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Roman Agabekov
Roman Agabekov

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Query Optimization in MySQL: Optimizing Top Queries vs. Slow Queries

When working with MySQL or any other relational database, performance optimization is often associated with identifying and fixing "slow queries." These are queries that take too long to execute, typically due to poor indexing, complex joins, or large data sets. However, focusing exclusively on slow queries might not be the most effective strategy for optimizing the overall performance of your application.

In this article, we’ll explore why optimizing high-frequency queries that consume significant system resources (referred to as “top queries”) can often provide more substantial benefits than focusing solely on slow queries.

It’s important to keep in mind that queries can be problematic for two main reasons:

  1. Queries that cause a lot of system load: These are high-frequency queries that run efficiently in isolation but place a significant burden on the system due to their frequency.
  2. Queries with unacceptable response times: These are slow queries that may cause delays, particularly in interactive applications, but may be less of an issue in batch jobs.

1. Why Slow Queries Aren’t Always the Biggest Problem

Slow queries are problematic because they can cause delays for individual users and lead to timeouts or degraded user experiences. These queries usually occur infrequently, and their total resource consumption is often relatively small. In certain cases, like batch processing jobs, a slow query might not cause any issues at all. However, in interactive applications, where users expect a fast response, a query taking 10 seconds to execute is generally unacceptable.

Furthermore, in high-concurrency environments, even infrequent slow queries can trigger system-wide issues. For example, a poorly written query running 5 times per day may not seem like a huge problem, but if it causes locking on an important table, it can lead to max connection exhaustion and prevent other queries from executing. This domino effect can ultimately lead to:

  • Connection exhaustion at the database: As queries pile up waiting for locks to clear, all available connections are consumed.
  • Failure at other system layers: Web servers, app servers, and queue systems can also exhaust their worker/connection limits, triggering cascading failures.
  • Auto-scaling limits: Even if the system is designed to auto-scale, it can only handle a limited amount of load. Moreover, auto-scaling may not react quickly enough to prevent failure, especially when the core issue is lock contention, not raw CPU load.

In such cases, a single slow query can cause significant issues in high-concurrency systems, and addressing them is critical to maintaining system stability.

2. Understanding the Impact of Top Queries

Let’s take an example to highlight the difference between slow queries and top queries. Imagine you have two queries:

  • Query A: Executed 1,000,000 times per day, each execution takes 20 milliseconds (ms).
  • Query B: Executed 5 times per day, but each execution takes 10 seconds.

At first glance, Query B might seem like the more pressing concern because of its high latency. However, Query A, which runs more frequently, consumes significantly more system resources. While each execution of Query A is relatively fast, its high frequency results in a total load of over 5.5 hours of CPU time per day, compared to just 50 seconds for Query B.

In terms of CPU utilization, optimizing Query A could have a much larger impact on performance. If you can reduce the execution time of Query A by 50% (from 20ms to 10ms), you cut its CPU usage in half, resulting in a more responsive system overall and freeing up resources for other operations.

3. The Hidden Cost of High-Frequency Queries

Many developers overlook the impact of high-frequency queries because they don’t stand out as problematic in traditional slow query logs. They may have low latency, but their cumulative effect is enormous.

For instance, if a query that executes millions of times per day consumes even a small fraction of system resources, it can:

  • Increase CPU utilization and cause performance bottlenecks.
  • Slow down other queries, leading to higher overall latency.
  • Limit scalability, making it harder for the system to handle more users or traffic.

By focusing on optimizing these top queries, you can reduce overall system load and improve the efficiency of the database, resulting in a faster, more scalable application.

4. Optimizing Top Queries: Where to Start

To effectively optimize high-frequency queries, start by identifying the queries that consume the most system resources. Tools like Releem can help by analyzing query execution times, CPU utilization, and memory usage to prioritize which queries to focus on. Here’s a simplified process:

  1. Identify Top Queries - Use performance monitoring tools to gather statistics on query execution frequency, total execution time, and resource consumption (CPU and I/O).
  2. Analyze Query Performance - Look for inefficiencies in the query itself, such as missing indexes, unnecessary data retrieval, or complex joins.
  3. Optimize Execution Plans - Examine the query execution plans and consider adding or adjusting indexes, rewriting queries, or partitioning large tables.
  4. Monitor Results - After implementing optimizations, monitor the system to ensure that the changes are having the desired effect, reducing overall system load and improving responsiveness.

5. Striking a Balance: Slow Queries vs. Top Queries

While it’s important to optimize top queries for overall system performance, you shouldn’t ignore slow queries altogether. The key is prioritizing your optimization efforts. Slow queries that are executed frequently should be prioritized first, followed by high-frequency queries with moderate latency. Rarely executed slow queries can be addressed later or only if they cause noticeable performance degradation for users.

By using a tool like Releem to analyze and optimize SQL queries, you can achieve a balance between addressing slow queries and optimizing top queries to ensure the best performance for your database and application.


In database performance tuning, it’s easy to focus on slow queries because they seem like the most obvious problem. However, top queries that consume significant system resources are often the real bottleneck, especially when they are executed frequently. Optimizing these top queries can have a far greater impact on overall performance and user experience than focusing solely on slow queries.

By understanding the difference between slow queries and top queries, and leveraging tools like Releem to prioritize and optimize inefficient queries, you can reduce CPU utilization, improve scalability, and create a more responsive application for your users.

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