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Einsen Vásquez
Einsen Vásquez

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My Roadmap 2024 - Software Development

I consider myself a MID-level developer because although I have a lot of knowledge, I don't put it all into practice and I don't feel confident about many things. I am the one who gives good advice, and although I follow many of them, I don't follow the most important ones.

I haven't finished university (I have 3 courses left), but I feel like I don't have the foundations that well defined. I started in the world of software development without strong foundations, and learning as I went, which has always marked me with fear of doing things, and that makes the "imposter syndrome" attack me more than I would like, I am someone very positive, but I'm human too.

I also overthink that what I do, I can always do better, and that often paralyzes me, because although I know it can be done better, I don't know how to do it better yet, I need pragmatism. I have burned myself trying to be better because I did not organize myself in what I wanted, I did not have a defined route or a clear objective.

I have a B2-C1 level in English (I continue studying and learning on Duolingo and OpenEnglish), but when I am in an interview in English I get blocked. I don't like doing live tests because I also get very nervous, but it is something that little by little with practice and confidence I have been improving. "If you are afraid, do it with fear, but do it."

In previous years I bought courses and books, and I have them all piled up, I have finished maybe 5% of everything I have on Udemy, CodigoFacilito, Coursera, PluralSight, Odin Project, DevTalles, StackSkills, Platzi, FreeCodeCamp, TodoCode, Codely, LinkedIn, GoRails. I tried to convince myself that if I paid I would make an effort or force myself to do things, but it hasn't always been like that.

Also with my stack, although I love it, I am aware that it has not been so requested lately, and that is why I try to cover other technologies, I know PHP, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and C#, because in the end It is not so much about the language, but rather the skills on data structures, logic, critical thinking, other soft skills, patience, effort, dedication and discipline.

But because I want to cover many things, I haven't finished specializing in something specific, so I have decided to put all my effort into Ruby on Rails and integrate the other technologies that, although I already have a little mastery, are not enough for the market, step by step. I'm not going to worry and start with the bases.

Since I did some challenges in HackerRank for a position, I started to practice more and more in my stack (Ruby on Rails), this year I started it with a blog (Blog - Einsen) which I did with A Ruby framework that I didn't know about, (Bridgetown), is fascinating like almost everything in the Ruby environment, it is simple and has very nice conventions to develop.

I will continue to feed my blog as a knowledge database, and I will improve the appearance to learn more. I will also finally take courses on everything I have accumulated, but with each course, I want to make an application or something useful not only for its use but also for my learning.

I will use all the tools that I am privileged to have, to be able to achieve my goal and be able to have a job that supports my family's needs, as well as fulfill my commitments, and at the same time grow personally and professionally. So I will do the following:

  1. I will go back to the basics of Ruby, I will go back to the data structures, and the algorithms, and I will do exercises until I feel satisfied with this, either through HackerRank or other challenge sites, or through the books I have.

  2. I will take the courses that I left halfway and I will start carrying out projects that are useful to me and those who can find them useful.

  3. I will also create my portfolio where I will put all the projects I finish to show my skills.

  4. I will use social networks more (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Telegram, WhatsApp) to share what I learn.

  5. I will continue to improve my soft skills so that my communication is also effective and I can better address the topics I want to see and share.

  6. I will improve my English and my confidence to speak it in interviews, as well as live coding.

  7. I will also rest and enjoy my family because I do it for and by them, and for myself.

I will also share my progress so that you can see that it is possible, I will not always be in the best disposition, but as they say: "When motivation fails, let discipline appear."

Then the others pending such as databases, the cloud, cybersecurity, mobile development, testing, project management, architecture, design patterns, and good practices. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Greetings, colleagues.

Top comments (2)

animitchel profile image
Mitchel Ani

Oh wow, you are just like me, we're in this together bro, i wish you good luck and just to add as an advise, dont just say or state out this things, try as much as posible to do them, the last part where you had all of those technology pending to leam i feel its a little too much, you should choose a direction or tech stack in which you want to follow, remember you cannot learn or know everything

edwineinsen profile image
Einsen Vásquez

Thanks for your words, like you say, we are in this together. Count on me in whatever way I can support you. Regards