Expecially during these times of remote work, I happened to be switching among different devices many times. I found very annoying that every time I needed to run some git push or pull I was asked for my git credentials.
I have an SSH key for that!
To use that key you need to add it to your keychain :
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/[your-private-key]
This works pretty well, until you restart... If you are on Catalina you have to persistently store the key with a specific configuration:
touch .ssh/config
vi .ssh/config
--> i ( to start typing in the file )
Host *
UseKeychain yes
AddKeysToAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
--> ESC (to exit from editing)
:wq ( to save and close)
Credits go to this answer on Apple.StackExchange but this issue kept occurring to me and I found myself having to constantly google for it, so I decided to saving it here for future reference.
Top comments (3)
Propose updating the commands:
To explicitly resolve the file as follows:
for non-osx system(i use fedora) the same works without the UseKeychain
Even pre-catalina the restart is not handled.