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Cover image for Day 1076 : Life in 3D

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Day 1076 : Life in 3D

liner notes:

  • Professional : Not a bad day. Had a couple of meetings. Found out that the updates I made worked on another person's machine so got that merged. Also merged some automated pull requests. Everything got cleaned up in the repo very nicely. Responded to some community questions. Started working on the next ticket.

  • Personal : Last night, I did a bunch of research into business checking / savings accounts. Also put some dimensions to the layouts I created for my workshop by looking up different items. That way I can get a rough idea of how large I'd like my workshop to ideally be. Did some work on 3D print models.

A breathtaking panorama of the snow-capped Salcantay mountain in Peru, towering majestically over a verdant valley. <br>

Got some quotes on some sheds for the workshop. Going to place an order to see if I get 5% on it as advertised with the credit card. Thinking I may do some research and sign up for a business account to see if I can get some cheaper prices on items. I really need to figure out what is happening with this 3d model. I want to get these prototypes complete this week so I can start showing them to folks. This week will be focusing my life in 3D printing! haha May go through some tracks for the radio show.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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