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Cover image for Day 188: Never Really Get There

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Day 188: Never Really Get There

liner notes:

  • Professional : So today is the first day of the team "retreat" thing. Normally we would be at an off-site location, but since you know...the world...we are doing everything online. Had a couple of meetings and the kick-off for the internal hackathon. I'm working on a project where I get to do some OCR on a video, read some information and make an API Call. Got a super basic proof of concept working. Going to try and fine tune it to work faster tomorrow. There's a bunch of different settings in the library I'm using for OCR.

  • Personal : Didn't get a chance to watch any episodes of "The Umbrella Academy". Hoping to change that tonight. Worked on the side project and I think I may have found a way around the blocker I was having, it works kind of, but throwing a weird error. Going to keep moving forward to get this project deployed. If not I will never really get there when I want.

A bunch of ferns

Got another early day. Going to do some kind of online team building exercises in the morning. Probably go through some tracks cause my brain is kind of fried on coding haha Maybe get in an episode of "The Umbrella Academy".

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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