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Refactoring - A PM journey trying to relearn software engineering

As I said, I will use to log my progress through returning to the development world.

Last week, I made a big refactoring on my service, using clean architecture, based on the repo below:

I know that you are thinking: "he just copied the structure", but for me, this is the way I found it easy to understand some concepts like dependency injection, and of course, clean architecture and separation of concerns.

Another concept I learned is how easy it is to make some changes and improvements because everything is in the right place.

You can check in the link below:

I know that in a work situation, it's not easy to have the same architecture, but, I think I learned a lot.

For my next steps (actually this week) I want to implement unit tests and JWT for security and build a Golang service to get data from GitHub Projects and insert it into a Mongo or PostgreSQL database.

And why will I use a different language to implement this service?

Because Go gets my attention, and I think that it will be cool to use a different paradigm.

Again, if you have some feedback, let me know.

Thanks for reading!

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