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David Kistauri
David Kistauri

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What I learned after a year and half of developing

I started to code in January 2018. After more than a year I changed a lot of things in my development process.

First of all, I am a frontend developer. This means that I use HTML, CSS, JS.

Let's start with a list:

  • Atom → Sublime Text → VS Code. I started to code on codecademy (it's first in Google). My first HTML code I copied to Atom and saved on a computer. I have chosen Atom because a long time ago I've searched for a good text editor and see a lot of recommendations. Next, I switched to Sublime Text and loved it. I write a lot of non-realise websites and some realized. Next, I heard about the VS Code. It's been very complicated for me but after a few weeks, I completely switched.
  • Beautify → Prettier. It's very hard to format code by hands, so I need to automize this process. I have used Beautify but recently switched to Prettier with config files.
  • Default monospace font → Fira Code. The font is a very important thing in the development process. I didn't think much of it before. And once I saw in Twitter some interesting font with a new thing for me — ligatures support. It was Fira Code. Now it's a very popular font.
  • jQuery → clean JS. I started to code in JS from jQuery tutorial on YouTube. The tutorial said that jQuery is cleaner, smaller, easier and with jQuery you can write a solution for the task in a few strings that take in JS 200 strings. But after some time I've understand that clean JS has more support, cleaner, easier and takes a minimum of space with default support in browsers.
  • CSS → SASS. Just love this parent { child } syntax.
  • Jekyll → Gatsby. Gatsby is a more progressive static site generator with a lot of default optimizations.
  • Lighthouse → PageSpeed Insights. So I love green scores in Lighthouse and love it. Recently Google moved Lighthouse to the web with more stability.

If I remember more, I'll extend an article.

Write in comments your openings.

Top comments (2)

zakius profile image

once you try PHP(or Web)Storm you'll never go back
I do agree that font is important and that's exactly why I can't stand Fira Code and am sticking to Consolas
SASS might be an interesting choice for big projects but in most cases it just adds a build time you don't need
for performance insights I just use GTMetrix as it provides me results from both PageSpeed and YSlow, sometimes helping to pinpoint little details single tool would miss and in the end I might check Lighthouse too
Additionally I use Mozilla Observatory to fix some webserver config issues

As of static sites, if I really want to build one I'll in most cases just code one, but in extreme cases I'll use Laravel Export, I never got to this point though, with half a second range loading times on cheap VPS I don't feel the need to (and in PHP 7.4 I expect them to go down again), though skipping the DB querying would definitely save some time

dtroode profile image
David Kistauri

Huge thanks for these testing websites!
I am using static site generator for blog website to generate html from md