantUML might fall short is its default styling, which may not be as visually impressive as some other tools. However, this drawback can easily be overcome by incorporating icons and leveraging different themes to breathe life into your diagrams 2 By doing so, you can elevate the aesthetic appeal and overall quality of your visual representations significantly by using standard icons (included withing the standard library) and 3rd-party ones .

Let's have a look how how a typical PlantUML document could look like:

<<styling options>> ❶

<<import of additional resources/modules>>  ❷
<<import of 3rd-party resources>>  ➌

<<resources>>  ❹
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
👉 General structure of the PlantUML document

At the top of the document ❶ you define the basic layout of the resulting drawing (landscape mode, font size, font family, default direction in which resources should be created, etc.). Then you start adding different modules ❷ and ➌ which provide different entities and icons based on your needs. Finally you use your resources/entities, arrange them correspondingly and make relationships between them ❹.

This is what I'll use for the examples within this blog post 3:

' !define AWSPuml
!define AWSPuml /home/victor/work/repos/aws-icons-for-plantuml/dist
!include AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
!include AWSPuml/AWSSimplified.puml
!include AWSPuml/ApplicationIntegration/APIGateway.puml
!include AWSPuml/ApplicationIntegration/SimpleNotificationService.puml
!include AWSPuml/ManagementGovernance/CloudWatch.puml
!include AWSPuml/Compute/EC2.puml
!include AWSPuml/Compute/EC2Instance.puml
!include AWSPuml/Compute/LambdaLambdaFunction.puml
!include AWSPuml/Groups/all.puml
!include AWSPuml/Containers/EKSCloud.puml
!include AWSPuml/Containers/ElasticKubernetesService.puml
!include AWSPuml/Containers/Containers.puml
!include AWSPuml/NetworkingContentDelivery/VPCNATGateway.puml
!include AWSPuml/NetworkingContentDelivery/VPCInternetGateway.puml
!include AWSPuml/NetworkingContentDelivery/VPCEndpoints.puml
!include AWSPuml/Storage/SimpleStorageService.puml
!include AWSPuml/SecurityIdentityCompliance/IAMIdentityCenter.puml

hide stereotype
skinparam linetype ortho
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
👉 Styling option and includes for plantuml (basically the epilogue for everything else used in this post)

PlantUML is a powerful tool that goes beyond just creating basic diagrams; it also supports various types of grouped areas. These groupings play a crucial role in emphasizing the logical connections between different components or resources that belong to the same category, making it easier to understand complex systems.

When working with PlantUML, you have the flexibility to employ different types of groups to organize your diagrams effectively. Some of these groups include:

Group name Description
GenericGroup If the predefined groups don't suit your needs, you can use this group type for custom arrangements.
GenericAltGroup Similar to the generic group, this one allows for alternative custom groupings.
AWSCloudAltGroup This group allows you to represent alternative cloud arrangements in your AWS diagrams.
VPCGroup It lets you create a clear representation of components within an AWS Virtual Private Cloud.
RegionGroup It enables you to logically group components based on AWS regions.
AvailabilityZoneGroup With this group, you can highlight components grouped by availability zones in AWS.
SecurityGroupGroup Use this group to demonstrate the logical connections between security groups in AWS.
AutoScalingGroupGroup This group is perfect for showcasing auto-scaling groups and their relationships.
PrivateSubnetGroup This group emphasizes components that are part of private subnets in AWS.
PublicSubnetGroup Similar to the previous one, but for components in public subnets in AWS.
ServerContentsGroup Use this group to illustrate the contents of a server or its internal
CorporateDataCenterGroup It helps you highlight components within a corporate data center.
EC2InstanceContentsGroup Use this group to show the internal structure or contents of an EC2 instance.
SpotFleetGroup This group allows you to group instances in AWS Spot Fleet.
AWSAccountGroup With this group, you can demonstrate various components within an AWS account.
IoTGreengrassDeploymentGroup Use this group to illustrate deployments in AWS IoT Greengrass.
IoTGreengrassGroup This group lets you represent components within AWS IoT Greengrass.
ElasticBeanstalkContainerGroup Use this group to showcase container-related elements in AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
StepFunctionsWorkflowGroup This group is perfect for visually representing AWS Step Functions workflows.
👉 List of available grouping options within aws-icons-plantuml


Let's have a look at the most common groups:

  • Generic group

The most useful group (without any icons) is the generic group:

    GenericGroup(generic_group, "Generic Group") {
      package "Some Group" {
        HTTP - [First Component]
        [Another Component]

      node "Other Groups" {
        FTP - [Second Component]
        [First Component] --> FTP
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
👉 Using generic group


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  • Generic alt group

If you want to use another layout (without dotted lines) you could go for generic alt group:

    GenericAltGroup(generic_alt_group, "Generic Alt Group") {
      node node1
      node node2
      node node3
      node node4
      node node5
      node1 -- node2 : label1
      node1 .. node3 : label2
      node1 ~~ node4 : label3
      node1 == node5
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
👉 Using generic alt group


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  • AWS Cloud Group

The AWSCloudGroup along with AWSAccountGroup provides a more AWS-like grouping of resources.

Here is one example using VPCs and private subnets:

    AWSCloudGroup(aws_cloud, "AWS Cloud Group") {
      AWSAccountGroup(aws_acc_group, "AWS Account Group") {
        VPCGroup(vpc_group, "VPC Group") {
          PrivateSubnetGroup(priv_subnet1, "Private Subnet Group") {
            [component] as C1
          PrivateSubnetGroup(priv_subnet2, "Private Subnet Group") {
            [component] as C2
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
👉 Using AWS cloud group


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AWS Architecture

On our journey of designing the AWS architecture for our innovative self-destroying email service, we should begin with a high-level overview to lay down the foundation. With PlantUML at our disposal, it's a wise approach to start by sketching the fundamental high-level concepts 4 before going to deep into details.

By starting with the organizational units and gradually adding layers of complexity, we can systematically build upon the architecture, ensuring a coherent and comprehensive representation of the entire system. This step-by-step approach allows us to understand each component's role and relationships before moving forward.

In this initial phase, we'll focus on capturing the essence of the architecture, identifying the main components and their relationships. As we move on, we can gradually introduce additional elements/components to achieve a holistic and detailed representation of the mail service.

Remember, a well-structured high-level design serves as a roadmap, guiding us through the design process and identifying potential challenges or areas that require further refinement. With PlantUML as our visual design tool, we can easily iterate and modify the architecture as needed, ensuring that our self-destroying email service is built on a solid and scalable foundation. So, let's start with the big picture and refine it step by step to create an AWS architecture that meets our requirements.

Account level

On the organizational level, we have three accounts: OU-Tech, OU-Security, and OU-DevOps. Each account has a prod environment.

AWSCloudGroup(cloud) {
  GenericGroup(ou_tech, "OU-Tech") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_tech_prod, "prod") {

  GenericGroup(ou_security, "OU-Security") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_security_prod, "prod") {

  GenericGroup(ou_devops, "OU-DevOps") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_devops_prod, "prod") {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
👉 Organizational units


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VPCs and responsibilities

On the VPC level, we have a custom VPC with two private subnets. The VPC has a VPC endpoint to API Gateway. The VPC endpoint is used by the API Gateway to access the EKS cluster.

The DevOps organizational unit also has some responsibilities which are highlighted as "groups" inside the OU.

AWSCloudGroup(cloud) {
  GenericGroup(ou_tech, "OU-Tech") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_tech_prod, "prod") {
      VPCGroup(vpc_tech, "Custom VPC") {
        EKSCloud(tech_eks_cluster, "Tech EKS Cluster", "Cluster") {
        VPCEndpoints(tech_vpc_endpoint, "VPC Endpoint", "VPC Endpoint")

  GenericGroup(ou_security, "OU-Security") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_security_prod, "prod") {

  GenericGroup(ou_devops, "OU-DevOps") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_devops_prod, "prod") {
      GenericAltGroup(devops_cicd_group, "CI/CD") {

      GenericAltGroup(devops_infraprov_group, "Infrastructure provisioning") {

      GenericAltGroup(devops_releasemgmt_group, "Release Management") {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
👉 Adding VPCs and responsibilities


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AWSCloudGroup(cloud) {
  GenericGroup(ou_tech, "OU-Tech") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_tech_prod, "prod") {
      VPCGroup(vpc_tech, "Custom VPC") {
        EKSCloud(tech_eks_cluster, "Tech EKS Cluster", "Cluster") {
        VPCEndpoints(tech_vpc_endpoint, "VPC Endpoint", "VPC Endpoint")
      APIGateway(tech_api_gw, "API GW", "API GW")

    ' Relationships
    tech_api_gw --> tech_vpc_endpoint

  GenericGroup(ou_security, "OU-Security") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_security_prod, "prod") {
      CloudWatch(sec_cloudwatch, "Cloudwatch", "Cloudwatch")
      SimpleStorageService(sec_s3, "S3 Bucket", "S3 Bucket")
      IAMIdentityCenter(sec_iam_center, "IAM", "IAM")

      GenericAltGroup(sec_alerting_group, "Alerting") {
        SimpleNotificationService(sec_sns, "SNS", "SNS")
        LambdaLambdaFunction(sec_lambda, "Lambda", "Lambda")

    ' Relationships
    tech_api_gw --> sec_iam_center
    sec_cloudwatch --> sec_alerting_group
    tech_eks_cluster -- sec_s3

  GenericGroup(ou_devops, "OU-DevOps") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_devops_prod, "prod") {
      GenericAltGroup(devops_cicd_group, "CI/CD") {

      GenericAltGroup(devops_infraprov_group, "Infrastructure provisioning") {

      GenericAltGroup(devops_releasemgmt_group, "Release Management") {

      ' Relationships
      devops_infraprov_group -right- acc_tech_prod
      devops_cicd_group -right- tech_eks_cluster
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
👉 Adding relations


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What about the rest?

Our diagram is not complete yet. Every group region could have its own diagram (as if you would zoom in into a specific component). Let's have a look how we add Kubernetes related components such as nodes, pods and services 5.

AWSCloudGroup(cloud) {
  GenericGroup(ou_tech, "OU-Tech") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_tech_prod, "prod") {
      VPCGroup(vpc_tech, "Custom VPC") {
        EKSCloud(tech_eks_cluster, "EKS Cluster", "Cluster") {
          GenericGroup(grou_tech_eks_service, "Kubernetes Service") {
            Containers(tech_eks_pod1, "pod", "Pods")
            Containers(tech_eks_pod2, "pod", "Pods")
        VPCEndpoints(tech_vpc_endpoint, "VPC Endpoint", "VPC Endpoint")
      APIGateway(tech_api_gw, "API GW", "API GW")

    ' Relationships
    tech_api_gw --> tech_vpc_endpoint

  GenericGroup(ou_security, "OU-Security") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_security_prod, "prod") {
      CloudWatch(sec_cloudwatch, "Cloudwatch", "Cloudwatch")
      SimpleStorageService(sec_s3, "S3 Bucket", "S3 Bucket")
      IAMIdentityCenter(sec_iam_center, "IAM", "IAM")

      GenericGroup(sec_alerting_group, "Alerting") {
        SimpleNotificationService(sec_sns, "SNS", "SNS")
        LambdaLambdaFunction(sec_lambda, "Lambda", "Lambda")

    ' Relationships
    tech_api_gw --> sec_iam_center
    sec_cloudwatch --> sec_alerting_group
    tech_eks_cluster -- sec_s3

  GenericGroup(ou_devops, "OU-DevOps") {
    AWSAccountGroup(acc_devops_prod, "prod") {
      GenericAltGroup(devops_cicd_group, "CI/CD") {

      GenericAltGroup(devops_infraprov_group, "Infrastructure provisioning") {

      GenericAltGroup(devops_releasemgmt_group, "Release Management") {

      ' Relationships
      devops_infraprov_group -right- acc_tech_prod
      devops_cicd_group -right- tech_eks_cluster
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
👉 Adding the rest


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Sequence diagrams

When examining the previsouly sketched architecture, it is not immediately clear how the mail service can be used. To gain a better understanding of the fundamental workflows, it is necessary to adopt sequence diagrams. These diagrams should be created for each business use case 6.

Without fancy icons

Let's explore some sequence diagrams without icons and additional styling:

  • Compose and send mails

        title Sending a Self-Destructing Email
        actor User
        participant Frontend
        participant AuthenticationService
        participant EmailCompositionService
        participant EncryptionService
        participant LifetimeManagementService
        participant NotificationService
        User -> Frontend: Compose email
        Frontend -> AuthenticationService: Authenticate user
        AuthenticationService --> Frontend: User authenticated
        Frontend -> EmailCompositionService: Compose email with content
        EmailCompositionService -> EncryptionService: Encrypt email content
        EncryptionService --> EmailCompositionService: Email content encrypted
        EmailCompositionService -> LifetimeManagementService: Set expiration time
        note right: Expire after N hours
        LifetimeManagementService --> EmailCompositionService: Expiration time set
        EmailCompositionService -> NotificationService: Notify recipient
        NotificationService --> EmailCompositionService: Recipient notified
        EmailCompositionService --> Frontend: Email composition complete
        Frontend --> User: Email sent

    👉 Sending an e-mail


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  • Receive and view mails

        actor Recipient
        participant NotificationMicroservice
        participant Frontend
        participant EncryptionMicroservice
        participant LifetimeManagementMicroservice
        Recipient -> NotificationMicroservice: Received Email Notification
        NotificationMicroservice -> Frontend: Get Email Data
        Frontend -> EncryptionMicroservice: Decrypt Email Content
        Frontend -> Frontend: Display Email
        Frontend -> LifetimeManagementMicroservice: Check Expiration Status
        LifetimeManagementMicroservice -> Frontend: Email Expired

    👉 Plantuml sequence diagram for receiving and viewing mails


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  • Compose and send mails (with logging)

    Now let's complicate things a little bit and also make sure we log requests and store necessary data to our storage system:

        actor User
        participant Frontend
        participant AuthMicroservice
        participant EncryptionMicroservice
        participant CompositionMicroservice
        participant LifetimeManagementMicroservice
        participant LoggingService
        participant DataStorage
        User -> Frontend: Compose Email
        Frontend -> AuthMicroservice: Authenticate User
        AuthMicroservice -> Frontend: User Authenticated
        Frontend -> CompositionMicroservice: Send Email Data
        CompositionMicroservice -> EncryptionMicroservice: Encrypt Email Content
        EncryptionMicroservice -> LifetimeManagementMicroservice: Set Expiration Time
        LifetimeManagementMicroservice -> Frontend: Expiration Time Set
        Frontend -> Frontend: Notify User (Email Sent)
        Frontend -> LoggingService: Log Email Sent Event
        Frontend -> DataStorage: Store Email Metadata
        CompositionMicroservice -> DataStorage: Store Encrypted Email Content

    👉 Plantuml sequence diagram for composing and sending mails (with logging)


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With AWS Icons

Let's add some AWS related icons and some boxes (for emphasizing components that belong together):

  • Send mails

        ' Epilogue
        skinparam BoxPadding 10
        ' !define AWSPuml
        !define AWSPuml /home/victor/work/repos/aws-icons-for-plantuml/dist
        !include AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
        !include AWSPuml/Compute/all.puml
        !include AWSPuml/ApplicationIntegration/APIGateway.puml
        !include AWSPuml/General/Internetalt1.puml
        !include AWSPuml/Database/DynamoDB.puml
        ' Components
        actor User as User
        APIGatewayParticipant(api_gateway, "API Gateway", "")
        box "EKS" #LightBlue
          participant AuthenticationService
          participant EncryptionService
          participant EmailCompositionService
          participant NotificationService
          participant LifetimeManagementService
        end box
        ' Relationships
        User -> api_gateway: POST /create-mail
        == Authentication ==
        api_gateway -> AuthenticationService: Authenticate user
        AuthenticationService -> api_gateway: User authenticated
        == Mail creation ==
        api_gateway -> EmailCompositionService: POST /create-mail
        EncryptionService --> EmailCompositionService: Email content encrypted
        EmailCompositionService -> LifetimeManagementService: Set expiration time
        note right: Expire after N hours
        LifetimeManagementService --> EmailCompositionService: Expiration time set
        == Notification ==
        EmailCompositionService -> NotificationService: Notify recipient
        NotificationService --> EmailCompositionService: Recipient notified
        EmailCompositionService --> api_gateway: Email composition complete
        api_gateway --> User: Email sent

    👉 Sending mail workflow (with icons and boxes)


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  • Send mail (with logging and data storage)

    Now let's add logging and data storage to the sequence diagram

        ' Epilogue
        skinparam BoxPadding 10
        ' !define AWSPuml
        !define AWSPuml /home/victor/work/repos/aws-icons-for-plantuml/dist
        !include AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
        !include AWSPuml/Compute/all.puml
        !include AWSPuml/Storage/all.puml
        !include AWSPuml/ManagementGovernance/CloudWatch.puml
        !include AWSPuml/ApplicationIntegration/APIGateway.puml
        !include AWSPuml/General/Internetalt1.puml
        !include AWSPuml/Database/DynamoDB.puml
        ' Components
        actor User as User
        APIGatewayParticipant(api_gateway, "API Gateway", "")
        box "EKS" #LightBlue
          participant AuthenticationService
          participant EncryptionService
          participant EmailCompositionService
          participant NotificationService
          participant LifetimeManagementService
        end box
        box "Storage" #LightGray
          SimpleStorageServiceParticipant(DataStorage, "S3", "")
        end box
        box "Logging" #LightCyan
          CloudWatchParticipant(LoggingService, "CloudWatch", "CloudWatch")
        end box
        ' Relationships
        User -> api_gateway: POST /create-mail
        == Authentication ==
        api_gateway -> AuthenticationService: Authenticate user
        AuthenticationService -> api_gateway: User authenticated
        == Mail creation ==
        api_gateway -> EmailCompositionService: POST /create-mail
        EncryptionService --> EmailCompositionService: Email content encrypted
        EmailCompositionService -> DataStorage: Save mail metadata and encrypted content
        EmailCompositionService -> LifetimeManagementService: Set expiration time
        note right: Expire after N hours
        LifetimeManagementService --> EmailCompositionService: Expiration time set
        == Notification ==
        EmailCompositionService -> NotificationService: Notify recipient
        NotificationService -> LoggingService: Log Email sent event
        NotificationService --> EmailCompositionService: Recipient notified
        EmailCompositionService --> api_gateway: Email composition complete
        api_gateway --> User: Email sent

    👉 Sending mail workflow (with icons and boxes)


    👉 Full PlantUML Code


Here are some useful PlantUML related resources:

In the next post, we'll cover the C4 model, a powerful framework for visualizing software and infrastructure architecture using a unified model and language. Stay tuned!

  1. I also code for presentations. So the term presentation as code is also a thing. 

  2. For really cool diagrams you might want to have a look at PlantUML Hitchhikers Guide

  3. In this example I've cloned aws-icons-for-plantuml locally. That's why I've used /home/victor/work/repos/aws-icons-for-plantuml/dist as the location of the AWS icon distribution. But you can still use an external URL such as

  4. You may also check the first post for some diagrams using pen & paper. 

  5. Also have a look at Hitchhikers Guide on Kubernetes

  6. The examples below don't require the epilogue (styling and additional modules). 

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