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Vue.js for beginners


This tutorial is a starting point for anyone getting started with Vuejs.


You will need a nodding acquaintance with the basics of Vue such as v-on, v-bind, refs etc. Please refer to the official documentation for Vue.js if you feel unfimiliar with a terminology at any point.


Following are the topics we will be taking a look at:

  • Single File Components
  • Props and Events
  • Routing
  • Composables

Source Code

To follow along with the tutorial, you can find the source code here.


For a better developer experience, we will be using vite along with tailwindcss.

How to install?

To get started with vite and tailwind, simply follow the official guide.


  1. Navigate to my-project/src and remove the everything except for main.js, style.css and App.vue files.
  2. Remove everything in App.vue, we will come back to it in a minute.

Single File Components

A single file component (SFC) is a special file format that allows us to encapsulate the template, logic and styling of a Vue component in a single file. These files are named as *.vue, where * is the name of component in UpperCamelCase.


A Vue SFC must have atleast one <sricpt> or <template> tag. However, Vue will give a warning if no <template> tag is provided to an SFC.


Create a new folder in the src directory and name it components. Create a new file in src/components with the name Oven.vue.

oven component

What is happening?
  1. We bind the disabled property of <button> to the isBusy ref. Any time the value of isBusy changes, our button will listen to the change and re-render (if needed).
  2. We also provide a listener v-on:click or @click to the <button> component and assign it a handler function. This handler is executed every time the button is pressed.

Add the oven to App.vue and test it.

App component

Program Run


Views in Vue are exactly the same as Vue components. The components that act as views or pages for routing are referred to as views.

  1. Create a new folder in the src directory and name it views.
  2. Add a new file in src/views with the name Kitchen1.vue.

Kitchen1 view component

Our kitchen only contains a single oven for now.

Let's also update the App.vue file:

Add Kitchen1 to App

Program Run


Props are attributes that are passed to a Vue SFC via the parent component. They can be declared using the defineProps macro when using <script setup>. This function returns an object containing all the passed props.

Receiving props

Let's change the oven component to bake whatever we want instead of just a cake.

Add props to Oven component

We will also need to change the bakeACake function and prompt logic.

Add logic to Oven component

Passing props

I say we bake a banana bread this time.

Go to views/Kitchen1.vue and pass food and duration props to the oven.

Passing props to component

Notice that we pass banana bread as a static string but bind the duration property to 3000 even though it is static. This is because we need to tell Vue that this a Javascript expression (a number in our case) instead of a string.

Let's see how it works:

Program Run


What if our kitchen had multiple ovens to bake different food items and we wanted to keep track of all the items currently being baked?

  1. Create multiple ovens.
  2. Add to 'currentlyBaking' when an oven is started.
  3. Listen to the event when a food item is baked and remove it from the currentlyBaking list.
Create multiple ovens

Navigate to views/Kitchen1.vue and initialize a constant list ovens

Create ovens list

Now replace the <Oven /> tag with a v-for directive that will render the ovens list.

Using v-for to render ovens

Program Run

Emitting events

We need our oven to tell the kitchen when it starts baking an item as well as when it finishes. To accomplish this task, we will simply emit events from the oven component.
Navigate to components/Oven.vue and define start and baked events using the defineEmits macro.

defining emits for oven

Let's also emit these events using the emit function.

emitting events for oven

Listening to events

Now that our ovens are able to communicate their status with the parent component, the only thing that is left to do is to listen to their events.

Navigate to views/Kitchen1.vue and add the following logic:

logic for Kitchen1

The currentItems list is what we want to render to the screen. This can be easily achieved using the v-for directive, just like we did for the ovens list.

Rendering current items

We assign addToCurrentItems and removeFromCrrenltItems handler to the start and baked events respectively.

Now if we run the app, our kitchen will have all the info it needs.

Program Run


A single kitchen won't be able to cope with a high number of orders. So let's add two more.

Navigate to src/views and two files Kitchen2.vue and Kitchen3.vue. Kitchen2 is just like Kicthen1 while Kitchen3 is under maintenance and is inaccessible.

But how do we navigate between all these rooms? I hear you ask. Well, the answer is simple:

  1. Define all routes
  2. Create a router
  3. Add a navbar
  4. Assign it to the app component

Define route options

Create a new folder router inside src and create an index.js in src/router.

Here, we define an array routes containing the navigation options for each route (or kitchen).

Define navigation routes

Creating a router instance

Creating a router instance is simple:

Create a router

What is happening?

We define a vue router instance using the createRouter macro which takes in a history mode as well as an array of route options. A route option simply needs a path, an optional name (this is useful for named routes. See named routes for more detail), and a component to render, where the component is a view.

Adding a Navbar

We also need a NavBar to easily navigate between the kitchens.
Create a new file NavBar.vue in the components directory and use the <router-link> tag to create navigation links.

Create a navbar using router-link

<router-link> acts like a <a> tag however, it has several benefits.

This allows Vue Router to change the URL without reloading the page, handle URL generation as well as its encoding.

Using the router

Navigate to src/main.js and alter your code to match the following:

Assign router to app

But how does the 'App' component know where to render these components (views)? Well, we tell it of course.
Head over to src/App.vue and add a <router-view> tag inside the template.

User router-view in App component

Our restaurant is looking clean and we can easily navigate between the kitchens.

Program Run

What about kitchen3?

You forgot didn't you? Kitchen3 is barred! and you can not enter it.
In order to block all entrances, we need to intercept calls made to the router. This can be easily done by using a navigation guards known as router.beforeEach.

Head over to router/index.js, and add the following code:

Block entrance for Kitchen3

What is happening?

The router.beforeEach is called every time we make a navigation call to the router. Here, we have access to to and from routes and we may explicitly return false to cancel the navigation.

Program Run


You may have noticed that we duplicated all our code logic from Kitchen1.vue to Kitchen2.vue, which of course, is not ideal. And that is where we use composables.

a "composable" is a function that leverages Vue's Composition API to encapsulate and reuse stateful logic.

Key points
  • They become more and more vital as the code base scales.
  • In addition to reusability, composables also provide readablity.
  • I usually give each composable file the same name, in lowerCamelCase, as the function it exports.

Extracting reusable code

Create a new folder in the src directory with the name of composables and add new file getCurrentKitchenItems. Define a function with the same name that encapsulates the logic for items that are currently being baked.

Extract reusable stateful logic to composable

Now in both of our functioning kitchens, we can do:

Using the composable

Much cleaner! And our kitchens work smoothly as well.

Behind the scenes, I also added a CoffeeMaker component (which works just like an Oven).
You can imagine how our code would bloom up, had we not used composables.

Program Run

Wrap up

And with this, our little session comes to an end. You can keep adding more and components and custom logic to this project. The benefit of following Vue's conventions is that your code base is highly scalable.

Just remember to take it one step at a time, and keep finding motivation.


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