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Cover image for Day 979 : Run

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Day 979 : Run

liner notes:

  • Professional : Not a bad day. Had a couple of meetings. Responded to some community questions. I even finished a draft of the blog post I've been writing for a new feature and sent it to some folks for a technical review to make sure what I wrote is technically correct.

  • Personal : Last night, I went through tracks for the radio show. Also did some research for a side project. Went through my budgeting app and cleaned up some things. I think that was it. I really don't remember. haha Really need to write this stuff down. It's not like I didn't make a Web app to keep track. haha.

This is a picture of a rural road in the mountains. The sky is cloudy and the sun is setting. The sun is shining brightly through the clouds. There are trees and bushes on both sides of the road. The road is unpaved. The location is Tagamanent, Spain.

Again, the AI used to generate the image caption was pretty scattered and I had to put it together to make sense. Still quicker than me coming up with it myself though. Going to go through more tracks for the radio show. Work on my side project and try to finalize the logo for a project. Looking to watch a couple of "Demon Slayer" episodes. Got to run because it is about to storm!

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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