liner notes:
Professional : Today was the day of the online workshop. Had a meeting before the event. When that was over, spent the time going over the slides again and getting everything set up. Then it was time for the main event. Luckily it went really smoothly. Had some good interaction with the viewers. The back and forth with my presentation partner was good and fluid. The people that were chatting all let us know they were about to follow along and get their application up and running. Afterwards, I got a DM from a person that said it helped them out. Thankful it all worked out. For the rest of the day, I worked on some tickets trying to update some example applications and responded to questions in the community channel. Since I'm off for the next 2 days, I stayed a little bit longer trying to help some folks out.
Personal : Last night I finished putting together the shelving cabinets for the large format 3D printer and put on the caster wheels. Also went through tracks for the radio show. Then I went to bed early and watched the new episode of "Daredevil Born Again" and went to sleep since I had the workshop the next day.
I'm exhausted. Doing an hour workshop really takes the energy out of me. Then I had a bunch of stuff to work on after the event. Good thing, I took the next 2 days off. I'll probably just take it a little easier tonight and go through tracks for the radio show and think about how to include the battery in this 3D model. Going to be early so I can get a full day of work into the workshop for the next couple of days. The test pressings are supposed to be coming in tomorrow. I need to set up my turntable so I can listen to one. My main focus the next for days will be setting up the enclosures and the 3D printers. Won't be posting during my time off, but as usual, the radio show will happen on Saturday at and the study sessions on Sunday at I'm out. Going to eat and get some work done.
Have a great night and weekend!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /
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