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Drew Town
Drew Town

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Improve Blog Post SEO with Gridsome and Vue Meta

Gridsome generously includes Vue Meta which has become the de-facto standard for updating the <head> tag in Vue projects. Combining the power of Vue Meta with various aspects of the Gridsome GraphQL API we can create relevant page titles, descriptions and create rich social media cards for blog posts that use Gridsome.

Getting started

As long as you have a working Gridsome site there is nothing you have to do to get started! From any of your Gridsome pages or templates

Adding meta info to pages

As Gridsome's pages are generally static we can use the basic Vue Meta syntax to add a title. In our site's pages/Index.vue we can add a metaInfo object in our JavaScript.

export default {
  metaInfo: {
    title: "Hello, world!"

Now when we visit the home page of our blog we will see the tile of our tab has changed to Hello, world! - Drew Town Dev. By default, Gridsome will append your site's name from gridsome.config.js file using the siteName value.

module.exports = {
  siteName: "Drew Town Dev",
  // ...other config

It is possible to override this by setting Vue Meta's titleTemplate property which could be set in your Layout Default.vue if you prefer a different title template. For example, switching to a pipe instead of a dash would require titleTemplate value of %s - My Travel Blog

Adding meta info to templates

Templates are where the real power of Vue Meta comes into play. We can use the method syntax of Vue Meta to dynamically change values. The method syntax will allow us to dynamically set the title and the meta description of the page for starters. Additionally, we can detect if a post has various properties, such as a cover image, which will allow us to add extra tags to inform Twitter or Facebook that they can display our links as rich cards.

In this example, we will use information about our post from a Gridsome page query to add extra information to the head meta tags.

export default {
  metaInfo() {
    return {
      title: this.$,
      meta: [
          name: "description",
          content: this.$
          property: "og:title",
          content: this.$
          name: "twitter:card",
          content: this.$ ? "summary_large_image" : "summary",
          name: "twitter:creator",
          content: "@drewtown_chi"
          property: "og:description",
          cotent: this.$
          property: "og:image",
          content: this.$ || ""

The title tag can be set as a direct property on the returned object as it is expected by Vue Meta. The other meta tags must be returned as an array of meta objects via the meta property.

The content can be set using the this.$ values, static values, or event ternary expressions in the case of the twitter:card tag. In this example, we assess whether an image exists or not to help Twitter determine which type of card to use for the post.

Wrapping up

There are many tags and structured data types such as recipes, events, books and many more that can be used to help guide users to your content and boost SEO rankings.

Using Vue Meta with Gridsome is the best way to make use of the various tags available with the least amount of effort required.

Top comments (4)

viviansolide profile image
Vivian Sarazin

Hello Drew,

Thanks for sharing!

Quick thought : how did you manage the ssr?
I'm currently on this topic and it's not straightforward at all :/

The Nuxt generate command does the trick, nevertheless I can't find the equivalent inside Gridsome.

drewtownchi profile image
Drew Town

With Gridsome there is only the gridsome build command which generates the entire site as a static site. When I run that I'm seeing the SEO tags populated in the generated html files in the dist folder.

<title>Improve Blog Post SEO with Gridsome and Vue Meta - Drew Town Dev</title>

Is this what you were asking or was it something else?

viviansolide profile image
Vivian Sarazin

Thanks for your reply!
Not really, I created an issue to explain my thoughts :)

bbarbour profile image
Brian Barbour

This is pretty awesome! Definitely going to use this for my project.