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Discussion on: Explain REDUCE Like I'm Five

eaich profile image
Eddie • Edited

Explanation 1
You're on Netflix deciding which movie to watch. You narrow it down to 3 options. You go through each movie and read the summary. Ultimately, you select a movie based on your criteria - let's say duration because it's 11 PM and you want to go to sleep at some point.

You just executed a function on each movie (read the summary, read the duration) and then selected a movie based on your criteria.

Explanation 2
You found an old box of toys in your garage and decide to start selling them online. You pull out a toy one a time and decide how much you want to sell it for. You write down the price on a notebook. You do this for every single toy. At the end, you have a sum total of how much you could potentially make if you sell all of your toys.

You just executed a function on each toy (looked at it, determined how much you want to sell it for) and then at the end, you received a value of how much you could potentially make.

devslewis profile image

The first explanation sounds a lot more like filter. You are more passing a function there that is checking if something is true or not. (Like is it interesting) and returning the one that passed.

eaich profile image
Eddie • Edited

Ah that's true and good catch. I was thinking more along the lines of determining how long a movie is based on the current time and how long it would keep you up. Ignore explanation 1!! =)

vonheikemen profile image

But think about this: you could implement filter using reduce.