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Hunter Johnson for Educative

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The 11 best online courses to supercharge your JavaScript skills

JavaScript is a programming language that enables web developers to create dynamically responsive web pages and has long been considered the lingua franca of web development, being used on just about every available browser. The JavaScript programming language is incredibly versatile, and once you understand its quirks, you'll be able to use it to enhance the functionality and interactivity of any web application.

If you plan on a career in web development or web design, then learning JavaScript is a brilliant choice to make as companies are always looking to hire skilled, experienced web developers. Luckily, you don't need to take an entire bootcamp to master modern JavaScript or get started with using JavaScript-based web development frameworks.

Today, we'll introduce you to 11 JavaScript courses to get the hands-on experience needed to supercharge your web development skills. We'll start by looking at some beginner courses before moving on to more advanced courses for those at an intermediate skill level.

Let's dive right in!

We'll go over:

Covered JavaScript topics

Before we get into our courses, let's briefly review some of the key JavaScript topics that you should be familiar with before starting your journey to becoming a web developer. You don't need to know the ins and outs of all of these, but you should at least know what they mean.

  • Fundamentals like data types, loops, and functions are all important concepts to understand as they form the basis of writing code in any programming language, not just JavaScript.
  • Data structures are used to store data in a specific order and can be manipulated using various algorithms. Some of the most common data structures include arrays, stacks, queues, maps, and lists.
  • Algorithms are sets of instructions used to manipulate data structures. Sorting algorithms, for example, can be used to order data within a data structure.
  • Regular expressions are a way to match or find certain patterns in strings. In JavaScript, regular expressions are used to validate data by checking to see if a given string matches a certain pattern.
  • TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds support for static types. Static types are used to annotate variables and functions with their types. This allows for better code organization and debugging. TypeScript is not required to write JavaScript, but it can make your code more robust and less prone to errors.
  • Front-end components are reusable UI elements used to build user interfaces.
  • React is a popular JavaScript library often used to create front-end components and build user interfaces.
  • ES6, ES7, and **ES8 **introduced several important features to the JavaScript programming language, such as classes, arrow functions, and async/await.
  • Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that uses objects and their relationships to model a problem. One such example is the Document Object Model, or DOM. The DOM is an object-oriented solution used to represent HTML and XML documents.
  • Design patterns are solutions to common problems in software development. In JavaScript, design patterns help solve common problems involving data validation, state management, and code organization.

These concepts frequently appear in most JavaScript interviews, and the courses below will help you understand them more deeply by teaching you how to implement them in your own web apps. Let's take a look!

Best JavaScript courses for beginners

Our beginner-level courses are perfect if you're just starting with JavaScript or if you want to brush up on the basics before moving on to more advanced concepts. Most of these courses are easily knocked out in just a few hours, so take some time this weekend to invest in learning a new skill!

1. JavaScript Fundamentals Before Learning React

Est. time to completion: 3 hours

If you're planning on becoming a React developer, it's important to have a strong foundation in JavaScript programming first. This course will teach you all the fundamentals of the JavaScript language and essential React concepts so that you can start scripting React applications with confidence.

So, if you want to prepare to hit the ground running with React, check out JavaScript Fundamentals Before Learning React course.

You'll learn about

  • Variable declarations, operators, and expressions
  • Object destructuring, spread operators, ternary operators
  • Higher-order functions, arrow functions, map, reduce, and filter method
  • JavaScript classes and object creation
  • Class inheritance, composition, binding, and the this keyword
  • Import/export, named and default exports
  • React libraries
  • React class components, component syntax, props, and state
  • How to set up create-react-app

2. Data Structures in JavaScript: Visualizations & Exercises

Est. time to completion: 3 hours

Data structures are one of the most important concepts in computer science and programming. In this course, you'll get a quick introduction to using data structures in JavaScript. This is a perfect course for someone who understands the basics of programming and is ready to start learning about some of the most common and important data structures.

Each section has a step-by-step tutorial for you to follow, and you'll also get plenty of practice working with data structures through a series of interactive coding exercises.

By the end of the course, you'll be able to use these data structures in real-world applications.

If you want to learn more about data structures, check out our Data Structures in JavaScript: Visualizations & Exercise course.

You'll learn about

  • Arrays
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Sets
  • Dictionary
  • Hash tables
  • Linked lists
  • Binary trees and binary search trees
  • Graphs

3. Mastering Data Structures and Sorting Algorithms in JavaScript

Est. time to completion: 3 hours

This course builds on the concepts learned in the previous course by teaching you how and when to implement popular data structures and sorting algorithms in JavaScript.

If you want to learn more about data structures and sorting algorithms, check out the Mastering Data Structures and Sorting Algorithms in JavaScript course.

You'll learn about

  • Big-O notation and time complexity
  • Implementation and time complexity of stacks
  • Implementation and time complexity of queues
  • Implementation and time complexity of singly and doubly linked lists
  • Implementation and time complexity of binary search trees
  • Different operations performed with binary search trees
  • Implementation and time complexity of hash tables
  • Implementation of graphs and graph traversal algorithms (e.g., DFS and BFS)
  • Implementation and time complexity of many sorting algorithms like the bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, selection sort, etc.

4. JavaScript Regular Expressions in Detail

Est. time to completion: 3 hours

This is a great introductory course to regular expressions, or, regex, and how to use them. Regular expressions can match patterns in strings. This ability is powerful when used correctly and can help JavaScript developers accomplish various tasks, like validating email addresses, phone numbers, and credit card numbers.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to use regular expressions like a pro.

Ready to learn more about regular expressions? Check out our JavaScript Regular Expressions in Detail course.

You'll learn about

  • The anatomy of a regular expression
  • RegExp Object
  • Dynamic regular expressions
  • Parsing dates
  • Password pattern matching

5. Learn TypeScript: The Complete Course for Beginners

Est. time to completion: 12 hours

If you're ready to move on from vanilla JavaScript, then this course is for you. TypeScript significantly speeds up the web development process and provides many advantages for client-side developers. In addition, TypeScript also supports static typing, making projects much easier to refactor and maintain.

In this course, you'll learn about many of the most commonly used TypeScript features and how TypeScript can be used to catch issues before executing your code. There will also be plenty of opportunities to quiz yourself on what you know.

If you want to start with TypeScript, check out the Learn TypeScript: The Complete Course for Beginners course.

You'll learn about

  • Basic and advanced variables
  • Types and type checking
  • Functions
  • Manipulating objects and arrays
  • Index signatures
  • Exception and alias
  • Iterators

Note: This course is part of the Learn TypeScript for Front-End Developers learning path! If you're trying to become a front-end web developer, check out this learning path today.

Best JavaScript courses for intermediate learners

These courses are perfect for learners who are already comfortable with the basics of JavaScript and are looking to go in-depth with more advanced concepts and specializations. To get the most out of these courses, you will need to be somewhat comfortable with the JavaScript programming language.

6. Advanced TypeScript Masterclass

Est. time to completion: 6 hours

This course builds on the concepts learned in the beginner TypeScript course by diving into more advanced TypeScript concepts like compiler flags, generic types, and how to compose types with discriminated unions.

By the end of this course, you'll be fluent in TypeScript error messages, generic functions, and functional programming.

Do you feel ready to master TypeScript? Check out our Advanced TypeScript Masterclass course.

You'll learn about

  • Strict types
  • Optionality
  • Non-null assertion operators
  • Generic functions like reduce
  • Generic interfaces from object-oriented and functional programming perspectives
  • Union and intersection types, discriminated unions, state machines
  • Advanced types
  • The infer keyword and hooks

7. Intermediate JavaScript: Building Front-End Components

Est. time to completion: 10 hours

This course builds on introductory HTML, CSS, and JavaScript concepts to teach you how to create complex, popular components found in the real world**. Each section thoroughly examines five of these components by breaking them down in a step-by-step tutorial.

By the end of the course, you'll be able to easily use JavaScript to build complex front-end components commonly used in large-scale web applications.

Want to get started with building front-end components? Here's our Intermediate JavaScript: Building Frontend Components course.

You'll learn how to

  • Build a dropdown menu
  • Set up autocomplete search functionality
  • Build tooltips
  • Build auto-validating forms
  • Build infinite lists

8. Rediscovering JavaScript: ES6, ES7 & ES8

Est. time to completion: 13 hours

This course by the Pragmatic Programmers will teach you all about the latest features of JavaScript, including ES6, ES7, and ES8. You'll exercise your core JavaScript skills to master advanced concepts like promises, symbols, and metaprogramming.

By the end of this course, you should be able to write JavaScript more efficiently and, as a bonus, write less error-prone code!

Do you want to dive deep into ECMAScript 6, 7, and 8? Then check out our Rediscovering JavaScript: ES6, ES7 & ES8 course.

You'll learn about

  • Variables and constants
  • Function arguments
  • Iterators and symbols
  • Loops, arrow functions, and functional style
  • Literals and destructuring
  • Classes and inheritance
  • Creating, exporting, and importing modules
  • Promises, async/await
  • Metaprogramming, member injection, method injection

9. Learn Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript

Est. time to completion: 3 hours

If you're interested in learning object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript, then this is the course for you. Object-oriented programming differs from functional programming and other programming paradigms in that it focuses on representing data as objects and the relationships between them. Learning how to program in an object-oriented paradigm can help you write cleaner, modular, and more scalable code.

This course will start with the basics of object-oriented programming before building up to more advanced concepts like prototypal inheritance. You'll have plenty of interactive quizzes to test your knowledge as you learn.

Ready to learn more about object-oriented programming? Check out Learn Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript today.

You'll learn about

  • Objects, properties, and methods in JavaScript
  • Functions as objects
  • Classes, class implementation, and class methods
  • Inheritance and prototypes

10. Recursion for Coding Interviews in JavaScript

Est. time to completion: 8 hours

This interactive course will teach you the fundamentals of recursion, a powerful programming technique that allows you to solve problems more efficiently by having a function call itself again and again until it meets a specific stopping condition. Recursive code is often shorter and easier to write than iterative code and can help you avoid getting tangled in complex nested loops.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to write more precise solutions to common JavaScript interview problems.

If you want to learn more about recursion, check out our Recursion for Coding Interviews in JavaScript course.

You'll learn and implement

  • Recursion and memory visualization
  • Direct vs indirect recursion
  • When to use recursion
  • Iteration vs recursion
  • Recursion with numbers
  • Recursion with strings
  • Recursion with arrays
  • Recursion with data structures

11. JavaScript Design Patterns for Coding Interviews

Est. time to completion: 9 hours

In this course, you'll learn about popular JavaScript design patterns and the types of design patterns that frequently come up in coding interviews. Furthermore, the use of these design patterns will significantly enhance the quality of your code.

By the end of the course, you'll understand how, when, and why you should use some of the most common design patterns.

If you want to master design patterns for an upcoming interview, check out our course on JavaScript Design Patterns for Coding Interviews.

You'll learn about

  • Creational patterns like the factory, constructor, and singleton patterns
  • Structural patterns like the decorator, facade, and bridge patterns
  • Behavioral patterns like the command, iterator, and chain of responsibility patterns
  • Architectural patterns like the Model-View-Controller (MVC), Model-View-Presenter (MVP), and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) patterns

Wrapping up and next steps

So there you have it, a roundup of our best online JavaScript courses to help you supercharge your web development skills. JavaScript is a great language to learn, and we hope this list has inspired you to push forward and make progress as a web developer. Once you have a solid understanding of JavaScript, you’ll be able to use powerful JavaScript tools like jquery, node.js, angular, and more to build stunning web applications.

In addition to improving your JavaScript coding skills, you might be interested in bolstering your interview skills to help advance your career. To learn about JavaScript interview prep and many more fundamental concepts, check out Educative's Ace the JavaScript Coding Interview learning path.

Happy learning!

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