liner notes:
Professional : Good and productive day. Had a rehearsal first thing in the morning. Went really well. Came in right under the time limit. Refactored a React sample application away from Create React App since it's deprecated and to use Vite. Going to update some other sample applications. Had a meeting with my manager to plan out stuff for the week. Also did some spreadsheet work and created some tickets.
Personal : Been putting together shelves for this 3D printer. Took a long while because the battery on my screwdriver kept running out of power. Ended up with just putting the screws in by hand as far as it would go. Went through some tracks for the radio show. Did some research and decided to back a Kickstarter project. Also learned that there is a new 3D printer from a manufacturer that I've purchased from before. So far, it's looking pretty promising.
I ordered some Allen wrenches to use on these casters for the shelves. I have a set somewhere, but can't find it and this set has a lot more and comes with a handle. Going to go through tracks for the radio show. Got a notification that the test pressings for the vinyl project have been shipped and should be coming in a couple of days. Need to set up the turntable I bought. Going to get to bed early so I'm rested up for the workshop tomorrow. I put in a request to take off on Thursday and Friday. Going to get my night started.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /
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