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Announcing vue-inter 3.0

vue-inter is an i18n library that is made exclusively for Vue.js, weighs only 1kB in size.

Code always speaks louder than words, let me give an example:

Here's your app entry index.js:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Inter from 'vue-inter'
import Greeting from './Greeting.vue'


const inter = new Inter({
  locale: 'en',
  // Messages for other locales
  messages: {}

new Vue({
  render: h => h(Greeting)
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Typically you would directly write message for default locale in your view layer, so there's no need to define messages for default locale when creating the inter instance.

Here's your view Greeting.vue:

      defaultMessage="Hello {name}!"
      :data="{name: 'egoist'}"
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With this it will be rendered as follows:

<div><span>Hello egoist!</span></div>
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Add a new locale

First you need to define relevant messages when creating the inter instance:

new Inter({
  locale: urlQuery.lang || 'en',
  messages: {
    // e.g. Add `cn` for Chinese
    cn: {
      app: {
        greeting: '你好 {name}'
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Now visit ?lang=cn and you will get:

<div><span>你好 egoist!</span></div>
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Edit Vue Template

Plural support

You can use intl-messageformat for extra plural support:

import IntlMessageFormat from 'intl-messageformat'

const inter = new Inter({
  template(message, data) {
    if (!data) return message
    const tpl = new IntlMessageFormat(message, this.currentLocale)
    return tpl.format(data)
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Now you can use such syntax in locale messages:

  defaultMessage="You have {num, plural, 
    =0 {no apples.}
    =1 {one apple.}
    other {# apples.}
  :data="{num: 10}"
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Note that you may need to polyfill Intl and load locale data for non-English languages.

Use the API directly

You can directly access your Inter instance as this.$inter in your component, e.g.:

// Switch to `cn` locale
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See API for more details.

Differences with vue-i18n

  • vue-inter is simple, minimal and blazing fast, 980B compared to vue-i18n's 5kB in size (gzipped)
  • Plural/Datetime support is optional in vue-inter (that's why it's so small!)


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