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23 High Paid Jobs Over $100K You Might Not Be Aware Of

Technology is changing faster than ever before, and the skills that are in high demand are also constantly evolving.

With this in mind, it's no surprise that salary has become one of the most critical considerations for professionals looking to switch careers or advance their Information Technology knowledge. 

This article will be talking about career paths that will pay well over $100K annually!

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23 High Paid Jobs Over $100K You Might Not Be Aware Of

Cloud Engineer Salary: $120,000 - $165,000 per year. 

Cloud Engineers are a type of software engineers who specialize in a broader range of topics, especially when it comes to cloud computing.

They must be skilled in network engineering and have experience developing for Amazon Web Services or Google Compute Engine.

They must have a deep understanding of creating distributed cloud applications and know what it takes to build, deploy, test, and operate software in an AWS or Google Compute Engine environment.

The salary range given is from and makes Cloud Engineer close to the top of the best paying jobs. 

Software Product Manager salary: $115,000 - $160,000 per year. 

A Software Product Managers job responsibilities include building the product roadmap for a company's products in their respective fields (i.e., advertising tech). They are responsible for organizing teams' schedules by setting goals with deadlines that will produce the most efficient results while keeping customers happy!

As you can imagine, this involves working closely with project managers across departments who may be putting together different aspects of one final product. They need to communicate with both internal employees and external customers.

It's recommended that you have at least five years of experience in the IT industry (but this job is not limited exclusively to those already working in IT).

The salary range given is from

Machine Learning Engineer salary: $130,000 - $180,000 per year. 

A Machine Learning Engineer finds ways for computers to learn how to do specific tasks without prior programming knowledge through algorithms that other software or devices can use!

A lot of research goes into developing this skill, so Machine Learning Engineers usually have a doctorate degree in their field. They typically work closely with Data Scientists since they rely on each others' expertise. Still, it's possible to get into that field even with a master's degree or bachelor's degree.

Suppose you want to become a Machine Learning Engineer. In that case, it's recommended that you have at least three years of experience with the software engineering process and know how to code (even if it's not your primary job).

The salary range given is from, and it looks like a machine learning engineer is one of the best-paid jobs in the IT job market.

Database Developer salary: $115,000 - $150,000 per year. 

A Database Developers' job responsibilities include building many different databases such as relational or object-oriented databases using MySQL and Oracle SQL Server tools.

They also develop ways for companies' IT departments to optimize their database based on specific business needs while keeping data secure! They need strong programming skills, which means you'll be writing a lot of code!

The median salary range given is from

Full Stack Developer salary: $105,000 - $160,000 per year. 

A Full Stack Developer knows how to work with websites or applications' back-end and front-end aspects.

They need to know HTML/CSS for putting together web pages while also learning how to program in languages like C++ and Java if they're working with software development teams!

In addition, some essential soft skills go along with this job, such as being good at collaboration and communicating ideas across multiple departments! That makes them extremely valuable within companies that focus on digital products (i.e., Apple). 

The median salary range given is from

Full Stack Developer is a perfect job and offers a very high salary in the job market that doesn't require advanced education. A college education is fair enough for engineering managers that decide to hire you in most cases.

Hardware Engineer salary: $90,000 - $120,000 per year. 

A Hardware Engineer designs and develops components for a company's computer systems or products to make them more efficient!

They create many of the physical parts that complete electronic circuits. That can then be built into more extensive subsystems and test the performance of those pieces before they're ready to ship out. 

It requires mechanical engineering or CAD software knowledge, so you'll definitely need some schooling if you want this job!

The median salary range given is from

Data Analyst salary: $60,000 - $100,000 per year. 

Many companies have started seeing utilizing data science teams who use large sets of data to find trends and generate reports. These can be used for marketing or business orientated decisions.

Data Analysts are responsible for making sense of that information from a company's perspective by visualizing it in ways that people within the organization understand (i.e., using dashboards).

It also involves sharing insights with other teams like sales, research, and product development to ensure they utilize their resources effectively! 

The median salary range given is from Still, according to occupational statistics, a candidate with a doctoral degree can have very high pay.

Orchestrator salary: $45,000 - $100,000 per year. 

An Orchestrator takes care of all aspects involved when bringing hardware and software components into one final system, such as networks or databases through automation.

They also ensure that all the pieces work together correctly by making frequent updates to systems while keeping track of everything. Most of their time is spent on software development and testing procedures, with some additional skills like project management needed as well! 

The median annual wage given is from

Build Engineer salary: $90,000 - $120,000 per year. 

As a Build Engineer, you'll be using your knowledge in programming languages such as Java or Python to help build large-scale applications. Which can be used across different platforms (i.e., desktops, mobile devices).

It's usually done within an Agile methodology, which means working closely with Product Managers responsible for setting the overall goals of the company/product they're working on.

It also requires some problem-solving skills to debug issues that may come up while getting used to new software and hardware! 

Software Developer salary: $90,000 - $120,000 per year. 

A Software Developer will be using their knowledge in programming languages like Java or C++ (in addition to others) by developing the core functionalities of a company's products, such as creating web pages for websites!

Their job duties include designing and testing parts involved with these features, which often includes collaborating closely with Product Managers when coming up with ideas around what needs building next (i.e., user stories). Software developers need strong analytical thinking & communication skills because they'll definitely be working on a team! 

According to many job openings, the median pay range given is from is one of the best paying jobs. Engineering managers (hiring) don't usually require a master's degree. So it could be a good idea for your next job, especially when you would like to make more money.

Mobile Developer salary: $110,000 - $140,000 per year. 

A Mobile Developer creates mobile apps for users with an emphasis in iOS or Android development, which requires knowledge in programming languages like Objective-C and Java (in addition to HTML/CSS).

It also involves using software tools such as Xcode when creating these apps and testing them across different devices before they're publicly released! 

In the past, it may have been more common to start this job by learning how to program first. Still, many companies prefer someone who already has experience developing specifically within their platform of choice, even if not full-time. So definitely keep that in mind while starting your journey into tech! 

Data Scientist salary: $120,000 - $170,000 per year. 

A Data Scientist takes all the information available and turns it into something actionable by finding trends or insights that can be used for business purposes! They use programming languages like Python to analyze data which requires strong knowledge in statistics, so they're able to explain their findings using graphs & charts (i.e., dashboards). 

It also involves communicating with people within organizations about what was found, so everyone understands how best to utilize those results! A doctorate degree may help your chances but isn't necessary since there are plenty of entry-level positions open too if you have the right skills. 

Information systems managers salary: $87,000 - $250,000 per year.

Information Systems Managers use their knowledge in high-level programming languages like C++ & Java. Also, having a solid background in business and mathematics to plan, direct and coordinate activities involved with an organization's computer systems such as networks and databases!

As you might imagine, this is usually done within larger companies. That requires someone who can think outside the box for creative solutions when problems arise (i.e., technology or infrastructure-based).

Communication skills are crucial since they'll be working closely with both technical teams to ensure plans get implemented correctly and senior management across different departments. 

The median salary range given is from but keep in mind that high-level positions often pay quite well regardless of what your role will

Financial analyst salary: $67,000 - $126,000 per year.

A financial analyst analyzes and evaluates the performance of investment portfolios. They are typically employed by high-profile firms, such as banks or brokerage houses. The job requires a high degree of intelligence, analytical skills, research capability, and communication skills. 

Financial analysts work in teams with other professionals to decide what investments are best for their company's portfolio. They must be able to evaluate risks carefully and have enough knowledge about different companies to recommend an investment strategy that will bring high returns on invested capital over time with low-risk exposure. 

It also involves creating reports and presentations that require strong statistics knowledge (i.e., descriptive & inferential).

This is a job where graduates may actually have an advantage since it's often considered entry-level even if you don't yet have relevant experience. Still, at least now you know what skills are needed regardless of whether or not this becomes your next career path. 

Research analysts salary: $58,000 - $145,000 per year.

A research analyst is an individual who analyzes data for a company or organization to help them make decisions. They carry out interviews, surveys and compile data to prepare reports that the company can use to decide what steps they need to take next.

It also involves communicating findings across different departments within an organization before they're even public information! This is a job where graduates may actually have an advantage since it's often considered entry-level even if you don't yet have relevant experience. Still, at least now you know what skills are needed regardless of whether or not this becomes your next career path. 

The median salary range is from, but high-level positions will usually pay more than those lower down on the totem pole.

Business operations manager salary: $69,000 - $249,000 per year.

A business operations manager is in charge of running all aspects of a business, including managing strategy, customer support, and administrative functions. They are high-level managers that must have high levels of accountability. Also, high amounts of skill set diversity, high levels of analytical insight.
As well as high levels of emotional intelligence, high levels of innovation, high levels of knowledge in the field they're working in or are studying in.

It also involves communicating findings across different departments within an organization often before they're even public information. This is a job where graduates may actually have an advantage since it's often considered entry-level even if you don't yet have relevant experience. Still, at least now you know what skills are needed regardless of whether or not this becomes your next career path. 

The median salary range is from, but high-level positions will usually pay more than those lower down on the totem pole.

Petroleum engineering salary: $84,000 - $258,000 per year.

Petroleum engineers are experts in finding and capturing oil, gas, and other natural resources. Petroleum engineers are high-paid specialists. You often could see on TV when their company has just made a significant discovery. Or when they need to design new equipment to extract oil from under the ocean floor. 
Petroleum engineers have exciting jobs because they work with high stakes: how high those stakes depend on where the engineer works. In Saudi Arabia, for example, a petroleum engineer can make more than $1 million annually if they find a well that produces lots of high-quality crudes.

In contrast, an American petroleum engineer might earn a lot at a large exploration firm drilling wells in Texas and Alaska. But even though he makes less money.

A master's degree may benefit petroleum engineering since it is frequently regarded as entry-level even if you don't have previous expertise. Still, at least now you know what abilities are required, regardless of whether or not this becomes your next career path.

The median salary range for petroleum engineers given is from
High-level positions will usually pay more than those lower down on the totem pole, though, and makes petroleum engineers one of the best jobs.

Medical doctor salary: $239,000 - $503,000 per year. 

Doctors save lives. They can be high-paid professionals who work in high-stakes situations, though not always for high-stakes organizations (or at least that's the perception).

High school students thinking about doctoring as a career might consider becoming veterinarians since it pays better than human medicine and doesn't require long years of schooling. 

However, average salaries are very competitive with other medical professions, so this is one high-paid job where graduates may actually have an edge! Though once again, there is no substitute for experience when it comes to landing your dream job, so get out there and start working hard while you're still young! 

The median salary range given is from, but high-level positions will usually pay more than those lower down on the totem.

Financial managers salary: $96,000 - $250,000 per year.

Financial managers are high-level business leaders who oversee all aspects of a company's financial situation. They have high levels of accountability and high amounts of skill set diversity.
Also, high levels of analytical understanding, high levels of emotional intelligence, high levels of innovation, and high knowledge in the field they're working in or are studying in.

A financial manager may benefit from a master's degree. Although it is considered entry-level even if you don't have prior knowledge, in some cases. It also involves communicating findings across different departments within an organization often before they're even public information. At least now you know what abilities are required, regardless of whether or not this becomes your next career path.

The median salary range is given by Still, high-level positions will usually pay more than those lower down on the totem pole, though.

Marketing manager salary: $63,000 - $194,000 per year.

Advertising is a high-stakes and high-risk business. 
Sometimes, if the campaign doesn't work out exactly as planned. It can end up costing a company millions in profit.

There's no such thing as "we'll try again later" when you've already spent your annual advertising budget for that year. On one poorly executed ad! This means marketers need to be especially skilled individuals who know their stuff inside and out about what they're selling.

Also, how to sell it publicly and privately, at a practical cost that will not be detrimental but beneficial. 

Starting doesn't require an advanced degree. A high school graduate with a bachelor's degree in marketing can usually expect to make about $63,000 per year - and that's the median. High-level positions will typically pay more than lower-level positions.

That makes marketing manager one of the highest paying careers available for high school graduates.

Financial advisors salary: $72,000 - $173,000 per year.

A financial advisor is a specialist who helps people with their finances. 
A financial advisor can help you make more money or save money on taxes.

They might also be able to help you plan for your retirement, college education for your children, healthcare costs, and other long-term goals. So what does a financial advisor do?

A few examples include:

  • Analyzing all of the income that someone brings in each year (such as salary) and then figuring out how much that person should invest (or spend) every month;  
  • Helping someone find high-quality investments;  
  • Investigating whether it makes sense to buy life insurance

The median salary range given by is $72,000 - $173,000 per year. Still, high-level positions will usually pay more than those lower down on the totem pole, making financial advisor one of the highest paying careers available today!

Sales managers salary: $73,000 - $120,000 per year.

The sales manager is interested in developing and maintaining relationships with potential and current buyers. They must also identify new customers and prospects, which means the sales manager must be analytical and creative.

The job is not always low-stress because there is a lot of competition and high pressure to make the sale.

A high school graduate with a bachelor's degree can expect to make about $73,000 to $120,000 per year. Still, high-level positions will usually pay more than those lower down on the totem pole, making sales manager one of the highest paying careers available today!

Chief executives salary: $116,000 - $228,000 per year.

Chief executives are in charge of almost everything when overseeing their own business. In most cases, they report directly to a board or shareholders.

However, that may vary depending upon what industry they've worked themselves up through to reach this level in their career. They have to handle pressure head-on and under immense scrutiny from all angles; it is definitely not for everyone. 

The median range given by is $116,000 - $228,000 per year. So it makes chief executive one of the highest-paying careers available today! Still, high-level positions will usually pay more than those lower down on the totem pole.

Is a bachelor's degree in computer science necessary?

Many high-paid jobs are in computer science. This is because technology changes every year. New technologies replace older ones, and the high-paying jobs are in software development.

These high-paying job titles can require a master's degree, bachelor's, or college degree. Still, we will be suitable for many of the highest-paying jobs just when we finish one of the training programs.

Conclusion of high paid jobs of the future

As you can see, there are many different kinds of tech jobs available, with the demand only continuing to increase over time!

It's also crucial that you're up-to-date on what technologies companies prefer using so they'll be easier to find by doing research beforehand! Since salary ranges vary depending on experience and location, use this as a rough guide when starting your journey into technology careers :)

Salary ranges were taken from

Thanks for reading,\
Radek from Duomly

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